Hair Pictures!


I'm currently growing out layers. Having a hard time keeping my ends moist. I have 4a relaxed hair the last relaxer was in July I did my own, used Motions. I cant say that I have a regimine in place yet. Since I've been reading the board I've tried the conditioner washes... I'm still undecided about them, I feel like they make my hair so stretchy?? Oh, I do take a prenatal vitamin.
It says your album is empty?

But "stretchy" is good, it's called elasticity. And it's a sign of healthy hair. Can't wait to see your pics. Let me know when they're up.
sorry. Thanks for letting me know, This is my first time doing pictures and I dont know what I'm doing, but I moved the photos so hopefully they will come up now, I'll keep at it, til it works.
They still aren't there. You may have your settings on "private" but in order for others to view your pics, the settings need to be on "public"
Thanks everyone for all the nice compliments, it's very motivating!

I had my last cut in Jan. thats when I got the layers cut in. I always have in between this length and shoulders, I just started keeping track of growth since I joined this forum, so I dont know how long it took to grow. My goal is waist length so I'm looking forward to getting there.
<font color="brown">Great photos, Teenie! Your regimen is definitely working for you because your hair looks very healthy. Keep up the good work!

AngieK </font>
Oh my god, you are my hair twin from the back. For a minute I felt like I was looking at me from behind. Girl, ain't growing out those layers a real pain?! Do you also dye your hair black?
You have lovely, healthy hair, keep inspiring us

[/ QUOTE ]

DITTO- please post ur regimen!