Hair Glue and Hair Growth???


New Member
Soo I know most people scream and run away :swearing:at the sight or thought of the classic ole hair bonding glue, but I saw the most interesting thing that made me want to post this on to explaining. A friend of mine had cut her hair into the very short crop cut (tapered in the back) about 7 months ago and she hated it, so she started wearing weaves til it grew back. Well her hair is about neck length now and over this past weekend I went with her to her hair appointment and I noticed the stylist was giving her the classic invisible part weave but she molded her hair down and started gluing the tracks down. So when we left I asked her about it and she said that that's what her stylist has been doing since she first started getting weaves. She said that it stays in for a good 3 weeks, and when it's time to take it out her stylist uses some kind of organic shampoo (which I will get the name of) and the glue slips right out as she combs her hair while shampooing, and she hasn't had any problems as far as serious breakage or hair getting ripped out. She said that she had worse experiences with sew-ins than she does with glue and she didn't see why people hated it so much. She wasn't saying that the glue promoted hair growth or anything but she found it to be easier to install and she was still getting the same results as someone wearing wigs, braids, and sew-ins. So I'm beginning to wonder is the reason hair bonding glue so badly looked upon because we never really knew how to remove it? I know I've had serious breakage and shedding from sew-ins as well, but it wasn't until I got better at them and knew what I was doing that I started to see better results with my real hair. What do you ladies think? I know most of you will never go back to glue lol, but I'm wondering is this another great protective style we're shunning simply because we don't have the removal technique as down pact as we think we do? Thoughts?
When I used to get weaves my stylist used special mold that when water hit it the glue would melt it. I liked it. Overall I'm over weaves and am determined to grow my hair without the aid of them but if I ever did weaves again I'd probably do that before a sew-in.
Your friend is not removing the tracks herself. Hair is coming out with the glue. She just can't see it. Over time, her hair will thin out from the glue. It's inevitable. Glue may not be the devil for everyone, but you couldn't pay me to put that mess in my hair.

I used to glue in tracks here and there and I used the remover oil and shampoo. There would always be at least some hair sticking to the track, even if it was one strand. I stopped using it even BEFORE I found LHCF. I felt like it was not good for my scalp, either.

Another thing is her hair being molded? With gel? That can cause a whole other set of problems.

Eta: Like LittleLuxe, I am growing my hair out without weaves or wigs. The only thing I have used is a phony pony, to get to shoulder length.

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I used to use glue to put in pieces for thickness back in the day. I used oil and the glue remover to take mine out. I rarely lost any hair. But I have a cousin who used to rip her hair out improperly using them. I don't see myself ever returning to glue..especially as a natural. If I want extra thickness when I straighten I will either use sew in pieces or clip on tracks.
My problem is just having glue on skin. I've seen what glue does to my nails when I got acrylics and silkwraps. I even remember using glue to fix a broken nail and my nail bed hurting the next day on the side I had glued the nail back. So I just couldn't deal with the idea. And it's not just it being on my head, I have seen kids get high on glue so the thought of being around it for so long... :nono: I'll pass.

She could get the same results if she braided her hair and wore a wig. *shrug*
I actually glued a piece in this weekend. I haven't used glue in years, but I'm relaxed now and remembered that once I knew how to properly remove the tracks, I stopped having problems with it. My hair flourished when my stylist glued my tracks in. I took my one track out yesterday with no casualties.

That being said, I still probably won't do it again for another five years. This was a hairmergency and I was really short on time.

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Gro-Protect Solutions - apply after wrapping your hair and right before you lay the tracks down.... U let it dry hard as a rock underneath a hooded dryer. Glue your tracks down.
When it is time to take it down, you simply shampoo out the tracks and they will slip off just as easily as they went on w/no glue residue left in your real hair...
i've seen too many people use glue even following the methods suggested above and still over time there was thinning, patches, or bald spots....its not worth the risk to me. i prefer wigs to weaves.
Why would you want to keep your hair unwashed for 3 weeks?:ohwell:

When you do the mold n glue method, they have to mold your hair like a stiff helmet first:down: then they glue the hair to the mold and then you just rock a quickweave for 3 wks to a month, with no access to your hair, completely unable to moisturize and seal and letting dirt, sweat and sebum accumulate for the better part of a month before you finally deem it okay to wash:nono: just. a. mess.

^ This is the kind of technique that results from putting style as more of a priority then hair health.

There are wayyy too many excellent hair application techniques involving wigs, clip-ins and sew-ins for people to still be actually applying glue directly to their hair. Its also a waste of hair, since most people seem to dispose of the hair after taking their quickweaves down. May as well just make an invisible part wig and you'll have it for the lifespan of that weave brand.
Why would you want to keep your hair unwashed for 3 weeks?:ohwell:

^ This is the kind of technique that results from putting style as more of a priority then hair health.

There are quite a few people in the world (and on this board) who only wash their hair 1x a month and have exceptionally healthy hair.

What works for some may not work for all, there's a lot of things for the OP to evaluate but I think the wash schedule which is unique for every individual should be left up to the individual's discretion.
Well Said LittleLuxe...
Different strokes for Different folks i guess...

Quick Weaves and sew ins are apart of my 'hide your hair' routine from the elements and heat and over processing and my way of keeping my hands out of it for long periods.

When I do shampoo off the tracks and they slide right off, my roots are strong and thick and healthy.

I've done quick weaves this way using the Gro Protect Solution for a year this November so my removal technique works for me just as the original post stated about her friends stylist's removal technique.

Now, on the other hand, if this shedding and breakage every one else seem to have begins, i'll try something new....
in the meantime...its not broke, so i wont fix it...
Yeah, I never tried that wrap, hard hair thing, but whatever floats your boat. I've seen it done before (my stylist at the time was doing it to herself when I dropped by). She had APL, thick, healthy looking hair. I don't know how that worked out. Obviously that's not the only way to use glue. I had a few tracks glued in regularly back in the day and it was fine. Like someone else said (OP?), if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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There are quite a few people in the world (and on this board) who only wash their hair 1x a month and have exceptionally healthy hair.

Totally agree with this, there have been times in the past where i would only wash my hair once while in weaves every month, sometimes i would keep it in for 6 wks with no washing and my hair thrived and was quite healthy.

What works for some may not work for all, there's a lot of things for the OP to evaluate but I think the wash schedule which is unique for every individual should be left up to the individual's discretion.

Quite so, that aside though, i would never put gue in my hair, my stylist is adamant tha she has to use glue to seal the top of my sewins until i showed her how seal it with needle and thread instead of glue.
I never could stand those little black balls that would be in my hair after taking out those glue-in tracks. Makes my flesh crawl. Yuck!

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I wear quick weaves all the time and put them in myself, usually with invisible parts. My hair has grown wonderfully, it is thick and healthy. I have had very little thinning (around the part only), but that is mostly due to my impatients when taking it out. I have been doing this for almost a yr now and my hair is very close to full APL from around chin length.

ETA: I do NOT put glue directly on my hair, except for around the part. I put two stocking caps on my hair and then coat that with hair spray/gel so that the glue is sticking to that more than my hair.

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Gro-Protect Solutions - apply after wrapping your hair and right before you lay the tracks down.... U let it dry hard as a rock underneath a hooded dryer. Glue your tracks down.
When it is time to take it down, you simply shampoo out the tracks and they will slip off just as easily as they went on w/no glue residue left in your real hair...

I am going to have to look into this. Thanks!

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Some products wouldn't cause half as many problems if people would just read the directions on the label. I use glue when I want to make a wig fast aka quick weave, but I've never used it on my own head and never would. I don't feel comfortable even using it on the invisi part only - coz if something goes wrong you're still stuck with a bald/balding patch right up front where there's no hiding it. My opinion is even if you know how to use glue safely or your stylist does - it shouldn't be used too often - all extensions have the potential to cause hair loss. Hair loss can sneak up on you and sometimes it's not reversible so you have to be careful.
I'm still growing out breakage from an invisible part I had installed last year. That was followed by more glued in tracks, followed by a hot comb to lay it down every week. Glue is not my friend :-/ but if you're able to make it work for you, that's great

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I agree with you OP. There are a few ladies on yt that grew out their hair with this method. The thing was you have to have it taken down properly.

I'm too water happy to be able to do this but I have used the micro-ring extensions as a style change and I know it wouldn't be popular on here, but I've grown my hair to BSB with it. So if you find something that works for you do it.
I agree with you OP. There are a few ladies on yt that grew out their hair with this method. The thing was you have to have it taken down properly.

I'm too water happy to be able to do this but I have used the micro-ring extensions as a style change and I know it wouldn't be popular on here, but I've grown my hair to BSB with it. So if you find something that works for you do it.

Yea, it really all about taking it down properly. When I have taken it out properly I have serious had little (as in about 5 strands) to no breakage.

What are these micro-ring extensions that you are talking about??

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I had an invisible parting installed in my last weave. I didn't know how to remove the glue so I had the glue in my hair for like a week after =/

When I tried to remov ethe invisible part, my hair would get pulled out too =/

To me it's just not worth it. I mean it may work for her, but in all honesty, there are better methods out there.
Yea, it really all about taking it down properly. When I have taken it out properly I have serious had little (as in about 5 strands) to no breakage.

What are these micro-ring extensions that you are talking about??

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Metal loop used to hold extensions in your hair, a bit like pick and drop braids but no plaits, glue etc:


I agree with you OP. There are a few ladies on yt that grew out their hair with this method. The thing was you have to have it taken down properly.

I'm too water happy to be able to do this but I have used the micro-ring extensions as a style change and I know it wouldn't be popular on here, but I've grown my hair to BSB with it. So if you find something that works for you do it.

Whoa, I didn't know that people with 'black hair' could use the micro ring extensions... *rolls eyes at self*
Her hair isn't being manipulated while under the tracks. The low manipulation for an extended period of time may be helping her retain growth. I wouldn't dare put that glue in my hair though. Hair always comes out with it, even if it is only a little bit.
Here's a link to a product similar to what's been mentioned. After you mold the hair & it's dry, you go in with this product & it forms a protective barrier between your hair & the glue. It has aloe vera among some other good things but I haven't seen a full ingredient list. When you're ready to take the quick weave out, you just rinse the hair and eventually the tracks slide right off.
The ol' quick weave... I'm shocked to know people are still doing this...well actually I'm not. One of my roommates back in college got one and her hair came out. We could not get that glue out for nothin!

One of my other roomies said thats why when she gets one just put a shower cap over your hair then a stocking cap or 2. That way when the tracks are glued on you have a wig now and that glue isn't seeping through the stocking cap onto your hair.
That's an old fashioned quick weave. I don't think it's strange to have hair on a bonded track. It's likely shed hair. If you lost hair from the root that was not shed hair, trust me you'd feel it. I wore bonded tracks for a long time two weeks at a time and didn't have a hair loss issue from them.

But still, I'd pass on a having my hair shellacked (sp?) with getl and then combed out while rinsing.
Thanks ladies such great responses! I just took out my quick weave using a combination of take out methods and it did great for me. I like braids better but its good to know that there are more options available should you want them. To me theres nothing wrong with glue because the dangers you could experience with that method you could experience with other methods, so as long a we keep our hair healthy and growing!

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