Hair Commandments for Relatives and Other Care Givers


Well-Known Member
I just heard another story about a mother who sent her child for visitation with her father and she came back with a relaxer. The child's hair had been freshly styled in a braided style by her stylist in anticipation for the visit. I've seen her keep this style neatly for up to 4 weeks. The child was visiting her father for two weeks. Apparently the father's tween sister applied the relaxer even though three other adults were supposed to be in the house - father, grandma and great grandma.

Another married friend's husband had his daughters hair blown out and flat ironed without asking the mom.

I think it's time we created hair commandments for relatives and caregivers!

My first two:

1) Do not take down/alter the child's hair style without consulting the mother.
2) Do not apply any chemicals or heat styling tools to the child's hair without consulting the mother.

What are your hair commandments for your child's hair when he/she is with others?
Oh I would have went off. I don't like people messing in my daughters hair. That's why I do it she doesn't even go to the hairdresser. Soooo I guess one rule would be enough: leave her hair alone. Send her back the way she came!!
Haircut's are DS's dad's reaponsibility. I took DS to get a haircut and his dad was upset because the barber pushed his lining back too far.

I have one do:
1. Do take DS to get his hair cut on a consistent basis.
The non custodial parent has a lot of nerve trying to force the mother to care for a relaxer. When my brother in law got divorced, he and his sister did a lot of complaining about his school aged daughter wearing cornrows. Other people complain about how the Mom is caring for the child's hair. It is a type of meddling.