Hair advice from my DH...interesting


New Member
Hey Ladies,
I just wanted to share something that I thought was very interesting and caught me off guard. I started my HHJ back n 2004 right after I got married. My hair had been severly breaking (shoulder length to ear length) and I had a huge bald spot behind my right ear. My husband had little faith that I could grow my hair back and would share his old school advice he learned from his female cousins and ex-girlfriends about how I need to grease my scalp more often and when I relaxed I need to pull a small tooth comb through my hair with the relaxer in so it would get bone straight (crazy stuff!)

Anyway, fast forward to 2010. I have had breakge issues for the last 2 months and have been really down because my hair has been so healthy over the years. I vented to my DH and he aske me what I was going to do. So I shared my updated regimine with him. He was like "Well, what you really need to do is start CO washing your hair every three days, keep it moisterized and relly pay attention to when you need to do a protein treatment."

I was like, "okaaay." He was right. What can I say. I taught him well. He is a manager at Walgreens and shares hair care tips with women that come shopping for hair care products. LOL!!

Just thought I would share.
He needs to start a class to help other husbands help their wives. :yep:

Heck, he needs to just start a class with males in general, who know how many women would listen if they knew a male in their lives was knowledgeable about healthy haircare practices.
He needs to start a class to help other husbands help their wives. :yep:

Heck, he needs to just start a class with males in general, who know how many women would listen if they knew a male in their lives was knowledgeable about healthy haircare practices.

Especially if they can give GOOD hair advice. He always ask me "How is your hair?" after I have washed it.
I'm just imagining going in walgreens and some guy at check out going "hey, have you tried washing your hair with conditioner?" :laugh: Your husband's sweet.
Awww I love that! My SO is a skeptic too but I overheard him recommending this site to a family member the other day... smh men and their skepticism LOL
Ladies as silly as the SOs may seem they pay attention. Mine is encouraging me to go natural and is always interested in what I do to my hair. He has a low fade and he still deep conditions and moisturizes. He is all up in my good DCs. LOL
LOL :) you taught you man well indeed. Sometimes you think they are not listening but they really are.
I have to laugh everytime DH tries to give me hair advice. lol.
Kinda sounds like my SO I was talking about wanting to get a texlax or some new style and asked what he thought. He was like "just keep your protective styles, and take care of it. Let it breathe and it'll keep growing." I said to myself "good advice" I said to him "aw lookehere" lol