Hair Schedules


New Member
As I was re-reading my post on air drying bun, it hit me that I had not clarified in a long while. Perhaps this could be the culprit of my scraggly ends. Anyways, how do you ladies manage to keep all of the hair "to do's" straight (i.e. clarify, protein treatment, trim, deep condition) I don't have a set schedule and tend to do things on a whim. Just curious, do you ladies have a formal schedule like a calendar that you mark to keep up with all of this. Or are you like me, a "whimmer?" TIA!

Knowledge is Power
yes. i have it written up and posted on my wall. everything from wash days to what combinations of shampoos and conditioners i'm using. it helps to keep track and moniter that i'm keeping a balance of moisturizing and protein treatments.
p.s i clarify every 8 weeks
I keep a journal on my website
Mainly wash days or when I try new products. Once a week I clairfy...I wash every 3 days. Then I do a protein treatment once a month. Other than those its just a usually wash and cond.
One thing that I make sure is that I do the works once a week on Sundays (clarify with an acv rinse...shampoo...and GPB). I don't have a write up or anything like that...because I've been keeping up with my routine. During the week...I choose from 3 conditioners for my washes. Whatever I feel like smelling like on that particular day is what I use. I always make sure to follow up with a distilled water rinse..leave-in...and my coconut oil.
I have a schedule, too. Sunday I do "the works"--pre-treat, moisturizing shampoo, mild/moderate protein, moisturizing conditioner (I have Summit Mend in my hair right now!
). On Wednesday I clarify and use a moisturizing conditioner.

I used to clarify once or twice a month. I started doing it more often because the Surge horror stories scared me.
I do the works once a week.I clarify the 1st wash after my relaxer.I do a heavy protein the 1st wash after my relaxer.And a light protein once a month.I do my conditioner washes on a whim.
I wash every three days, with deep conditioning. I do put on my calendar the relaxer days and protein conditioning treatment days. I clarify when I need it.
I've been meaning to make a "hair schedule". I gotta get on it!

My usual routine is the works (wash, deep condition, ACV rinse & air dry) every Sunday, but with the weather getting warmer I'm going to start doing a conditioning wash every Wednesday.
i do the works every 10 days. (pre-poo treatment, wash, deep condition or protein treatment & rollerset). i dont clarify..
i used to keep a journal, but now I just go by feel. If my hair feels dirty and it's something a conditioner wash can not take care of then I'll shampoo. If it just feels disgustingly dirty then I'll clarify. If my roots feel dry then i'll conditioner wash (i got a DRY scalp) if my ends feel dry (they rarely do) then I know it's time for a deep conditioner. I don't remember who said it but someone told me that you shouldn't stick EXACTLY to any routine. Sometimes you gotta make adjustments.
I definitely have a schedule. I always shampoo Friday nights (if not Friday, definitely Saturday), and the rest of the days are toss-ups, if I decide to shampoo any other time that week. Hair styles for the week must be done Friday or Saturday.
friday night's my night to shampoo. i'm married, i dont have anything better to do
no just kidding. i work weekends now so i like going to work freshly shampooed. The rest of the week i just do the bun thing since i'm mostly home. On saturday and sunday i get down and fashionable with a ....ponytail --- had y'all going for a second. I KNOW y'all didnt think i was gonna say something classy and chic
-- jainygirl
The only thing I schedule is the actual weekly wash and condition, other than that, I go with how my hair feels.
Jainygirl your so crazy

Thanks ladies for the replies
I need to get on some type of schedule so next year this time i'll be giving out the advice and instead of asking for it

Knowledge is Power
I don't keep a schedule at all. I simply go by how my hair feels and is doing. If I notice some breakage, I will do a protein treatment. Everything else like deep conditioning treatments have become second nature to me. I do try to remember when I last relax my hair and did a protein treatment so that I space them out well enough.
I clarify a week after and the week before my touch up.

I now receive steam conditioning treatments: one two weeks following my relaxer, and one two weeks before my relaxer.

Between salon visits, I shampoo and deep condition weekly.

That's my regimen.

jrw said:
I do try to remember when I last relax my hair and did a protein treatment so that I space them out well enough.

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You TRY to remember??!!
I can't even imagine not writing down when I get my touchups, cuz I always forget!!
I write EVERYTHING down in my hair journal notebook. That way I know exactly when I did what (relaxer and color) and used what products.