hair and nails, linked? POLL

Are Nails and Hair related

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I wonder how related a persons nails are with thier hair this is generally for natural women, do u notice when your hair was breaking off so was your nails and when your hair was more healthy was your nails also longer and stonger?

vote in the poll and if this thread has been done the mods can delete :ohwell:
I know they are related. They are both keratin. :)
If I can find my Milady's Nail Technology book, I'll get back to you with more info...

But yes, nine times out of ten, if what you put in your body is beneficial to your hair, it will also be beneficial to your nails and vice versa.

But if your body is depleted of nutrients or becoming ill, your nails are one of the first place to show signs.
Have you ever noticed that your doctor will grab your hands and flip them over to look at them? He's looking for signs of illness!

But in terms of topical treatments, such as shampoo and conditioner, etc., that wouldn't have a direct effect on nails, per se. Because that's external.

And if you do most of your hair care at home, you can also practice good nail care at home, and you will see your nails thrive just like your hair.

BTW, the oils used for hot oil treatments on the hair ( jojoba, avacado, evoo), are also great for giving yourself a hot oil manicure!:grin:

So when you're sitting under the dryer doing your deep conditioning, just put a little warm oil in a glass bowl and soak!

For me, the health of my nails and hair had nothing to do with each other. My nails were very long and thick, but my hair was thinner and took forever to "grow." I attribute this to the way I was handling/caring for my hair... heat styling, overprocessing, etc... Now, my hair care practices are better, so my hair is healthier and my nails are still healthy.

So I think it's possible to have one that is healthy, while the other isn't.
I used to think they were correlated, but now Im not so sure.

My hair is definitely longer, thicker, and stronger than it was in the past. But my nails are usually weak and brittle. They dont have a problem growing.... but if I dont keep them polished with clear several times a week, and constantly shaping/filing them, they will break/split/chip with the quickness. So, unlike my hair, my nails are growing quickly but are just as weak as ever.
I didnt vote for this one. I have always had long nails that grow no matter what. I am not saying the vits/pills we take are not helping some people; my nails grew anyway so I can't say any of them helped my nails.
MizaniMami said:
I picked the last link. Every since I take Biotin my nails have got very hard and longer.

I just started my Biotin about 3 weeks ago! I sure hope I see a difference in terms of hardness. I think (natural) long nails are so pretty!
thanks for all the replies i think this is a sicky subject,

i have always had very long and hard nails. in fact they grow so long they curl and i have to cut them every month or they look too long and nasty to me, they also grow pretty fast IMO because it seems like i will cut them and then they will go from a nice length to a long witchy length within a few weeks.

anyway i cant say i have bad hair either its somewhere past brastrap but not completely midback IMO, the funny thing is it never grows past midback which is why i am challenging myself to get to waist length.

i wish i could sacrafice my strong nails to get my hair to grow longer.

finally i think they are related loosely. but your body distributes the nutriants as it sees fit which can be a good or bad thing (usually bad for hair)
I wouldn't say hair and nails are directly related to each other, but they ARE both directly related to your body's health, which is why they can seem correlated, especially because both tend to respond to similar nutrients (like increased protein intake, silica, sulfur, and anything else affecting connective tissues). Your skin can be included as one of these general "health indicators" too.

But you have to keep in mind this only addresses internal factors. With all the different things your hair and nails (and skin) can go through from the outside, you can't always expect your hair and nails to both give the same report of health, so to speak. You can take all the protein and biotin and stuff you want but if your hair is subjected to damaging practices, you won't be able to tell how healthy and nourished your follicles may be for all the split ends and breakage or whatever.
You'd think they would be connected, but my nails have always been thin and peely and my hair grows in very thick and strong. My toe-nails are great...just something about those darn fingernails...I'm not sure what's up with that.

chayil0427 said:
You'd think they would be connected, but my nails have always been thin and peely and my hair grows in very thick and strong. My toe-nails are great...just something about those darn fingernails...I'm not sure what's up with that.


Same here! My nails are constantly thin and peeling and breaking. Yet, my hair and toenails are growing just fine. My skin also looks good--smooth and relatively blemish free.
My hair and nails are in no way linked together. My nails grow much longer and stronger that my hair and it doesn't take me as long to repair damage.
I've always had thin nails that I'd bite... then I started taking a HNS vitamin w/ 3000mcg of biotin and I see a HUGE difference! I KNOW they are totally connected! Like someone said before, the protein that makes up your hair is the same one that makes up your nails. So, if you're taking something internally for your hair, it should assist with your nails.
BlackCardinal said:
I wouldn't say hair and nails are directly related to each other, but they ARE both directly related to your body's health, which is why they can seem correlated, especially because both tend to respond to similar nutrients (like increased protein intake, silica, sulfur, and anything else affecting connective tissues). Your skin can be included as one of these general "health indicators" too.

But you have to keep in mind this only addresses internal factors. With all the different things your hair and nails (and skin) can go through from the outside, you can't always expect your hair and nails to both give the same report of health, so to speak. You can take all the protein and biotin and stuff you want but if your hair is subjected to damaging practices, you won't be able to tell how healthy and nourished your follicles may be for all the split ends and breakage or whatever.
This is what I was gonna post. I completely agree. :yep:
I think so, before I started taking care of my hair and taking vitamins. My nails would grow long but they was thin and yellow looking and broke easily. Now my nails are white, strong, and very long.
I think the growth might be related..not necessarily the strength, but I beat my nails up a lot more than my hair...washing dishes, scrubbing while cleaning, I know they are strong because they don't break hair wouldn't fair as well. I usually keep a clear coat of polish on them, but not all the time and they thrive regardless. I've always been able to grow long nails...never gave my hair a fighting chance because once I started cutting it I didn't stop until LHCF. Well the cuts haven't been as short as they used to be...I'm gung ho about the length I'll come back and let you ladies know for sure.
frankie said:
I think the growth might be related..not necessarily the strength, but I beat my nails up a lot more than my hair...washing dishes, scrubbing while cleaning, etc...

I agree w/this. And yes, I am also a lot harder on my nails than I am on my hair. My hair..... I treat like fine, imported silk. My nails...... I keep them polished with clear when I remember, but when I dont they just chip, chip, chip away! Plus, I clean my house, wash dishes, open packages, and so on and so forth. My poor nails just dont stand a chance.
I have often wondered if there was a direct correlation b/w hair and nail growth since they are the same type of cells. I used to wear an acrylic overlay and there were times when I needed a fill in less than two weeks and sometimes I could go for three weeks. Sometimes my hair gorws like a weed and sometimes it seems stagnant.
Yes, think it is related and made of the same substances. It depends on what you put into your body how your hair and nails will thrive and look. As a kid, I had long nails and they grew fast. My hair wasn't necessarily long, but it was very thick and healthy.
Letitia said:
I didnt vote for this one. I have always had long nails that grow no matter what. I am not saying the vits/pills we take are not helping some people; my nails grew anyway so I can't say any of them helped my nails.

Cosigning! My nails have always grown uninterrupted. I'm a terrible nail biter though so I have to keep polish on them. That's the only way I won't bite them. I have an overlay on my nails now. They won't hold polish for more than 3 days or so without it. Shoot with the overlay I can leave polish on for a whole month if I want to and have NO chips. I did notice that once I started to take the vits, even though it didn't affect the growth rate, I broke nails less often. I rarely break one now.
I replied. I picked #2. I dont think there is any correlation. My nails have always been thick, strong, healthy and grow fast. But, not the same for my hair. My hair whether relaxed or natural is dry, breaks easily and the strands are thin and fragile. Which makes retaining length a struggle. I guess you cant have the best of both worlds....atleast when it comes to me...