Hair Grease


New Member
i know, i know, u guys all hate hair grease but i am sorry, without hair grease i wouldnt have any hair. If you buy a good hair grease that has ingredients that aid your hair and scalp health is the grease really that bad? I mean for all of u that use grease has it helped you or hurt you? And if u only grease your scalp only a few times a week maybe 2 or 3 does the pertroleum still clog u're follicles?
i dont buy into all that totally because i greased my hair and scalp for years with african pride and my hair and scalp still thrived and grew trememendously with no issues, although i love the oils and butters , i would still use grease in a heartbeat if i had too..without a second thought about my follicles.
I don't use grease on my scalp but I like it for my ends. Coconut oil on the scalp and length of my hair has been really good.
i dont think it should be put on the scalp but definitley on the ends, especially if your going to be wearing it down cuz the grease protects them. i just prefer oils on my scalp.
My mom always used grease on my scalp and hair. It made it shiny and kept my scalp from flaking. I dont think it prevents hair growth because my hair grew long using grease.

My mom would use Black n' Sassy and something else called BB Super Gro? I think... Black n Sassy has some nice scents.
I still use grease mainly Glover's, Hairobics, for my scalp and then I use different products for my hair. The key is to use grease lightly when necessary.
when i stopped using grease years ago my scalp suffered. It was really dry and there was nothing I could do about it. I just started using grease again a few days ago and I'm loving it. My scalp isn't dry anymore. Daily conditioner washes and grease
Grease has worked for me in th past and it continues to work for me. I can always tell when my hiar and scalp os thirsty for grease or a dressig. What works for one doesnt always work for the majority.
Grease has done absolutely no harm to my hair, no hinderance in growth whatsoever. If it is working, keep using it. I haven't been using it on my scalp lately because I like using oil better and it's quicker to work with, but do not stop what's working for you.
I noticed that grease flattens out my ultra fine stranded hair plastering it like I used super glue, so at the moment, I'm off of all grease totally. Simple condition wash is working for me and to prevent the static, I put s-curl and redken's anti-snap on my ends before combing
I love grease if Bag Balm is grease. Plus, it is not in very long b/c of the cond/washes and I massage my scalp too.
Also, my hair is kind of thick-I NEED grease.
I haven't used grease in a long time. There isn't much of a difference. I do recall using Pink Oil and when I used it when my hair was relaxed, it made my hair hard. Then I stopped using it and my hair is so much softer.
I don't really use grease a lot...well...after washes I use Jane Carter's hair butter that softens my new grew and my hair smells great like lemons and occassionally I use ORS olive oil. Sometimes I'll put Doo Gro thinning edges where I have the most breakage.
sorry no grease for me
it feels like gunk. weighs my hair down and attracts major dirt/grime/ nastiness
my mum always use to apply whole heaps of dax on my hair. it was horrible. haven't used the stuff in years and i will never go back.
i thought pomades were styling products and not to be used as a moisturizer?
Greaseeeeee!!! I've been greasin my scalp for years and don't see a problem with it... The grease I use is light (tcb hair food and sometimes Softee's Indian Hemp) .. I enjoy it.. I've achieved a good length with it..Dont think I could do with out it. I've tried usin oil on my scalp but It irritated cuz in the sun i felt like i was roasting.. so I jus oil my ends.. and my hair is good