Gorgeous Tbl 4c Hair

Her hair is gorge.

I use to be so envious of these thick haired naturals but now I realize I will never have that and there are some perks to having low density hair like using less product and time on styling. I still want thick hair but when I see a vid like that I have to remember she prob goes through a jar of dc in 2 washes.
I've been following her on IG. I didn't realize she had YT channel too! Off to subscribe.
Yes! That's my girl, Nica!

She mixes down her own product using an inexpensive conditioner as a base. It looks pretty reasonable in price. And she has an ETSY store where she is selling her hair products/home made conditioner. She is generous with her information and gracious and keeps things simple when it comes to her hair.

I do not know her but I respect her process and her gorgeous results!
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@Bibliophile ,

Ahm, so when are you going to share those tailbone length secrets you got hidden in all that hair? Your braids hang past your bra-strap and they are SHRUNKEN! So, I know that hair is SUPER long. I would like to see more of your hair, know more about your regimen and have you impart your incredible knowledge. You've been undercover for long enough, girl. Come on out, now.
Her hair is amazing ... just mounds and mounds of hair!! I've always envied thick-haired naturals because my own hair has such low density.

I use to be so envious of these thick haired naturals but now I realize I will never have that and there are some perks to having low density hair like using less product and time on styling. I still want thick hair but when I see a vid like that I have to remember she prob goes through a jar of dc in 2 washes.

I completely agree. I just perused your Fotki. You and I have the exact same hair type. Hello there, hair twin!!