hair shed


Well-Known Member
hello all, i have a question, i know that hair shedding is normal, but how can i determine what is normal and what is not?
i was gently combing out ny hiar so i could put it in a bun and i had some hair come out, do you guys see this also?
what is a normal amount of hair shed? i get nervous about these things, what do you hys think?
Asummertyme, the only way to tell is to actually collect the hairs and count (unless of course your hair is thinning so you know for sure the shedding is abnormal). Sounds silly but that's the only way I've seen suggested on every site I've visited that discusses normal and abnormal shedding. If you find you shed more than a hundred strands with bulbs in one day, then you may have reason for concern. Even 150 is considered normal by some trichologists. Also take into consideration that the less you manipulate your hair, the more hair you'll seem to shed when you do finally comb your hair because the hair you shed during the times you didn't manipulate your hair just got caught in your do. HTH.
well i guess that bmakes sense.....i am always afraid of these things.....i did count some out , seemed pretty normal i guess

but thanx so much for putting my mind at ease nonie
