Going Back to Black...Help


Active Member
Summer is ending and the blond highlights need to as well. (Check out my album to see). It's been fun and all but I'm ready to go back to black.
The blond highlights are getting lighter in the sun and it's hard to look professional at work with white highlights. I haven't colored my entire head in over a year and I'm nervous about the potential damage. I purchased Dark & Lovely's Natural Black permanent. Will I damage or break off my hair? I've made such progress. Help me ladies...please.
Lorraine why don't you rinse your hair black? Believe me, it will last a very long time, especially if you perm and rinse on the same day. I did that and my hair is still jet black, and I rinsed my hair way back in March.
Lorraine, I agree with Britt- a jet black rinse can be really effective

I used the one made by SoftSheenCarson, and it turned out very nicely. Depending on how frequently you wash/rinse your hair it may come out much more quickly than permanent color, but it would be a lot "safer". You would also get a chance to test drive the look- have you been jet black before?
Remember that when you go from highlights back to a darker color especially black you have to use a filler ( I think it is called), so your hair won't turn greenish after a while. When I had highlights and my stylist applied Bigen in Oriental Black, she filled my hair before applying the color.
I third the idea of getting a rinse. When I used to get black rinses frequently, my hair never sustained any damage...in fact, it seemed to strengthen it, and the shine was unreal. I would make sure that it will provide sufficient coverage over your dye first, though. Good luck
LorraineG said:
Thanks, Britt.
Who makes the rinse you used?

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I believe Alfa Parf. Man oh man is my hair jet black. The color isn't even called jet blk. but its the darkest brown which is closest to jet blk.
Thanks, ladies. I purchased Dark and Lovely's rinse. Tomorrow is hair day so hopefully I will have photos up later in the week.

@Nay...what kind of 'filler' would you recommend? I,too, don't think this will 'take' right away and cover the highlights. They are so strong they are bordering on white!