Great time at LHCF- Woodbridge


New Member
I went to a LHCF meeting today at Uno's in Woodbridge and had the pleasure of meeting two lovely young ladies, amazing and dhill02 (pardon me if I got it wrong). They were both very pretty and very nice and I was late due to a family emergency. The food was good and so was the company. We are learning and sharing together. I wish dhill02 good luck with her transition and with her educational goals. I wish amazing a safe trip to California.

I remember I had a failed attempt at going natural many moons ago before there was support online and I don't wish that on anyone else.

I am glad that we can all use this forum to grow and share together.

I hate that I missed Neffertiti but I think we can reschedule lunch another time.
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aw, thanks... i had a great time as well today at our meet up. LHCF, it's good to have these, cuz like OP said, i got to meet two, well three beautiful, and nice young ladies who not only were cool, but shared my interest in hair (which is a plus). I had fun with them and nefertiti stopped by, but she had to leave. but it was nice seeing her too. carameldiva and dehill02, i enjoyed y'alls company. thanks for coming out today!!

Oh, and how about DH got mad when i brought him home those 3 mozzarella sticks.. LOL... he said where is my food..LOL.. Im a bad DW. LOL
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