Going natural till goal reached, then relaxing??


New Member

I just wanted to get a few opinions...

I've been natural now for the past yr, and my hair is currently natural and shoulder length when pressed. (I press it weekly)

I debating between getting twists extensions which i've never gotten before, or relax it and get a new cut and style...

I miss having relaxed hair, but with natural hair my hair seems to shed less and is much much thicker. (My hair was already thick when relaxed)

My overall goal is to gain more length...APL/BSL

Has anyone worn natural styles for say...2 years or so, to get to their goal length and then relaxed it after achieving the desired length??
I am considering doing the same. I have just BC'd and everything is o.k. for now. I have very thick 4a/4b hair and I can't imagine the time and energy it will take to detangle and twist once it gets long. My goal is brastrap. I think after I get to APL I will texturize it just to aid in detangling.
It seems you already have your mind made up, Whatever makes you happy, there is nothing wrong with change LOL!!!!! I am sure your hair will look good either way, But it took you a year to get to where you are, But I would suggest the Twist w.extensions and see how that works out for you first.
For me there would be no going back to perm, I have never attained the thickness or progress with premed or kiddy premed hair. Even with this wealth of information I know the health I have now with natural hair could never be attained with premed. That's my hair; sounds like you may have achieved health hair even when premed. I pray you make the decision that's right for your hair, as you have had the best of both worlds.

God’s best
That is a good question. I'm also thinking of relaxing. Maybe in January. Currently my hair is touching my shoulders and I think I should be apl if not around apl by then. I'm thinking the same thing. I'm quietly:fan: searching any and all threads on relaxing. . . .
thenappygirl17 said:
That is a good question. I'm also thinking of relaxing. Maybe in January. Currently my hair is touching my shoulders and I think I should be apl if not around apl by then. I'm thinking the same thing. I'm quietly:fan: searching any and all threads on relaxing. . . .

thanks for the responses so far...I'm leaning towards just going for the relaxer...Its alot of work to maintain my natural hair in a straight style, and I can't work out unless I have braids. I'm looking forward to braidouts and different straight styles. I've just been trying to think it through, because I don't want to have any regrets.
Hair Iam said:
For me there would be no going back to perm, I have never attained the thickness or progress with premed or kiddy premed hair. Even with this wealth of information I know the health I have now with natural hair could never be attained with premed. That's my hair; sounds like you may have achieved health hair even when premed. I pray you make the decision that's right for your hair, as you have had the best of both worlds.

God’s best

Thanks! I wanted to atleast see my natural texture since I really didn't think it was fair to myself not to see my hair's texture. I actually went from relaxer to texlax to natural lol. I feel like this experience has also given me more insight into what my hair likes/dislikes. My hair is thick with a perm, its feeling hotter and hotter as summer in LA approaches lol. I'm still gonna thin about it this week; don't wanna make any rash decisions lol:lol: :look:
How come you can't workout with your Natural hair? Is it because it will get poofy? LOL!!! It is alot of Naturals that have Long hair that workout without braids in their hair. But If your hair is fine and healthy being relaxed then go ahead and relax, You don't need excuses LOL!!!! Not being rude! I am just saying because I had done that about a year ago. no, way over a year ago, I had missed my Relaxed hair and I was thinking of all kinds of reasons to go back to a Relaxer LOL!!! & it was only one and that was that I wanted my hair straight and after I straighten it I didn't like it and the next month when I got New Growth I Big Chopped! I am so crazy! But whatever you choose you are at the right Board, Maybe when you relax you can use the Baggy method to keep your length and your ends healthy, Don't forget Pics!
snoopy1me said:

I just wanted to get a few opinions...

I've been natural now for the past yr, and my hair is currently natural and shoulder length when pressed. (I press it weekly)

I debating between getting twists extensions which i've never gotten before, or relax it and get a new cut and style...

I miss having relaxed hair, but with natural hair my hair seems to shed less and is much much thicker. (My hair was already thick when relaxed)

My overall goal is to gain more length...APL/BSL

Has anyone worn natural styles for say...2 years or so, to get to their goal length and then relaxed it after achieving the desired length??

I did this for one year and relaxed on my one year anniversary. Even though relaxers do have their setbacks, I have not regretted the decision.
I'm actually thinking of doing this . I have been researching the relaxed threads myself. I am still undecided. My issue is that I want a change. my hair is very healthy. So I'm going to wait until june to make my decision. I will be one yr natural in july though. Until I can make my decision without changing m mind I'm not going to do anything.
I've been natural for about two years now, and wouldn't go back. But my good friend went natural about a year before me, and then this year said she was relaxing. She colored her hair and went a little crazy and suffered a lot of damage, but now she regrets it. She used to color her hair all the time when it was natural and I guess she forgot how damaging that can be on relaxed hair. :ohwell: Now she's on the fence about whether she'll return or not, but she's always like "you make me miss my fro." Whatever you do just know, it's only hair.:look: (and I heard a rumor it grows back) Good luck!
LadyEsquire said:
I did this for one year and relaxed on my one year anniversary. Even though relaxers do have their setbacks, I have not regretted the decision.

ITA with everything.

OP: that was my game plan, but I didn't/couldn't last that long. I say go for it.
I do NOT plan on doing this (I'm natural for life), but I know 2 members here who did... check out arichard42 and anikalia.
My old hairdresser went natural for a while (maybe a year or a little over), and recently I saw her and she has relaxed her hair. Her hair is so beautiful. She always had thick hair, but it seems thicker and fuller. I love it. So relaxing may not be a bad idea.
I have been natural for 7 years, and decided that I was going to relax. I tried it with Phyto I and it didnt take, it left me with a nice head of looser curls. I said I was going to do a corrective, but Im not sure now. I may just ride it out.

I remember how my hair was before when it was relaxed, even though I know I didnt have %10 of the knoweldge on hair that I have now and this wonderful support group.

I am kind of glad the Phyto didnt take, it gives me more time to mull it over. I just really hate to go completely straight and ruin all that progress.

Even if I do decide to relax, I am going to give myself plenty of time to make sure my unstraight hair is in optimal condition before trying again.
I do, or possiably MAY do this but I'm undeiced as if I may or may not ....

I woudl suggest that if you do so your make sure every do often you fal iron and trim your edges (a light dusting) just so IF and WHEN you may relax your hair wont have spilt ends...
I did this and after a year I went back to relaxing and regretted it. I just recently did another big chop (like last night) and I'm on my way back to my natural journey. I think I'll be natural for life. My hair strands are really thin and when relaxed, looked that way although my hair was thriving. As it got longer, I just didn't like the thin look. My natural hair is big and has personality. Naps, kinks, coils and all. But whatever you decide to do, I hope it works for you. Good luck.

-- Ny
I used to think about going back to a relaxer, but I am falling for my spirals and how much thicker and stronger my hair is. Had I known how much healthier my hair could have been, I woulda gone natural a long time ago. I'd rather just train my hair to get straightened and do that then go back to a relaxer!
I was natural for 6 years...decided to relax...the stylist left me severly underprocessed...curls loosened only a bit....my hair is mostly natural...I seroiusly regret it....since reliable stylists are hard to come by. natural hair is easier to maintain...and you don't need to depend on these so called "professionals"...I might just leave things as it is and continue to get blowouts from the dominicans when I want it straight.....I can't handle the headache from these stylists at all....
darknlovely913 said:
I was natural for 6 years...decided to relax...the stylist left me severly underprocessed...curls loosened only a bit....my hair is mostly natural...I seroiusly regret it....since reliable stylists are hard to come by. natural hair is easier to maintain...and you don't need to depend on these so called "professionals"...I might just leave things as it is and continue to get blowouts from the dominicans when I want it straight.....I can't handle the headache from these stylists at all....

Yes, this is one of several reasons why I went natural. It only takes one bad one lol
NappyParadise said:
How come you can't workout with your Natural hair? Is it because it will get poofy? LOL!!! It is alot of Naturals that have Long hair that workout without braids in their hair. But If your hair is fine and healthy being relaxed then go ahead and relax, You don't need excuses LOL!!!! Not being rude! I am just saying because I had done that about a year ago. no, way over a year ago, I had missed my Relaxed hair and I was thinking of all kinds of reasons to go back to a Relaxer LOL!!! & it was only one and that was that I wanted my hair straight and after I straighten it I didn't like it and the next month when I got New Growth I Big Chopped! I am so crazy! But whatever you choose you are at the right Board, Maybe when you relax you can use the Baggy method to keep your length and your ends healthy, Don't forget Pics!

I really wasn't trying to make excuses...just confused between the two options :spinning: I prefer my hair "un-poofy" lol - just a personal preference of mine, and my head is already big enough :).

I was thinking braids cuz I love braid styles...cornrow extensions, and thought maybe I'd try twists this times since they'd last longer than cornrows...but then started worrying about split ends (mainly) and my edges as I'd have to try out a new braider, but I love that its easier to maintain.

...then I started thinking, what if the stylist messes up my relaxer. And assuming, that wasn't an issue, I started thinking about how I'd have to go the salon more regularly...and what if I regreted the decision and wanted to go back natural, I'd have to grow it out all over again.

And my mind just kept going back and forth, nonstop lol
Cutiepie7691 said:
My old hairdresser went natural for a while (maybe a year or a little over), and recently I saw her and she has relaxed her hair. Her hair is so beautiful. She always had thick hair, but it seems thicker and fuller. I love it. So relaxing may not be a bad idea.

Thanks for your comment! I press it so regularly, I'm thinking it seems to make more sense to just relax it. And when I relaxed, I actually used less heat and spent less time doing my hair. I figure if I start to miss a braided style, I could just get cornrows or something around the time for a touchup.
Hidden_Angel said:
I do, or possiably MAY do this but I'm undeiced as if I may or may not ....

I woudl suggest that if you do so your make sure every do often you fal iron and trim your edges (a light dusting) just so IF and WHEN you may relax your hair wont have spilt ends...

Definitely, good advice. Thanks!
bLackButtaFly said:
I've been natural for about two years now, and wouldn't go back. But my good friend went natural about a year before me, and then this year said she was relaxing. She colored her hair and went a little crazy and suffered a lot of damage, but now she regrets it. She used to color her hair all the time when it was natural and I guess she forgot how damaging that can be on relaxed hair. :ohwell: Now she's on the fence about whether she'll return or not, but she's always like "you make me miss my fro." Whatever you do just know, it's only hair.:look: (and I heard a rumor it grows back) Good luck!

Thats true...it does grow back. I think I'm gonna go for it - I feel like I need a change
I did this unintentionally because I became frustrated with my natural hair and I didn't like how it looked on me. I wasn't patient enough to learn what products and techniques did and did not work for me. I honestly did not what my length was when I decided to relax again, so I didn't know how close I was to my goal. I knew that I was above shoulder length because I "trimmed' my hair last August, and though I pressed my hair, it still didn't show it's true length. Even now, it doesnt. I have stretched for 16 weeks, so I am able to feel my natural texture, and truth be told, I miss it. I think I will relax until I reach my goal of BSL, see how I like it, then transition again. I may continue to do this just to have a change of pace for a few years, then ultimately stick to one. Never say never, though.
I was natural and then just relaxed again in February 2007. I don't regret it. I mean sometimes I miss having my big hair, but then again for me it is much easier and less time consuming having my relaxed hair. I, like you, wanted to wear my hair straight and work out...and with my hair not being long that doesn't work. I know some can do it, but I sweat in my head and so I would get my hair straightened only to have to use heat all the time to keep it that way. I really believe though that my journey to natural hair has helped me. It taught me how to care for my hair, what my hair likes/dislikes, introduced me to the hair boards, and most importantly gave me a "new" head of hair to start with...Hair that is free of all the bad things I did to my previously relaxed head. And now my relaxed hair is growing like weeds.

Make whatever decision works for you, just make sure your happy...:)
So it looks like I'm relaxing tomorrow ;) which i am very excited about. I definitely enjoyed this natural stretch (my 2nd one). Now to decide on a style... I think I have learned a lot about my hair and can apply what i've learned from this board and my personal experiences.

Maybe the goal in my situation was really not about the length achieved, but increased awareness and understanding of my hair