Hair Problem & I Need Your Help


surfer girl
I finally got a relaxer touchup a week ago last Saturday. The stylist, who I'd only been to once before, offered me a no-lye relaxer and I asked if she still had the Dudley's lye relaxer. She said she put Dudley's lye relaxer in my hair, and I have no reason not to believe her. However, my newly-relaxed growth is seriously frizzed out.
I don't have my natural curl pattern nor do I have the waves my freshly-relaxed new growth usually has.

What I want to know is: could the frizzy, mind-of-its-own part be the result of a no-lye?

Thank you for listening (reading) and thank you in advance for your help.
If she used a no lye she would have mixed it...did she apply right from the tub, nena? How long did she leave it in...?

OR are you just reacting to the difference in the way your hair is airdrying after not seeing it relaxed for 7 months?
Also - what products are you using...? And what's the weather like there...that could be it too.
Re: Hair Problem & I Need Your Help (long)

Trace, I was hoping you'd answer.

She didn't mix it but took it out of the tub, so I didn't worry. I don't remember how long she left it in...maybe 20 minutes, tops? Usually, my hair relaxes quickly but even at the end, it looked like it hadn't really taken in some parts.

I didn't airdry today. I was trying to do a rollerset with sopping wet hair, as I usually do, and the relaxed newgrowth was so frizzy and weird, it wouldn't lay down on the roller. Even my natural hair lays down on the roller. There is a stark difference between my old relaxed hair and the new relaxed hair.

I'm using the same products I used during my 7 month relaxer hiatus: Either L'Anza Protein Plus shampoo or Elasta QP shampoo for relaxed hair or Ion shampoo for chemically treated hair. (these are all products I've had for some time now.) I washed with Elucence Moisture Acidifying Shampoo b/c I like to use it as my first wash after a touchup (make sure all the chemicals are out, you know?) I deep conditioned with Tresemme Provitamin B5 and Aloe Remoisturizing conditioner overnight, the night before. In the morning, I didn't rinse it out; instead, I applied Elucence EMRT conditioner (protein) and sat under the dryer for 20 minutes, rinsed out for a full minute, and then applied a mixture of the Tresemme conditioner with EVOO and honey to make sure my hair was *super* moisturized and sat under the dryer for 30 minutes and then without heat for another 30. I rinsed that out -are you getting exhausted yet? lol- and applied my clear Cellophanes, as I like to do with a fresh perm. Everything felt fine, virtually no tangles afterwards...until I tried to rollerset.

What went wrong?
Could the relaxer chemical have expired? You know, like old relaxer or something?

The weather here is beautiful Spring, breezy, a little humid (but I've definitely had relaxed hair in humid weather, and it never looked like this.


<font color="red"> ETA: </font> Input from everyone welcome. [sigh
Re: Hair Problem & I Need Your Help (long)

I have no answers for you. I just hope you find the solution, and soon.
Re: Hair Problem & I Need Your Help (long)

Hi, Nyambura

Sorry to hear about you relaxer mishap.

What strength relaxer did your stylist use? Your hair could be underprocessed.

Could it be the protein treatment that caused your hair to frizz even more? I have that problem of my 4a/b hair type reverting when I do a protein treatment too soon.
Re: Hair Problem & I Need Your Help (long)

Hi Aikaa,

Sorry I didn't see this post until now. Work has gotten a bit intense so I can only make it to the Board once or twice a week.

My stylist used Dudley's mild or regular lye relaxer. The thing that's thrown me off is that in the past my underprocessed hair looked like a texturizer, turning my hair into waves and really loose curls. The frizz deal is new to me.

I just returned from Sally's and picked up a new (to me) leave-in from the L'Oreal Nature's Therapy line, called Perfect Curls Defining Creme. I'm hoping it works as well as my beloved Taming Creme from the Unfrizz line. We'll see what it does later on today. I'll try to remember to give a report. If I don't, any one of you LHCF members are free to PM a reminder.

Thanks, Trace and UmSum, for the moral support too.
Much appreciated.