Hair stuck to scalp


Ladies - I need help. I permed my hair yesterday with Silk Elements Coarse Hair perm (lye perm) after a 16 week stretch. I put coconut oil in the perm and started relaxing.

I DC'd, air dryed, curled with curling iron and then wrapped hair for bed. This morning, I am trying to take the wrap down and guess what, my hair is stuck to my scalp. I can't even comb it down:blush:.

Should I rewash it or what. I need help. I had to wear a wig to church this morning on fresh relaxed hair:wallbash:.

Please help me.
My opinion...

This happened to me when I had a perm that burned my scalp. I would leave it alone for a few days if you think it might be a burn. If you have some 100% aloe vera gel then put that on and try to style or wear your wig for a few days.
Ladies - I need help. I permed my hair yesterday with Silk Elements Coarse Hair perm (lye perm) after a 16 week stretch. I put coconut oil in the perm and started relaxing.

I DC'd, air dryed, curled with curling iron and then wrapped hair for bed. This morning, I am trying to take the wrap down and guess what, my hair is stuck to my scalp. I can't even comb it down:blush:.

Should I rewash it or what. I need help. I had to wear a wig to church this morning on fresh relaxed hair:wallbash:.

Please help me.

I would definitely reshampoo really good again with my Neutralizing Shampoo, a couple of times, let it sit on there for a while and then DC again and use some Porosity Control (if you have it). HTH
Yeah, you definitely probably burned your scalp. When your hair gets stuck to your scalp, it's because you have a burn that's oozing liquid, and as the liquid dries, the hair gets stuck in it. Trying to get that hair unstuck right now would prove will lose hair! Did you neutralize well? If not, I'd want you to do that before doing anything else. If you did, I'd leave it alone and apply Neosporin to the burns. You should wait until they heal to do any manipulating. HTH!
Ladies - I need help. I permed my hair yesterday with Silk Elements Coarse Hair perm (lye perm) after a 16 week stretch. I put coconut oil in the perm and started relaxing.

I DC'd, air dryed, curled with curling iron and then wrapped hair for bed. This morning, I am trying to take the wrap down and guess what, my hair is stuck to my scalp. I can't even comb it down:blush:.

Should I rewash it or what. I need help. I had to wear a wig to church this morning on fresh relaxed hair:wallbash:.

Please help me.

You already heard..go wash your hair! Stuck to your may have burned youself badly. Vitamin E oil, Emu oil and Neosporin are going to be your best friends for a while-slather it on!
I would definitely reshampoo really good again with my Neutralizing Shampoo, a couple of times, let it sit on there for a while and then DC again and use some Porosity Control (if you have it). HTH
Just what I was gonna suggest :yep: Neutralize again and let the shampoo sit on your head for 5 minutes. Rinse and lather again, this time gently massaging your scalp.

Also massage vitamin e or aloe vera gel into your scalp daily for extra healing (and GROWTH!) power
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Yeah, I think u burned your scalp and its a scab/ puss that's making your hair stick to tour scalp... u can wash it again if u want but the same thong will prob happen again. I wud just put aloe gel or aquaphor on it and be careful with styling ur hair.
Ladies - I need help. I permed my hair yesterday with Silk Elements Coarse Hair perm (lye perm) after a 16 week stretch. I put coconut oil in the perm and started relaxing.

I DC'd, air dryed, curled with curling iron and then wrapped hair for bed. This morning, I am trying to take the wrap down and guess what, my hair is stuck to my scalp. I can't even comb it down:blush:.

Should I rewash it or what. I need help. I had to wear a wig to church this morning on fresh relaxed hair:wallbash:.

Please help me.

Honestly, she did not specify whether it was just stuck in spots. It sounded like the whole head (if she couldn't comb it down) and if her scalp was burnt wouldn't she really be feeling sores? You can usually feel when you've been burnt. Those spots would be extemely 'tender'.

IMO, I wouldn't take any chances with 'improper' neutralization. I would cover all of my bases. Neutralize, condition and add some type of ointment (if I thought it was burnt).
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Sounds like a chemical burn to me too. Have you used Silk Elements before? Do you usually use the coarse/super strength?
this happens to me whenever i burn my scalp. the hairs that are stuck to your "scalp" are actually stuck to the scabs. DO NOT pick at the scabs,or try to remove the hair from the scabs. wait about a week, then wash your hair...scabs will eventually fall it does on your skin.
Sound like scalp burn, same thing happened to me at long time ago and I didnt know any better and kept trying to comb it to loosen it up..:perplexed

Needless to say, I combed my bang right off my head!

If relaxer residue is still in your head, I would suggest re-neutralizing and letting it sit for a while!!!
Neutralize, deep condition and also oil the scalp & gently massage. You don't want the scabs to dry out because when they flake away they will pull hair with it. You want them to slip off. Sounds sick I know but use "your" favorite oil even if it's a dab of Vaseline to keep those puppies from flaking dry. You'll be alright as long as you pamper, pamper the scalp. Bun it this week, so you can give the scalp some rest. Low to no manipulation and you'll make it.

All self relaxers MUST keep a seperate bottle of neutralizer in the house, it's an absolute MUST. Personally I like Optimum - haven't relaxed in over a yr but I still have the 16oz sitting on the shelf. :)
Ouch. I remember those bad old days. I am sorry this happened to you. I have no advice - But I wanted to say I am sorry.
Ouch. I remember those bad old days. I am sorry this happened to you. I have no advice - But I wanted to say I am sorry.

Agreed. Over 6 years later and my hair is still recovering from the TRAUMA. Good luck. From what I can remember, base your scalp with lots of petroleum or whatever is used these days.
Was your hair stinging/burning when you applied the relaxer? Whenever my hair would sting, I'd put some SeaBreeze on my scalp before styling (after the whole process). It would keep me from having scabs or having a tender head after the relaxer.
It happened to me a few days ago. I relaxed my hair and burned for the first time in years. I usually grease my scalp 24 hours before relaxing but I didn't do that this time and I burned.

Anyhoo, I put Neosporin (I actually prefer "Campo-Phenique") on my scalp twice a day. I also washed my hair everyday with neutralizing shampoo for 3 days. The scabs are completely healed after day 4.
i think we are all in agreement that you burned your scalp do to relaxing, the ladies here have given you excellent advice, I just wanted to add that the next time you self-relax it's important to base your hair really well. This will prevent accidents like this from happening in the future. No worries though, just don't manipulate the hair for awhile and keep it nice and moisturized and you'll be alright.