H3- Henna Cubed


New Member
I just had to share my "secret" recipe: The 3 H's to moist, shiney, strong hair!
I mixed: Henna, Hot Water, & Honey. THAT"S IT! No oil, no acid, no juice/coffe/wine, no other nuts & berries (& I really loove nuts & berries:lol: ).
My hair was so ingredibly moist, yet strong. I still DC'd, but I could have just oiled and airdryed. My hair felt incredible.

Please share your "Moist Hair" Henna Recipe.;)
Honey is da lick!!

My henna treatment includes henna, honey, mild protein conditioner, evoo, jojoba oil, amla powder, indigo (so it doesn't get too red).

I love it!
HERicane10 said:
I just had to share my "secret" recipe: The 3 H's to moist, shiney, strong hair!
I mixed: Henna, Hot Water, & Honey. THAT"S IT! No oil, no acid, no juice/coffe/wine, no other nuts & berries (& I really loove nuts & berries:lol: ).
My hair was so ingredibly moist, yet strong. I still DC'd, but I could have just oiled and airdryed. My hair felt incredible.

Please share your "Moist Hair" Henna Recipe.;)

that sounds great and easy!
Honey, huh?

I'm trying to keep my henna mixes as simple as possible, using hot coffee & oils this last time, planning to add yogurt the next, but the benefits of honey are undeniable!

I must include sweet ole' honey next time.

Thanx for the info!
That sounds like a great recipe. I use cassia instead of henna, but I think I'll add honey to it and see what happens.
HERicane10 said:
I just had to share my "secret" recipe: The 3 H's to moist, shiney, strong hair!
I mixed: Henna, Hot Water, & Honey. THAT"S IT! No oil, no acid, no juice/coffe/wine, no other nuts & berries (& I really loove nuts & berries:lol: ).
My hair was so ingredibly moist, yet strong. I still DC'd, but I could have just oiled and airdryed. My hair felt incredible.

Please share your "Moist Hair" Henna Recipe.;)

The henna I have says to use lukewarm water. Do you think it will have a negative effect if I use hot water instead? My henna did come w/ honey. I can't wait to try it!
imani97 said:
The henna I have says to use lukewarm water. Do you think it will have a negative effect if I use hot water instead? My henna did come w/ honey. I can't wait to try it!

Well, I use the hot water from my faucet (which is probably 110 degrees):look: . What type of henna did you get that CAME WITH honey?
Hmm, this sounds great.
I have never henna'd but really wanna try it once I get these braids out.
Does this H3 formula deposit a color?
I really want to keep my hair this exact same shade of black. :)
I no longer wait for color release either. I mix, apply immediately, leave on 30 minutes (45 if I get sidetracked) and then rinse. I still color my hair black, but with this method I don't notice any color change until I henna my newgrowth (even that is after several applications though).
When I first started using henna, I only used henna and hot water.
I use the cheap (unsifted) henna so it is difficult to rinse out. Finally,
I started adding conditioner or plain yogurt. Boy was I surprised at
all the different recipies when I joined lhcf. :)
HERicane10 said:
Well, I use the hot water from my faucet (which is probably 110 degrees):look: . What type of henna did you get that CAME WITH honey?
I got Surya henna. I will try with hot water today, but next time I think I want to try it with yogurt.
Ooohh - that sounds so wonderful and decandent! I'm definitely going to have to try that out next time I henna....
imani97 said:
I got Surya henna. I will try with hot water today, but next time I think I want to try it with yogurt.

I've tried it with the yogurt as well. I don't think I'll do it that way anymore because it was a little to much "strength". Yogurt is a natural hair strengthner ALONE, so adding henna to (depends on amount I guess) just seems to intensify the treatment. I have medium-fine hair, so I can take a little more protein than most; but that combo left my hair hard feeling, even after DC. Good luck to you. HECK! Just add some honey girl (it fixes all hair wrongs :lol: )
HERicane10 said:
I've tried it with the yogurt as well. I don't think I'll do it that way anymore because it was a little to much "strength". Yogurt is a natural hair strengthner ALONE, so adding henna to (depends on amount I guess) just seems to intensify the treatment. I have medium-fine hair, so I can take a little more protein than most; but that combo left my hair hard feeling, even after DC. Good luck to you. HECK! Just add some honey girl (it fixes all hair wrongs :lol: )

Thanks. I'll report back and post pictures tonight.
I've never had any problem w/henna and dryness; quite the opposite, strong and shiny, with my simple mix:

1/3 cu acv, w/a little wime
1/3 cu hot (nr boiling) water OR grape juice
Let it sit 12 hrs for dye release
Mix in 1 Tbsp. Avocado Oil
Put henna on hair overnight
Rinse out in shower
Condition (either w/heat or alone) with Tropical Avocado conditioner OR do a hot oil treatment

Kinda off topic, what I found shocking were the number of hair stylists that tried to dis-suade me from using henna, saying that it coated the hair & prevented conditioners from penetrating, when I found this to be totally untrue, at least for me. They would rather ruin my hair with caustic hair dyes! Henna for life, baby!

HERicane10 said:
I just had to share my "secret" recipe: The 3 H's to moist, shiney, strong hair!
I mixed: Henna, Hot Water, & Honey. THAT"S IT! No oil, no acid, no juice/coffe/wine, no other nuts & berries (& I really loove nuts & berries:lol: ).
My hair was so ingredibly moist, yet strong. I still DC'd, but I could have just oiled and airdryed. My hair felt incredible.

Please share your "Moist Hair" Henna Recipe.;)