Hard bonnet hair dryers


Well-Known Member
Those of you with these hair dryers, whether Pibbs or the lower-cost models... could you measure the diameter of the bonnet please? I am trying to decide about buying a new model, but I need a really big hood. We have a generic inexpensive plastic model now that supposedly has an "extra-large" hood - that hood has a 14" diameter (external), which barely fits my hair alone for deep conditioning, let alone with the jumbo-size rollers I would need. So before I "upgrade" I need to know whether there are dryers out there with larger size hoods. I searched, but am either using the wrong terminology or this information is hard to find - Google only gave me two sites with actual diameter information. Thanks. :)
I have an old hot tools I inherited from my cousin. It's only 15". I squeeze under there but the largest rollers I use are the grey ones. I know it wouldn't fit bigger rollers. So I'm curious to the replies you get because i think I'll have to upgrade next year.
I believe someone said the pibbs hood was 13" width and 7-8" in depth.

I need a larger size hood also.I am sitting under the pibbs with grey(2 inch)rollers and 3(3 inch)rollers.I know I wouldn't be able to fit with a mix of 2.5 inch/3 inch.

I also did a search for larger hood dryers but I didn't have much luck.
It's hard to believe that there isn't anything larger out there. I guess one of us here is going to have to invent one; there's definitely a market, even if it is just a niche one.
I'm too lazy to go find my tape measure to actually measure my Pibbs but I can fit under it with all black rollers I think they are 2.5" but I plan to try out the 3" green rollers.