"Hair Care Rehab: The Ultimate Hair Repair and Reconditioning Manual"

I have both books and the Hair Care Rehab(electronic version) is very much prescriptive. There is a table of contents that lists hair problems and each chapter deals with that specific issue whereas The Science of Black Hair gives a more general overview of hair, the science involved and regimen building guide.

I like both but then again I got the Hair Care Rehab book for free on amazon.com.
About 6 months ago Hair Care Rehab was free, so I picked it up. I have both books and both have a wealth of information for those like me who are interested in healthy hair and how to care for hair. The Science of Black hair is more extensive and much more detailed and is specifically written to address issues related to our hair. The latest book is for all hair types, and imo is a brief overview of some, but not all of the information in the first book. If I had to choose one I would go with the first book and skip the second one unless you just want to pick it up.
I was actually thinking of purchasing this book! I read a little on amazon and became quite intrigued!
I would like to read the second book. I guess, because I have been a member on here for so many years, I thought that the first book was for hair newbies. I will check this out. Audrey is AWESOME.
vtoodler said:
How does Audrey Davis Sivasothy's newest book, "Hair Care Rehab: The Ultimate Hair Repair and Reconditioning Manual,"

differ from The Science of Black Hair: A Comprehensive Guide to Textured Hair Care?

In other words, how would you describe and compare the two books?

The two books are totally different. The Science of Black hair is, well, more scientific and geared specifically towards women of color. Hair Care Rehab is geared towards all women and is more of a step-by-step guide to get your hair back in shape if you have completely damaged it and don't know where to start. It's really very basic whereas The Science of Black Hair was almost too detailed.

I hate to say it, but neither book held my attention. I have read most of the black hair care books out there and these were just not that helpful IMO. I will eventually go back and finish The Science of Black Hair, but Hair Care Rehab was a complete bore.
Hair Care Rehab didn't hold my attention the way prior book did. Thank God! I checked the HCR out from the library. I would have been PO'd if I had purchased that book. I think she was trying to follow up her success of the 1st book by expanding her market to other people. HCR is light on information.

Based on the books you've read, which would you say is best for someone trying to build a hair care regimen and address specific hair related problems?
I have read both books. The Science of Black Hair Care is the book that got me started on my HHJ. It is very informative and geared specifically to black hair care. Very comprehensive. In it I learned what I was doing wrong and how to correct it. I use it as a reference book now.

I really suggest this book to anyone that is beginning a HHJ.

The second book is not as comprehensive and detailed. But it does address hair care problems and solutions experienced by everyone, not just black hair care.

Based on the books you've read, which would you say is best for someone trying to build a hair care regimen and address specific hair related problems?

Sorry for the delayed response - are you natural or relaxed? @Meemee6223

Ultra Black Hair Growth by Cathy Howse is a classic, but it is a bit outdated.
For a newer book, I like the 5 Hair Archetypes and for no-heat/natural hair regimens, I like Curly Like Me and the Curly Girl Method.

Chicoro breaks down the art of protective styling and a very simple regimen in Grow It!
Sorry for the delayed response - are you natural or relaxed? @Meemee6223

Ultra Black Hair Growth by Cathy Howse is a classic, but it is a bit outdated.
For a newer book, I like the 5 Hair Archetypes and for no-heat/natural hair regimens, I like Curly Like Me and the Curly Girl Method.

Chicoro breaks down the art of protective styling and a very simple regimen in Grow It!

I am transitioning right now. I'm 18 months in and have become a bit of a product junkie. So I would love to read about all kinds of different methods and choose one I can stick with. Thanks for the info!
Try your local library. I read several of the books above and got them all at my local public library.