Growing Hair By the Moon


New Member
Today is the New Moon which is in Capricorn.

Some of you ladies may have already seen this article before and know all about it. I'm still learning and it's very interesting in many ways. I don't plan on cutting my hair anytime soon but dusting during these times to grow or thicken hair might be something to think about...

If you choose to grow your hair long, cut hair during the first phase of the moon when the light is increasing. To further enhance the growth of your hair, cut it when the moon is in Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Pisces. To increase thickness, cut during these times but also during the Leo moon.

Here is another link for the Morocco Method
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In the Morroco Method, it looks like January 2nd and 3rd are good days for protein treatments.

I found this link on another hair board from last year. The ladies who used this swore by it.
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This may seem hokey to a lot of people at first glance, but I am going to try it. It's like a lot of people pass off natural remedies as being hokey but you see people are now going back to those old ways in droves.

I have never heard of these methods before. I am open minded and I will see how it goes.
I've seen this before and passed it off but when I read it, it actually made sense to me. Thanks for the Morroccan link I might try the sea jerky.
Women will go to great lengths to have beautifully healthy hair. One very powerful system to achieve just that is the Moon Maintenance Plan. Guaranteed to be a great addition to your beauty arsenal. With this simple technique, you coordinate your hair-care activity with the most auspicious moon phase and moon sign to achieve the hair goals that have eluded you in the past.

The Moon Maintenance Plan for your hair is based on principles and secrets passed down by lunar planters and astrologers. In this cosmic plan, you’ll learn when to cut hair for faster growth; when to condition hair to avoid dryness; and when to chemically process hair for the best results. Both the moon phase and moon sign have an effect on the success of our hair activities. Let’s begin by taking a look at the moon phases.

Moon Phase:

It’s no secret the moon pulls the tides but what is lesser known is the moon’s subtle effect on the growth of all living things…plants and animals. Lunar gardening and lunar agriculture, in particular, are such time-honored and proven practices that, since the 1st century A.D., gardeners and farmers, sensitive to the effects of the moon, planted their crops during favorable times to achieve maximum growth and yield. Their thinking was, if the moon could have such a magnificent effect on the ocean, then plants, composed of a good deal of water, must at least be affected to some degree.

For humans, water accounts for 60-80% of our body weight. If there is credence to the notion that the moon effects all bodies of water then it will certainly have her say in the cycles of our lives, not to mention our hair. While it’s true the hair shaft is dead material and almost entirely protein, the moon does have an effect on hair since the hair follicles are made of epithelial tissue that is comprised mainly of Hydrogen and Oxygen, the two elements that combine to form water.

One suitable explanation for the subtle effect is that during the phase when the moon increases in light (the waxing moon) fluids are drawn upwards as in
growth. When the moon decreases in light (the waning moon) fluids flow to the roots. If you planted during a new moon, the growth energy available would increase the success and hardiness of a seedling. If, however, you planted after the full moon, energy for new seeds would decline. Enough about farming, what about the moon phases’ effect on hair?
When we barely see the moon in the sky, it is in the new moon phase. From here it increases in size or waxes until it reaches the crest or peak of the cycle—the full moon. If you wish to speed up the process of growing your hair, then get it cut during the new moon to full moon phase. The full moon begins to decrease in size or wanes until it ends up as a new moon or new phase once again. If you want to slow your hair’s growth, cut it from the full moon to the new moon phase. Each phase is approximately 14 days in length giving you plenty of time to cut.

Moon Sign:

Initiating a hairstyling “event” during the appropriate moon phase will certainly guarantee a greater degree of success but for the maximum effect, you need to consider the moon sign. The moon is the quickest moving heavenly body in

relation to the earth and it only takes 28 days for the moon to make a complete circle through the 12 signs. The moon, then, is in each sign for about 2 ½ days.

In astrology, each of the signs exhibits certain characteristics or qualities that color the Moon’s nurturing growing energy making certain activities better suited to certain times. Sometimes the energy will be active, masculine, dry, and spontaneous as with Aquarius when unique and eccentric styles work better. Sometimes the energy is passive, feminine, wet, yielding, and home oriented as with Cancer when hair cuts should be scheduled and romantic styles attempted.

Lunar planters intimately knew the moon sign best suited for an activity. We can borrow there wisdom and use it to give our hair the best chance of happiness. Water signs such as Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are the best moon signs for cutting hair for faster growth and thickness. Earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are the next best fertile signs. Virgo is the last choice of the six signs because it was best suited for the harvest. Fire and air signs, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius are generally infertile and dry and should be avoided when cutting hair for growth and thickness. Deep condition during these times.

As the moon moves through the 12 signs in a month, we are met with 12 different energies. If you know the moon sign coming up you can take advantage of its energy by coordinating a style, cut, color to match the quality associated with those few days. For example, planning a mysterious look works better when the moon is in passionate Scorpio than it would when the moon is in conservative Capricorn. Up-dos are better scheduled when the moon is in Taurus, Libra, because these are linked to Venus, the planet of beauty and fragrance.

Observe the following moon signs below, learn them well, and undertake the activity at the appropriate time for maximum success and effect. You’ll be well on your way to having fewer bad hair days than ever before.

The Moon in Aries tends to be dry and barren. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries dynamically pushes head first into activities so this Moon is best used for short, sporty styles that can be created quickly with no fuss or muss. If you’ve always wanted the convenience of a bob, get a cut during this moon.

Since Aries is a fire sign with drying energy, chemically processing hair is not favored. Instead, moisturize and condition heavily. Cutting hair during this time will cause slow growth and dryer hair. Since Aries rules Mars and has dominion over the head and metal, be especially careful with scissors if you choose to have your haircut.

The Moon in Taurus is very productive and moist. When the Moon moves through the sign of Taurus, be assured that people are out to satisfy the senses. Soft, romantic, alluring styles are best planned for under this Moon if you want to melt your man’s heart. Wispy styles that fall delicately around your face are especially attractive now. If you want your hair to grow quickly and thickly, get your hair cut or trimmed during this moon. Chemically processing your hair is favored since there is moist growth energy. This is a fantastic moon to color your hair in earthy tones, especially ash blondes and browns. Taurus moons are best for kicking back and relaxing too. However, don’t be so inert that you forget to spend the time making your locks look sexy.

The Moon in Gemini is barren and dry. Gemini, an air sign, is far too fickle a Moon for drastic decisions to be made. One minute you’ll want radical, the next you’ll want romantic. After the deed is done, you may regret the hasty decision you made. Like Libra, wait this moon phase out. Look through magazines, have a hair consultation, chat with friends about trends but do no get your haircut. Gemini Moons are great for research so pick up a copy of your favorite hairstyling magazine. If however, you need a deep conditioning, go ahead. If you must color your hair, go “temporary” instead of “permanent.”

The Moon in Cancer is a fruitful and moist sign. It is considered the most productive of all the signs and most frequently used for planting, seeding and irrigation. As the premier water sign, Cancer is the best sign to get your hair cut for growth and thickness. Avoid radical styling moves such as severe colors or kinky perms. Cancer is a sign better suited to traditional styles that make mom and dad proud. Even if you do not need a cut but want the long, luxurious locks that knock men off their seats, consider a trim to enhance your hair’s growing ability. A soft look that frames your face will have your guy curling up in you arms. Because there is abundant moist energy available, all chemical processes will take well. This is a great time for coloring or highlighting your hair golden blonde.

The Moon in Leo is the most barren and driest of all signs since it’s naturally ruled by the burning sun. Deep conditioning treatments are a must during this time. If going out on the town, choose a sensational hair-do that grabs people’s attention since a Leo Moon loves the spotlight. A Leo moon may not be a good moon to attempt chemically processing your hair but it is excellent if you want to increase thickness. Leo people tend to have hair like the luxurious mane of a lion. Temporary colors are acceptable especially if they are in gold or copper tones. During this moon, closet entertainers come out of the woodwork making it a festive time for parties. A beautiful sweeping up-do is just the style to get noticed by that special someone. Rrrr! I hear the call of the wild.
The Moon in Virgo, although slightly moist, is the only barren earth sign. Virgo is the premiere sign of the harvest so only cut hair during this moon if you want to go from a longer style to a practical and conservative shorter style. Extremely thick hair should be thinned out. Radical changes should be avoided. Research flattering styles. Coloring is acceptable if the shade leans toward earthy tones, especially chestnut. Virgo moons bring the clean freak out in all of us so opt for shampoos that rid the hair of excessive product build-up. Virgo also rules over health so determine what vitamins, minerals and supplements weshould take for our inner-beauty regime. B-Complex and Silica are especially good for our hair’s health.

The Moon in Libra is a semi-fertile and moist sign. Lunar Planters used this sign to plant vines and flowers, appropriate since Libra rules over beauty. It’s no surprise, then, that perms, colors and styles have a better chance of success during this moon although working with a style you already have is better. Libra is about perfection so use this moon to discover what style looks best on you. Cutting is acceptable but avoid radical styling. This is a favorable time for romantic and sensuous soft styles. Libra is a very sociable moon so match your hair to the occasion with a stunning up-do. Libra can easily see the pros and cons of any situation so it’s unlikely you’ll feel like making a big decision during this moon anyway.

The Moon in Scorpio is a very fruitful and moist and almost as productive as Cancer. For Hair Maintenance, cut hair if you need it to grow quickly. With so much moist energy, chemically processing enjoys greater success. Scorpio moons are passionate and dramatic so choose sexy, provocative, daring styles now. If you’ve wanted a dramatically different color and style that what you’re currently sporting, this is the moon to do it. Dark brown or black add to your intrigue. Severe styles are even met with success if attempted under this moon. Part of Scorpio’s sexiness is their mystery so think “seduction” during the Scorpio Moon.

The Moon in Sagittarius is barren and dry and fiery. Perms, colors and any chemical processes should be avoided during this moon since the fire quality will leave hair dry and brittle. Instead, choose deep conditioning treatments. Sagittarius Moons are good for sports activities and exploring so if you want short, sassy, easy to style hair, have it cut during this moon. Cutting now will also slow growth. Sagittarius in medical astrology rules the process of detoxifying the body, so now is a good time to take a critical look at your diet. Greasy, fatty foods will reek havoc in the body and ultimately manifest as lifeless, unmanageable hair. If you have dry and brittle hair, use a deep conditioning treatment.

The Moon in Capricorn is productive, earthy and feminine, a bit drier than Taurus but still good for cutting hair if you want faster growth. Capricorn moons are laced with assertive, career-advancing energy so avoid styles that are radical and take attention away from your hard work. If, however, you want a very conservative, yet sensuous look, choose this moon for cuts and colors. Since people are more concerned about their status and career during this moon, don’t attempt styles and cuts that make a statement about your individuality. If you are planning to highlight your hair avoid brassy reds or golds. Ash blonde or brown is more preferred. If cutting your hair, don’t stray from your current style. Cut for maintenance only. You’ll make a great impression at work if you choose classic, styles. Avoid trends.

The Moon in Aquarius is another barren and dry sign not suited for increasing growth or thickness. Definitely avoid chemically treating your hair since Aquarius is an air sign known for the unexpected. With so much drying air-like energy, processing will leave your hair dry. If however, you would like to flaunt your individuality with a trendy cut, this is a super moon to do so. Be aware, though, that your hair may not grow as quickly as you’d like when you tire of it. For a brief 2 ½ days, people want to revolutionize the world by trying new and exciting things so if you’re itching to be unique, add a temporary blue streak to your hair or crimp your hair

The Moon in Pisces is watery and feminine and one of the most fertile signs so expect increased growth and thickness if you cut your hair during this moon. In fact, almost any hair goal can be achieved with success. Chemically processing your hair is favorable since so much moist energy is available. A Pisces moon is meant for reflecting on your connection to other people and the cosmos so use this time for intimate, serious, and inspirational conversations with the opposite sex. There’s a passionate quality to this moon that sets the stage for romantic encounters. Don’t let this moon pass you by without trying a superbly romantic, soft style. Deep auburn and chestnut colors enhance an amorous moment.

To sum up the Moon Maintenance Plan:
Coordinating your hair activity with the appropriate moon phase and sign will have you working with the cycles instead of against. Since certain activities are better suited to certain times, take advantage of the energy that will make the task flow easier.

If you choose to grow your hair long, cut hair during the first phase of the moon when the light is increasing. To further enhance the growth of your hair, cut it when the moon is in Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Pisces. To increase thickness, cut during these times but also during the Leo moon. If you hate cutting your hair every 4-6 weeks then choose the second phase of the moon when it is decreasing in light. Cutting when the moon is in a fire or air sign like Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius, also prevents excessive growth.

Creating elegant, romantic, and decorative styles work better when the moon is in Taurus, Libra, or Pisces—signs that are naturally ruled by the goddess of love and beauty, Venus.

You can find information about Moon Signs and Phases in an Astrological Almanac, or visitor Susan's site at If you do buy your own almanac, Susan recommends that you make certain the moon signs are Geocentric, not Heliocentric. Research has shown that Geocentric positions are more successful in planning day-to-day activities activities like hair cutting, styling and chemical processing.
Wow, thanks Country Gal for posting the whole article. I found this to be well written and highly informative since I didn't always understand exactly how the Moon affects our hair, although I believed it did since it affects our bodies and our planet.

Shawniegee - You're welcome about the link.

Tonie A. - You're right. People are going back to the old ways, the tried and true ways.

Liz25_Ga - Your mother is wise. Is she still practicing this?
Yes my mom still cut her hair by the moons. I abandon this method after I started taking care of my hair. She still tell me when I should cut my but I ignore it . I think I will start following her advice about cutting my hair.
my grandmother says to trim your hair when its a full moon- and it will grow your hair- I think I should try this
oh no doubt, this is a time honored method initially practiced by the ancients. my maternal grandma would always trim my hair and her hair as well by the new moon, and i still do it to this day.

i never actually tested it to see if it really makes a difference in the growth of my hair... i just believe it
I just got a trim on Dec.21 st and got color on Dec. 22nd. I was wondering if these were good days or not. But anywho i have been using this method for the last 9 months and i feel that it has really worked for me and my hair and i will continue using it- don't plan on trimming or coloring again until feb or march- preferably march. Thanks Isis and country Gal for the great info.
in the past ive trimmed my hair but the moon and it worked! got off track at some point. lord knows i desperately need a trim anyway. . .
hotshot said:
in the past ive trimmed my hair but the moon and it worked! got off track at some point. lord knows i desperately need a trim anyway. . .
Did you do it by the New Moon?
Hmm :scratchch I think I'm going to try this method for 2006 and see how it works out. Thanks for posting Isis!!
mochamadness said:
Hmm :scratchch I think I'm going to try this method for 2006 and see how it works out. Thanks for posting Isis!!
You're welcome Mochamadness!

Vevster - It's good to know that Morocco chart does work.
So what do u have to do tomorrow to strengthen ur hair? What do u do on the 12-14th to thicked your hair?
I've seen this done all my life. My parents and grandparents always had a copy of the current year's Farmer's Almanac, which lists all the moon's cycles for the year and optimum dates for different things (planting, cutting hair, having medical procedures done, etc.). I guess as a throwback to their era, I always buy one every year (although I usually don't know where it is :lol: ).

Here's an exerpt from the Farmer's Almanac website ... it's actually rather interesting ...

Here are a few of the most popular best days as published in the Farmers' Almanac. Each activity is followed by the best day of the current month.

It's widely believed by many long-time Almanac followers that when the Moon occupies a particular place in the Zodiac each day at 7:00 a.m. EST, it can play an important role in achieving the best possible results for certain activities.

As a service to our Web visitors, we share some of these best days each month. You can find more activities and get 12 months worth in the 2006 Farmers' Almanac sold in many stores throughout the US. Or, you can order a copy from our online store

January 2006

• Bake 1, 6, 7, 13
• Can Fruits and Vegetables 14, 15, 23, 24
• Dry Fruits and Vegetables 16, 17
• Cut Firewood 1-14, 30, 31
• Cut Hair to Increase Growth 1, 4, 5, 8-10, 13, 31
• Mow to Increase Growth 1-13, 29-31
• Mow to Retard Growth 14-28
• Castrate Farm Animals 1-5, 25-31
• Harvest 22-28
• Prune Trees 23, 24, 27, 28
• Wean 1-5, 25-31
• Hunt 1-5, 29-31
• Fish Mornings: 13, 14, 15 Evenings: 5
• Quit a Habit or Smoking 16-19, 25, 26
Lovelylocs said:
So what do u have to do tomorrow to strengthen ur hair? What do u do on the 12-14th to thicked your hair?
I'm going by what I've learned here and will use Keraphix protein treatment to strengthen my hair.

Perhaps on January 12-14, starting something to thicken hair like drinking carrot juice (if we're not already doing it) will accelerate the process. I'm not sure how this works but that's what I'm sensing it means.
pheb32 said:
I've seen this done all my life. My parents and grandparents always had a copy of the current year's Farmer's Almanac, which lists all the moon's cycles for the year and optimum dates for different things (planting, cutting hair, having medical procedures done, etc.). I guess as a throwback to their era, I always buy one every year (although I usually don't know where it is :lol: ).

Here's an exerpt from the Farmer's Almanac website ... it's actually rather interesting ...

Thanks Pheb32 for the link and info!