H2O for a bigger Afro! 2011 Water Challenge

H2O for a bigger Fro! 2011 Water Challenge

H2O For A Bigger Fro 2011 Water Challenge!:afro:


I don't think there's a "drink more water challenge 2011" out there yet, so I'm setting one up. All of us here at the LHCF have two things in common whether we're natural or relaxed, have a high fro or long locs...we all want to be our bodies and hair to be supple and healthy. That's what keeps us coming back. While we're moisturizing and pampering our hair and bodies physically on the outside let's not forget to work on them physically from the inside as well.

Now, I know I don't drink as much water as I should :sad:(the recommended 8-10 cups). Although I actually enjoy drinking water somehow I forget during the course of the day. If you drink 4 of those 20 fl. oz of bottled water a day you're already at 80oz, it's so easy! Our daily recommended amount equals 64-120oz. per day. Have you been drinking that much? :nono:Me neither. I want to change that. Below are the top 11 reasons I found to drink more water every day.

Top 11 Reasons to More Drink Water Daily

11) Its absolutely vital for optimal hair growth

10) Improves your workouts and the results of your workouts by hydrating your muscles and joints

9) Hydrated muscles and joints leads to fewer injuries

8) Helps shed those extra pounds by regulating your appetite & helping to increase your metabolism

7) Can prevent and relieve some headaches

6) Helps moisturize and clear the skin

5) Aids in our digestion process and also relieves constipation...gets things moving

4) Helps maintain the proper ph balance for our body

3) Flushes the toxins out of your body (toxins which can lead to diseases)

2) Water is essential for ALL living things. Humans can survive several weeks without food....but less than a week without water

and the #1 reason to drink more water daily....

1) When all of the above are happening You Can't Help But Feel Incredible!

So like the song says, :rocker:Let's whip our hair back and forth (it will be moisturized both from the inside and out it won't break off):rocker:. Who's going to join me, 'cause it's on! You can post here or pm me and I'll add you either way. Here's the breakdown:

1st Quarter Now until March 31st 2011
2nd Quarter April 1st - June 30th 2011
3rd Quarter; July 1st - September 30th 2011
4th Quarter October 1st - December 31st 2011

Simply state,

1) How long are you going to join the challenge for

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day

and post a starting pic

Try to post an update at least weekly throughout the challenge or as often as you can to keep us all motivated. Get your significant others; children; parents whatever to join you as well and you can post their updates with yours. We can be a Hydration Nation!

Don't wait until you're stranded on a desert island to learn to crave it!

Mook's hair
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I'm in... Gettin in my 64oz daily is a big challenge for me even though I know it's the key to being healthy...

I'm in for all quaters... I want over all a healthy body... Weight, skin, hair, nails etc...

I will commit to the daily 64oz and increase as time goes on...
Im in

1) How long are you going to join the challenge for
Im in for all four sessions

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health
My hair can get really dry and I suffer from occasional tension headaches/ migraines.........I feel that by increasing my water intake both of these issues can be reduced or eliminated.

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day
For the first session, 80 oz.........I will increase the amount for each session.
Im in

1) How long are you going to join the challenge for
Im in for all four sessions

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health
Just to be better hydrated overall, and cleansed.
Ive been very dried out lately since the heat is running now. And I don't drink enough.

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day
For the first session, 64 oz I hope to do more but .........I will increase the amount for each session.
I'm joining...

1) How long are you going to join the challenge for? All four sessions

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health? I want water to assist in hydrating my hair and skin. I believe it will help with growth but also prevent acne.

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day? I will do a minimum of 64 oz.
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i'm in! i'm not doing it for my hair though.

1) How long are you going to join the challenge for
all four sessions

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health
to become hydrated inside and out

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day
64-70 oz
I'm In!

1) How long are you going to join the challenge for?
All four sessions.

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health?
My hair and skin have been really dry lately. And I get headaches and I want to alleviate all that by being hydrated.

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day?
I'm going for 64oz the first round and increasing 14oz every session until I get to 120oz.
Count me in!

1) How long are you going to join the challenge for?
All four sessions.

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health?
I want to have clearer skin. I have acne on my face and body and I noticed drinking water prevents breakouts, and makes my skin look flawless.

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day?
33.8 fluid ounces.
pls add me.. I have been doing this since the beggining of the jan 1st and I needed company:yep:
1) How long are you going to join the challenge for - 4

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health
healthy hair, reduce weight, improve skin texture plus i think water is life :)

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day
i drink 64 oz more on exercise days

starting pic on my siggy
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Don't forget to up your water intake if you are working out.

1) How long are you going to join the challenge for? All four quarters

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health? To feel and look great!

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day? 5- 20fl oz bottles of water per day=100oz per day for now, lets see if I can slowly work up to 120oz. One in the morning, three throughout the day and one in the evening .
I'm in. :yep:

1) How long are you going to join the challenge for? All four sessions

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health? I hope to lessen the perpetual pain of fibromyalgia, moisturize my skin during this harsh dry winter, and to feel better overall.

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day? 64 ounces to start and hoping to up the amount as the sessions continue.

Forgot to add. Pic in my siggy.
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I'm in for the long haul!
I'm going to drink 3 bottles a day minimum

i'll post my starting pic tomorrow night after i straighten

chug a lug ladies!!
COUNT ME IN! :wave:
1.In it for the long run (4 seasons)
2.Clearer skin,reduce weight and healthy hair
3.64oz and work my way up to 120oz

***Starting pic in siggy***

I'm in! I need this so bad for my hair and to beat fatigue. I sometimes go three or four days with no water. I'm in for all four legs and will drink 80 ounces per day.
Today i drunk 80 oz. i will try to takec 80 oz or more this week coz it was not so hard. On exercise days im sure i take close to 100.
I'm down for all 4 sessions

I just want overall healthy hair for now. Plus this challenge ties right into my overall health goals.

I will be drinking at least 60oz of water a day.

Pics I'm my siggy.
YES!! and im excited. I get excited over little things. Anyhow I decided to have a glass of water first thing with my vitamins then I had one glass after meals with my vitamins so in total 2 extra glasses:yep::yep: . I will be doing this everyday

That's a good plan. I'm the same way, the slightest thing makes me nearly giddy with joy:spinning:

What I've come up with is 1 20oz bottle by 10am; 1 by 1pm; 1 by 3pm; 1 by 5pm and the last by 8pm.
count me in:

commit to first session to see how it goes

i want clearer skin, internal hydration, to relieve constipation i get every now and then, reduce weight

64 ounces- i can do this on the days i workout- need to make this consistent on the days that i don't workout.
I would like to join! I already had a goal this year to drink more water. I think having the support of others will help push me!

1) How long are you going to join the challenge for- All sessions! Why not? I want this to become habit/second nature.

2) What your goal is your overall hair and health- Health wise, I definitely want more energy, clearer skin (my skin isn't terrible by any means but it can always be better!), and I just want to stay hydrated. Sometimes, I get busy and forget to drink something so by the time I do my mouth feels like the Sahara. Y este es NO BUENO! And I figure, a hydrated inside makes for a moisturized outside! :yep:

3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day- 64oz. Honestly, I don't feel the need to drink much more than that because 1. I don't do strenuous exercise. (I am into hooping, and I will add more water if necessary, however.) 2. My body just doesn't need it. Really, I could get away with 50oz, which is what I have been drinking on a fairly regular basis. I read somewhere that if you take your weight and divide it in half, that amount in ounces is how much water you need to consume to stay hydrated. Going by that, I would only need 56oz a day.
yesterday was my first day and I came in slightly under goal...about 72 ounces. I'm going to try to go over 80 today because I'm going to have some coffee. I've started using Crystal Light for 2 bottles a day; maybe that will help me get it down.
yesterday was my first day and I came in slightly under goal...about 72 ounces. I'm going to try to go over 80 today because I'm going to have some coffee. I've started using Crystal Light for 2 bottles a day; maybe that will help me get it down.

Way to go godzchildtoo, 72oz is a lot! I hope you were all able to make your goals today.

Checking in. I'm about 2-3 more gulpfuls away from 100oz and I'm determined.
1) How long are you going to join the challenge for
The entire time!!!!
2) What your goal is your overall hair and health
Healthy and lengthy head of hair. Clear complexion!
3) How many oz or cups of water you will commit to drinking per day
80 ounces!!!