Growing faster on one side and....


New Member
The hair on the left side of my head seems to grow a lot faster than the hair on my right side, which I know happens to a lot of people. However, yesterday I was doing a mani/pedi at home and noticed that my finger and toe nails on my left hand and foot were also significantly longer than the nails on my right hand and foot...Can someone explain? TIA
Well I think it has to do with circulation. I know that lying on your left side brings the blood pressure down. My hair and nails are like that too. I hate trimming the left side, it grows so much faster. I trim it to even it and it passes the right side again.
I just said to myself whilst doing a length check "Why does the hair on my left side always grow longer than the hair on the right?". I have no idea why...I'm not sure about my toe and finger nails. I keep them trimmed. But wait, technically that means the grow rate on the left is more than on the right..hmmm
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Same here...A anatomy professor stated one side of our bodies is slightly bigger than the other...she said something about using one side more than the other like if your right handed you will have more movement and muscle in that hand than the other..I thought it was crazy but when she explained it it kind of make sense...I noticed it while shoe shopping as well one foot is slightly bigger than the other WEIRD....LOL but IDK how that applies to our hair...Do you sleep on that side thats shorter i noticed i sleep on my right side which is the shorter side..
Yup, the hair on my left side grows faster. I THINK (not 100% sure) it has to do with circulation; b/c our heart is on the left side, when it pumps, the blood flow on the left side is a little stronger. So the left side gets slightly more oxygen and nutrients. Someone once told me that's why most women have a slightly bigger left boob, so I assume it also applies to feet, hair, etc.
Is this where the left side is always growing longer than the right side of my hair club members meet?

My name is Hair Iam and I am a left side is always longer suffer ...I pray someone finds the answer ...or this may become the the 8th wonder of the world:grin:
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My right side was much longer than my left (at least four inches) until last week. I had it trimmed, and my stylist evened my hair out. Now my hair looks so even and nice. There are no thin ends. My hair is at the top of my bra clasp now, so I'm working on getting it back to mid-back length.
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Might this have something to do with which hand you use more, i.e. if you're right-handed, your hair, nails, ets, grow longer on the opposite side? Just as the arm of the hand you favor is stronger, I have noticed, the nails on the opppsing hand tend to grow and hang in longer because that hand is not used as often. Couldn't that translate to hair, as in, we might be more likely to manipulate the hair on the side of our head of the hand that we use more.?.?
Well I am right handed but the hair on the left side of my head grows SLOWER. my nails grow the same rate on ec hand but the nails on my left hand tend to grow longer due less use.