Great!!! I see alot of familiar names...


New Member
I know I must be in the right place. I see alot of familiar names from long ago... I have been lurking on alot of sites--but this feels like home. Anybody have any success stories, due to vitamins, protective care etc...?
Hey henrilou! I've been lurking myself since blackhaircare closed down over a year ago. This board is excellent; I love it here and plan to make it my home.

I've been getting used to my hair over the past year, and I've actually switched from shea butter synthetics to an organic shampoo/conditioner. My hair is a lot thicker and healthier than the last time we posted together, but not longer. This year, now that my hair is nursed back to health, I'm goin' for the length! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
It's been a while. Basically it's easier to GROW your hair when you have something healthy to start with. Glad to hear that you're on your way. I experienced breakage at the nape. And I think it was from my "doo rag" and the way that I tied it at night (rubbing). So I am working on that...I am so glad that I have "home" again...
Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl Do you know I have missed you posting on this board so much over the months. People were asking where you were and everything. I'm SO HAPPY /images/graemlins/grin.gif to see you back girly.

For all those that don't know Henrilou she is one of the most BEAUTIFULIST people I've "Never" met. LOL

SO GLAD to see you back.

STAY this time. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
<font color="purple">Hey Henrilou....where have you been? You just left us hanging! Glad to see ya back. I miss your hair tips. </font color> /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Welcome back, Henrilou! I remember you from the old LHL board, but you wouldn't remember me, because I was a lurker back then. Just when I was thinking of coming out, all the nasty trolling started, and I decided to keep out of the fray. But I missed your contributions, and I'm so happy to see you back. Beverly runs a very pleasant site, and I think you will enjoy being here. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

It is so glad to see you back. I was wondering what happened to you. How is California? How long is your hair now?
Hey HairFanatic!!!SweetCocoa and LondonDiva!Gosh, I hope this site is around for a while!! Well, now I really believe in Vits. (LondonDiva got me started...)I stopped for about 3 months and now I'm back on and I DO notice the difference in the feel of my roots. Hey LondonDiva how's your hair?
Hi Henrilou!

Welcome Back! You were very positive to me when I asked questions on the old boards. I've learned so much about my hair and the proper way to care for it.

I'm glad you're back...Thanks for being so nice /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hi Henrilou! It's good to "see" you again. I remember you from the old Multicultural board at the old LHL. You inspired me back in the day with your personal journey from damaged hair to mid-back length. I hope you are here to stay. Welcome /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Wow!! I feel welcomed. By the way I absolutely love Thandie Newton. Gorgeous. I know she has fabulous hair of her own, but I think that picture and Mission Impossible, she is wearing a weave. Which by the way, I am thinking of putting one in for the winter...
hi, henrilou!

i just joined the old board maybe two months before it went away. so your name is not familiar to me, but i hope to "chat" with you and learn some of your tips soon. how long is your hair now?

Henrilou the hair is going good..not GREAT as I'm still learning new things everyday about my hair and just haven't applied everything yet.

I have good length, good hair health (at times battling this London cold) the silk scarf is staying on till the sun coms out in like 8 months time. It's so cold some mornings you'd think the air will literally CHIP your hair ends off.

I'm becoming a better master of the relaxer applications and a now on liquid vitamins and minerals from buried treasure the VM100 and Calcium Plus and also taking the Twinlab Amino Fuel. It's been less than a month so I'm still waiting to see the benefits of those /images/graemlins/smile.gif
<font color="purple">Thanks for the heads up, Henrilou. I agree, her weave looks good and if there was anyone in my neck of the woods who could put in a decent weave, I would get one for the winter. However, I am on a new search for another hair inspiration.... </font color>

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Wow!! I feel welcomed. By the way I absolutely love Thandie Newton. Gorgeous. I know she has fabulous hair of her own, but I think that picture and Mission Impossible, she is wearing a weave. Which by the way, I am thinking of putting one in for the winter...

[/ QUOTE ]
<font color="pink"> Henrilou, it's good to see you! **hugs** I had wondered how things were going with you... I'm glad you found your way to this board and am looking forward to reading your posts again /images/graemlins/smile.gif </font color>