Hair Questions


New Member
Hi everyone I am joining my first challenge a 12 week stretch and I need some help. I have had problems with stretching in the past but I want to follow through with this one.
So those of your with any knowledge would be greatly appreciated okay here are my questions.

1. Would washing my hair daily help with the stretching?
2. If so what is a good cheap shampoo/conditioner to use or should I use a combo shampoo/conditioner?
3. Since I am washing daily what product should I put on my hair? EVOO/Castor Oil/ BT???

If washing everyday would be a good idea I plan on washing everyday and then just applying oil or whatever product suggested and then putting my scarf on at night and during the day wearing a wig??? So I don't have to use heat or anything on my hair??

4. What is a good place to order a nice wig from?

Okay so I made it through the 12 weeks with daily washing once the challenge is over and I am no longer doing the daily washing is my hair going to be mad at me and start coming out?? I normally wash my hair now 2 times maybe 3 times a week.

Thanks for all the advice and tips!!!
If you definitely want to wash daily, I would say skip the shampoo and just conditioner wash your hair. Shampoos are known to be harsh and stripping on hair, especially the cheaper ones. Co- washes do help with stretching because they put moisture back in your hair, which makes new growth more managebale. So, I would just say co-wash with a cheapie conditioner (Suave, VO5, White Rain) , moisterize with a water based moisterizer and/or leave in (make sure it does not contain mineral oil or pertroloeum or "liquid vaseline". These are bad and do not moisterize!!). You can then follow up with a light oil to seal in moisture. I personally like coconut oil. (Check the label to make sure it only says cocount oil. I saw one today that was liquid vaseline with coconut fragrance..WTF?!?!) You can also use Jojoba oil, Wonder 8 Oil, Hot 6 Oil, etc. These all, including the coconut oil, should easily be found at your local Beauty Supply Store. Hope that helps!! :)
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If you definitely want to wash daily, I would say skip the shampoo and just conditioner wash your hair. Shampoos are known to be harsh and stripping on hair, especially the cheaper ones. Co- washes do help with stretching because they put moisture back in your hair, which makes new growth more managebale. So, I would just say co-wash with a cheapie conditioner (Suave, VO5, White Rain) , moisterize with a water based moisterizer and/or leave in (make sure it does not contain mineral oil or pertroloeum or "liquid vaseline". These are bad and do not moisterize!!). You can then follow up with a light oil to seal in moisture. I personally like coconut oil. (Check the label to make sure it only says cocount oil. I saw one today that was liquid vaseline with coconut fragrance..WTF?!?!) You can also use Jojoba oil, Wonder 8 Oil, Hot 6 Oil, etc. These all, including the coconut oil, should easily be found at your local Beauty Supply Store. Hope that helps!! :)

thank you so much!!