Giving Up My Beloved Castor Oil


New Member
After reading all about the benefits of wheat germ oil, I added it to my regimen and I like it. It's addition, put me at 4 natural oils which I feel is too much for me. So one has to go and castor oil is the only one that does not penetrate or add vitamins.
Castor oil and I have had a very loving relationship but it is time that we break up. As with all relationships, we may get back together but right now I'm trying to move on with my life.
Yesterday was the first day we did not see each other and my hair still felt great.
My oils: coconut, olive, and wheat germ
Coconut oil and olive oil are added to my deep conditioner.
Wheat germ oil and olive oil are now mixed with my Lustrasilk for my moisturizer/leave-in. My hair still feels soft and yummy; and there is an added benefit of more slip.
My daily moisturizing spray bottle will consist of water, one squirt of Lustrasilk, one squirt of olive oil, and one squirt of wheat germ oil. I used this combination this morning and again my hair feels great.
:imsorry::cry4:I'm sorry, castor oil, but I think our break up might be permanent.
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what about keeping the castor oil to lightly oil your scalp 2-3x a week?

I don't put any thing on my scalp.
I'm trying to keep costs and the amount of things I put in my hair down so poor castor oil is being cut loose.
My 2 remaining bottles are going to be used up by my nephew (16 years old). My sister and I co-raise him. He uses the castor oil/Lustrasilk combo to moisturize his hair. At this time, he is not too receptive to using olive oil in place of the castor oil. He doesn't want to smell like olive oil. I'm going to have to ease him into the idea a little more.
i love wheat germ oil i have some mixed with jojoba oil and sunflower oil that smells like heaven its called ULI Natures Oil Complex got it from the bss, i use it to seal, as an addition to conditioners and on my scalp.
I just added wheat germ oil to my mix on Friday.

So now I use olive oil, jbco and wheat germ oil.

the olive oil is for nourishment and elasticity, the jbco is a great sealent that helps thicken my hair and the wheat germ oil has ceremides that i need to combat protein overload and hold in moisturize

I can't imagine leaving my beloved jbco or any of my 3 oils. :nono: And if I happened to find one more that did something suuper yummy I'd be open to adding it to.

why is having 4 oils such bad thing? if you mix it in an applicator bottle (which is what i do) it's super easy.
I just added wheat germ oil to my mix on Friday.

So now I use olive oil, jbco and wheat germ oil.

the olive oil is for nourishment and elasticity, the jbco is a great sealent that helps thicken my hair and the wheat germ oil has ceremides that i need to combat protein overload and hold in moisturize

I can't imagine leaving my beloved jbco or any of my 3 oils. :nono: And if I happened to find one more that did something suuper yummy I'd be open to adding it to.

why is having 4 oils such bad thing? if you mix it in an applicator bottle (which is what i do) it's super easy.

For me, it just feels like too much. At what point would I stop? Would I just keep adding oil after oil after oil. If I limit myself, I won't get out of control.
Olive oil, I will never give up because it penetrates and is the least expensive. Extra Virgin 101 oz for $14.52 at Sam's Club.
Coconut Oil penetrates deeper than the olive oil and I use it in my deep conditioner.
The wheat germ oil has the ceramides, vitamin e, etc.
Castor oil, although it has been good to me, was the one oil that did not have that extra.
To top it off, I refuse to become a product junky.:nono:
Nope, nope, nope
When I purchase hair supplies, I purchase for: myself, my 16 year old nephew, my 17 year old sister, and my 14 year old sister. Product junkism will not become a part of me.
It feels good to talk about this.
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Castor oil is great for my ends, and one of the reasons, imo why I'm retaining my growth. It will always be a part of my group of oils. I regularly use coconut, castor, kukui and argan; I just rotate the usage and mix it up. Some of the oils I use for DC'ing and others for sealing, it works well for me.
Castor oil is great for my ends, and one of the reasons, imo why I'm retaining my growth. It will always be a part of my group of oils. I regularly use coconut, castor, kukui and argan; I just rotate the usage and mix it up. Some of the oils I use for DC'ing and others for sealing, it works well for me.

I'm not a person that does well with rotating. I need consistency. I think that is why I was able to find and stick to a regimen quickly. I try new things but not very often. It took me a good minute before I could let go of the castor oil; but if my hair starts to suffer, I will be running back to it with a quickness. There's no doubt about that!
You could also try using the castor oil for your skin (if you haven't already) to use it up. Warning: you may get addicted and then still be stuck buying castor oil.

I put some on my face overnight and then look amazing the next morning. It eliminates any small wrinkles for me, softens my skin, and helps clear up acne. I also like to mix it with EVOO (about 20% JBCO to 80% EVOO), leave it on my skin for a bit, then steam it off either with towels dipped in hot water or over hot water in the sink with a towel over my head for a tent. I might put herbs or EO in the treatment water. This is softening and makes my skin glow.

I hear you on using less products. I'm trying to do the same myself since things seem to build up on my hair quickly and I want to see if this will help.
Castor oil is great for my ends, and one of the reasons, imo why I'm retaining my growth. It will always be a part of my group of oils. I regularly use coconut, castor, kukui and argan; I just rotate the usage and mix it up. Some of the oils I use for DC'ing and others for sealing, it works well for me.

Do you use regular castor oil or JBCO?
2 Things:
We have the same staples so now I'm wondering if I should try the Wheatgerm oil :rolleyes: (i'm relaxed but boy is it course up there!).

And i'm totally getting the idea of replacing one item with another. I'm an avid fan of KISsing and that's exactly how i do it. if it serves no specific purpose then i'm mixing it with my cons until it's gone. Buh bye!
In my case I use jbco to seal my ends and ocm. Since my face absolutely loves it :dinner: it will stay under my cabinet.
Just finished rubbing in some JBCO.:lick:

Love WheatGerm, Olive, Avacado, Coconut and alot of the 'other' oils....But JBCO will always Be Part of Da' Stash.:look:

It's just that Simple.:grin: