Hair Type - Wet or Dry?

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering if most of us hair type our hair based on if the hair is wet or if the hair is dry.

The reason why I wonder is because, when my hair is wet, it is curly with 3b/c curls, but when my hair completly dries, whether it has moisterizer in it or just naked with no products, my curls are much looser and more wavy than curly. :look:

I can't explain it, but this is what I have been noticing.

So, to all the hair type experts...what do you think?

Thanks in advance.
Well naked hair typing does me NO good, because my hair dried and naked is just a puff ball. But wet, the curls and waves are defined nicely. So if I were to type based on curl formation, I'd have to do it wet. But hair typing is confusing anyway. So I don't know.:nono:
Isn't there some info about this somewhere? I thought I had run across something that typed hair when it was wet. Like 3's will be straight when the hair is wet and etc. That was part of the way I kinda figured out what my type is.
IMO, you should figure hair type on dry hair. However, I understand what you are saying, N&W, because I am confused about my hair type as well. I always say 3b, but the wavy/curly thing has me confused sometimes.
I've been going by what my hair looks like when it's dry. My hair gets tighter when it's dry and y'all would be looking at me real crazy if I came to an LHCF get together claiming 3b/c when it's looking like a 4a fro, lol.
Isn't there some info about this somewhere? I thought I had run across something that typed hair when it was wet. Like 3's will be straight when the hair is wet and etc. That was part of the way I kinda figured out what my type is.

I was reading about this earlier today actually. At the beginning of this site before entering the forum, there is a tab at the top says Hair type. Click that and it explains it. I tried to copy it but I couldn't.
Hair typing is only curl size, so technically it shouldnt matter. When you bring in textures and what not, thats when it gets confusing, as lots of people figure 3c should have a silky texture, but you can be any texture with the hairtypes.

ETA: To answer the question, I think dry typing is better.
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IMO, you should figure hair type on dry hair. However, I understand what you are saying, N&W, because I am confused about my hair type as well. I always say 3b, but the wavy/curly thing has me confused sometimes.

It is really hard for me to understand. My hair is...what can I say, ummmm....straighter :ohwell: when its dry.

When my hair is wet or even damp, it has some of the best curls....luv them so much. When my hair dries, I can't put it in a curly fro at just flops (I'm just trying to give you an idea of what I mean) and that's with no products at all.
Hair typing is only curl size, so technically it shouldnt matter. When you bring in textures and what not, thats when it gets confusing, as lots of people figure 3c should have a silky texture, but you can be any texture with the hairtypes.

ETA: To answer the question, I think dry typing is better.

Ahhhhhhhhh...ok, I think I get it somewhat.

Now, when my hair is dry, it has less of a curl but more of a its straighter or something...I dunno...weird!

Thanks though!
I say dry hair typing, but I feel your pain. I love my hair when it wet, and when it dries it's still great, but I wish I could keep my wet hair too. :ohwell:
I was reading about this earlier today actually. At the beginning of this site before entering the forum, there is a tab at the top says Hair type. Click that and it explains it. I tried to copy it but I couldn't.

Ok, checked it out and I think i kinda understand a little:

I think I am a 2c/3a/b when dry. I truly what you would call mixed.

Thanks so much.
I know earlier I said it shouldnt matter, but I guess it does if your hair changes when its dry. I figure whatever my hair does on its own, dry, without product, is my hair type.

With product and proper shingling, I have cute little 3c ringlets. :lol: Without product or combing I have an :afro: with a definite curl pattern, so I claim 4a. Again, I think we confuse ourselves looking at texture vs curl size. Heck, I might be 3c. I dunno. See N&W, I was all straight in my mind and now you made me think about it and I'm confused again. :gunner7:
I know earlier I said it shouldnt matter, but I guess it does if your hair changes when its dry. I figure whatever my hair does on its own, dry, without product, is my hair type.

With product and proper shingling, I have cute little 3c ringlets. :lol: Without product or combing I have an :afro: with a definite curl pattern, so I claim 4a. Again, I think we confuse ourselves looking at texture vs curl size. Heck, I might be 3c. I dunno. See N&W, I was all straight in my mind and now you made me think about it and I'm confused again. :gunner7:
Where were you when I made a thread about this b/c my own hair left me confused after I accidently shingled curls in my hair.:grin:
I think that the only way to get a true assessment is to wash your hair and let it air dry in its natural state. Wash it, towel blot...and let it dry completely.

If you do anything like even putting it into a ponytail or tying it back, that distorts the true texture.

No conditioners, no serums, no mouse, no gel, no oil sheen, no nada but your clean hair just the way it grows out of your scalp.

If I tried to decide my hair type while it was wet, I'd be somewhere between a 2b and a 3b. But my natural hair is more of a 3b/3c/4a combo deal.

If your hair air dries straight, or like wet and wavy weave hair or if your hair air dries into a big ol' tumbleweed or if your hair air dries so coarse that you will have to re-wet it to be able to do anything to it... I'd rather know the actual truth so I can give my hair what it needs for the texture I have vs lie to myself and try to do things for a texture I *wish* I had.
i dont think it matters because 3c hair wet should look the same as someone else with 3c wet hair and 3c dry hair will look close to someone else who has 3c dry hair.

my hair wet is very straight. it looks like 2a/b hair silky straight with a long s waves, and im sure most 3c/b hair would look like mine when theirs is wet to.

the one thing i think that shouldnt be done is hair typing with relaxed ends, because of the weight of the relaxed, your hair could end up looking alot diff once you chop those ends off ( "you" used in general context)
I assume we go by dry (with no product in it) because water is a "product" and alters our curl pattern...stretching it out or flattening it etc....
With product and proper shingling, I have cute little 3c ringlets. :lol: Without product or combing I have an :afro: with a definite curl pattern, so I claim 4a. Again, I think we confuse ourselves looking at texture vs curl size. Heck, I might be 3c. I dunno. See N&W, I was all straight in my mind and now you made me think about it and I'm confused again. :gunner7:

My hair is like this too. I have characteristics of type 3 and type 4 hair. My hair looks like a billion little spiral curls all over the place. I'm a 4a (I have some 3c bits mixed in all over the place) but my hair is not coarse to the touch at all. I don't even have naps around my edges. It's not shiny. The only time it's shiny is if I have it pulled back. Never when it's out. And my curls are bigger than coffee stirrer size. Some of them are pencil size and others are slightly smaller but they're definitly bigger than coffee stirrer size. I definitely have a fro though so that's why I figure I'm a type 4. My hair grows out. It doesn't hang down. Airdried hair with no product looks the same just fuzzier. I still have a million little spirals. Some shrink more than others. And to top all that off my hair has the nerve to be FINE. :wallbash:

Also, I have virtually NO tangles. I could wet my hair and slap a wig on top of it and let it air dry like that all day with no problem. That's what I usually do when I know I have a hair appt in the evening. I want them to braid clean hair so I have to wash it in the morning so it'll be dry by then. But I can't wear it out all day because I'll put product in it and it'll be dirty when I go. Even when it dries mushed under the wig all day it's still not tangly. You would think it would be a matted tangled mess by then, but nope. I had more tangles when I was relaxed. I never comb through it. Even after having it weaved or braided up for 2 months. I just wet it in the shower and wash it like I normally would and it's fine. I washed and goed 3 days this week and never combed through my hair. I just rewet it each morning after sleeping on it all night and let it airdry all day.
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I say dry. Most def.:yep:

Wet my hair looks about 3c and I could actually fool myself into thinking I am a 3c.:lachen: BUT I am not lol.

The coils/curls are looser, more moist, softer, and hang lower from the weight of the water. So I say it is best to type while dry. If it is frizzy/curlier/nappier/etc when it dry then that's just your NATURAL hair type. Big deal.

I see a lot of people type while wet. Maybe that's why people consider themselves hair types that IMO are totally off.
i dont think it matters because 3c hair wet should look the same as someone else with 3c wet hair and 3c dry hair will look close to someone else who has 3c dry hair.

my hair wet is very straight. it looks like 2a/b hair silky straight with a long s waves, and im sure most 3c/b hair would look like mine when theirs is wet to.

the one thing i think that shouldnt be done is hair typing with relaxed ends, because of the weight of the relaxed, your hair could end up looking alot diff once you chop those ends off ( "you" used in general context)

My daugter's 3 hair is the same way. When her hair is wet, there are NO curls whatsoever. Her curls form once the hair dries into place. But my hair on the other hand? The curls stand strong and firm in the midst of water. :lachen:Yeah, it lengthens out some, but you can still see my curl pattern under totally drenched hair-- unless I'm freshly relaxed. Water does not phase my curls babay :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I'm not Andre, but I was always under the impression that type 3 hair straightens when wet and then curls as it dries. 'Least that's what his description says. :look:
I'm not Andre, but I was always under the impression that type 3 hair straightens when wet and then curls as it dries. 'Least that's what his description says. :look:

I think that's true. I know that when my hair is soaking is much much longer and appears like it's loose waves/soft curls when it's wet. Then it dries much curlier.

I wish my hair acted right has multiple personalities.