Hair Care Help


New Member
Hey all,
I stumbled across this site quite by accident today and so far, I am loving it :). Well here is my problem. For the past two weeks, I have seriously been considering not ever relaxing my hair again (It's been 7 weeks since my last relaxer). I have about 1-1 1/2inch growth. The only thing is, I do not want to cut my hair off. I have always had longish hair (right now it's about 2 inches above my bra-clasp). My hair is also breaking really badly. My weekly routine involves just washing and conditioning my hair then putting it in a bun without air drying it or blow drying it. When it seems to be dry enough, I then take it out of my bun and try to comb it through. Can anyone assist me in developing a hair care routine so that I can transition from relaxed hair to natural (without major breakage of the relaxed hair)? And could you also suggest what products I should buy to use on my hair/scalp to incorporate in my routine, like what products I can use to moisten and soften and nourish my new growth. My hair type is between a 3c and a 4a. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
krisi_84 said:
Hey all,
I stumbled across this site quite by accident today and so far, I am loving it :). Well here is my problem. For the past two weeks, I have seriously been considering not ever relaxing my hair again (It's been 7 weeks since my last relaxer). I have about 1-1 1/2inch growth. The only thing is, I do not want to cut my hair off. I have always had longish hair (right now it's about 2 inches above my bra-clasp). My hair is also breaking really badly. My weekly routine involves just washing and conditioning my hair then putting it in a bun without air drying it or blow drying it. When it seems to be dry enough, I then take it out of my bun and try to comb it through. Can anyone assist me in developing a hair care routine so that I can transition from relaxed hair to natural (without major breakage of the relaxed hair)? And could you also suggest what products I should buy to use on my hair/scalp to incorporate in my routine, like what products I can use to moisten and soften and nourish my new growth. My hair type is between a 3c and a 4a. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I personally have never transitioned to natural but search for the transitioner support thread.