Hair Energizer or Andrew Lessman


Which hair vitamin should I order??? I have been debating this for days. Does anyone have any recent reviews or updates on either product....positive or negative????
Hey Kit-kat:
To help you out with your decision, I can give you a review on Hair Energizers. I used them for about 6 months and didn't notice a difference in my hair growth. I haven't used Andrew Lessman's brand but I have heard good reviews on it. Have you done a search yet? I always find good information that way. Hair Energizers are inexpensive, but for me, I wasn't happy with any of the results. You're better off purchasing One Source Hair, Skin and Nails at Walmart for the price and the shipping and handling. Hope this helps!
Thanks Cornins!
Are you currently using One Source or The Greatest Vitamins....I've done some research via LHCF. Thanks for the suggestion. What were your results with One Source?
Despite the price of OneSource, I had good results. I usually keep an eye on my nails when I buy a hair product. Usually what is good for your hair is also good for your nails. It has MSM, Biotin and L-Cystiene in it and all of those are good for hair and nail growth. My nails grew faster and stronger! I am taking TGVITW and it works great for me. I haven't noticed any increased growth or anything, but I'm not taking it for my hair, just my overall health. I found out that even though they are expensive, they don't contain any of the synthetics that other vitamins contain, which means your are actually absorbing more of the vitamins that it contains.
After reading reviews of Lessman online I bought his. Now that my braids are out, I'll be taking them.
I've been using the Andrew Lessman's vitamins off and on for the past two years. I've been more consistent in the past year and I love my results. The stuff works, my nails are rock hard and my hair is soft and shiny. I think they are worth the money.