Going back to braidouts


New Member
Here's why: Last week I was in the store shopping. Well, the salesman seemed a little too friendly and I noticed his eyes diverting away from my eyes, and settling on an area near or by my ears. I should mention that I have been wearing half-wigs for several months. I cover my hair with a plastic cap, put a satin cap over that, and then put on my wig. Needless to say, I had adjusted the wig before I left home to loosen the fit a bit, so when I left the store, something said to look in the mirror. I adjusted my rear-view mirror and when I looked into it, the plastic cap was exposed, all around the back of my head! I might have been mortified, had this happened a year ago, but I'm gaining some confidence and was like, "Oh, well!"

Now I'm going back to my most reliable and beloved style: THE BRAIDOUT! This has been my "go-to" style for any occasion. I'm a little worried about the cold weather causing damage but I think I'll be OK.

Any words of wisdom? BTW, who's still using this style for growth?
I have just started doing it and it works out great! It gets extremely cold where I live and I have been fine. If you are worried about the winter mths maybe u can dry yours ( I usually tie mine down with a scarf and air dry). Good luck!
I just decided to go back as well. I'm tired of roller setting but I still want to wear my hair down. I did it last winter w/ no problems at all, just be sure to moisturize consistently.
Tinkerbell, that's how I do my braidouts too. I cowash, airdry until my hair is about 80% dry, braid five cornows to the back, roll the ends on skinny perm rods, and tie it down. So far, so good. I plan to wear my braidouts through the winter. Haven't made it to APL yet (about two inches away!), but hopefully, I will come spring.