Give reasons why you would ..........


New Member
cut your hair. I ask this because I had an consult w/ a stylist today. This lady was recommended by a fellow internet hair buddy, who gave GREAT reviews on her techniques and products she use. I'm so tired of this what I thought was "underprocessed hair", but she(the stylist) said the complete opposite. Thatmy hair on the ends was overprocessed and needs to be cut off and start fresh. This is the plan she recommended for my hair:
First, get it relaxed w/ Mizani(reg) and get my overprocessed ends cut off into a nice hair cut. She stated that I have alot of broken off places in the crown of my head and holding on to them will do no good because it's going to continue to break off. Then, she suggested that I can wear my hair in ponytails until it starts to grow back out. I told her that my hair has BEEN uneven and that this is not something that just started happening since my last relaxer, but she made it sound like my hair was really jacked up, and that cutting it would make it all better. When I got to the salon, she had a girl in the chair and the girl was talking about how she made a mistake by going to another stylist instead of coming to the stylist in question. And how she had experienced all this damage from the outsider stylist. She stayed around as my consults was going on and stated she had to get her hair cut after her bad experience before her hair started growing back properly. IMO my hair is in MUCH better shape then she gave me credit for, but then I'm second questioning myself because I dread going backwards. Do you ladies think uneven hair has a major effect on how your hair grows? What do you think about my ordeal?
All response are appreciated
I hate when stylists make you feel like your hair is hopeless. Luckily this hasn't happened to me in a long time but I have had this experience before. I actually did get a major haircut due to a lot of damage I had done to my hair by highlighting it and using blow-dryer and curling iron faithfully.

I'd say be careful with this stylist. Maybe you should get a second opinion? Do YOU feel like your hair is so bad you need to cut off as much as this stylist wants to?? In my case, I KNEW I needed a major cut. My hair was really really damaged and there was no mistaking that. If I were you, I'd see if there's a way you could just get a really good trim and then continue taking good care of your hair with reconstructors, protein treatments (if needed) and deep moisturizing conditioners. That's unless you DO want to cut a lot off and start over...
Well, my hair is uneven because I cut it myself and I have places in crown that are broken off too but, I think a good cut especially in the summer is invaluable - you will feel better and it should grow faster this time of year. So by winter with good care, you should be on track...that is if you want to cut it. Otherwise you can continue to hold on until your ready.

Me I want a good cut, but I'm not ready so I trim my own hair. I would only cut if absolutely necessary and only you can determine that. HTH
My hair has always grown unevenly..the right side grows much faster than the left side..I also noticed that the left side of my face seems to break out more than the right side..maybe there is a connection? Anyway, I take it that she took your uneven hair growth as damaged. Last year I cut several inches because my hair was uneven, the ends were looking dcraggly and thin.. I had it cut so that it was the same length all around. It grew back the same exact way, with the right side growing faster.. So now I keep it trimmed as evenly as I can without losing too much length, and take vitamins to speed up growth. As far as the stylist goes, I would want to go to someone that I trust and who can work with my opinions about my hair rather than just saying cut it off and start over. It's important to find someone who will really take the time to listen and respect your opinion.

shanda michelle
I went through getting a haircut last year. First off, I needed to cut it evenly because I had layers in my hair, and, I wanted to cut as much color off as I could. My hair went through more damage after having it cut when I went to get it colored again last summer also. Overall, if it's damaged, I'd say go ahead and have it trimmed and start fresh. I wouldn't hold on to damaged hair because I really believe that it can in a sense stunt the growth. I wouldn't recommend getting caught up in the length cause in the long run, the health of the hair will rule. It will grow back, trust me, I understand because I went through it...check my pics out, I grew mine back so you can do it to!
Don't fall for this! I did and I am seriously regretting it. I was told the exact same thing by my stylist last year and I felt that other than my bad spot (on the top of my head) that my hair was in fairly good condition. I decided to listen to the expert and let her cut my shoulder length hair to above the ear with the back shaved. She said that evening up the top would give my hair a chance for a healthy start. Well all I can say is one year later my hair is slowly growing back but guess what? Until I found this sight 2 months My top was as short and broken as ever. I would rather have possibly bra length hair with a broken spot than barely chin length with the same broken spot. My spot has finally grown about 1 to 1 1/2 inches more than it's usual length since I have been reading this board. It has become so strong and all evidence of breakage has disappeared. I wish I had followed my own instincts instead of taking the word of a so called expert. Ginny
I hate when stylists have to say bad things,it always makes me feel so bad. If your hair is really all that danaged I wouls say go ahead and trim the damaged areas. Cause I know my hair was damaged from bleaching so I had my hair barely trimmed and I eleminated the curling iron,blowdryer, flat iron, etc. I only did rollersets and deep conditions every week. And I wore my hair in a bun everyday. And my hair grew so much and it becamse so healthy. And I didn't have to cut off my hair. I really dont think a trimming has to do anything with hairgrowth and health, because if you get a trim but you are still flatironing and other manipulations to your hair, your just defeating the purpose. I havent trimmed my hair in about a year and it is growing just fine. I truly beleive in eliminating all heating appliances, except the hooded dryer. Its important not to stress your hair.
First off, I think you should get a second opinion.

What is your regime like? Have you developed it where you are satisfied with the results with the exception of the damaged areas?

If you do feel like your ends are damaged, or you receive another opinion and it is similar, then I would trim off the damaged area(s). I would then continue with my regime if I was satisfied with it, or develop it more to promote healthier hair. I would then let it grow out more and then even it (if necessary). The crown area (for me is a difficult spot as well.

It needs a lot of moisture and for most of my life has always been shorter than the rest of my hair. This is why I have layers. Many people don't like layers, but this is also an opition.

You'll be surprised at how fast the crown area will grow after getting the attention it desperately needs. And the same goes for the rest of the hair.
We must be hair twins!!!! Its just my left side prospers more than the right. My hair grows unevely and can sometimes appear thin at the ends, but in reality its in very good condition. I need a trim now though
but i'm trying to wait until my next relaxer to do it. I plan on letting my hair grow in its uneven pattern and cutting it even when i'm at my first goal length of brastrap.

Stylists all NEED consumer dependency.. meaning as long as you THINK she's helping you the more likely you'll be to continually give her your business. They all do it, its not just her. Just be lucky that you are educated and have knowledge about hair (which many women dont), you wont fall for this "game" of hers.
I just went throught the same thing last saturday. Before I got my crown cut, I was pulling hair out by the hands full from my crown. I'm convinced after this, that is where my thickest hair is and it probably didn't get enough moisturizer and that's why it had dead ends. Believe me, my hair feels much better and stronger. I am able to make sure that my crown get enough moisturizer. I've cut my hair before and it's grown back, I did have long layers though. If you want a new beginning, go with the cut it will give you a new chance with your hair. It's just my opinion.
I really do appreciate ALL the responses that this post has generated and many of you hit the nail right on the head about how she made me feel like my hair was a lost cause. I have struggled w/ the thought of going to a salon to have a relaxer done since I went back to relaxers in Nov, and this is the main reason I hesistated. I have had my hair cut in many styles and it returns to an uneven state. Althought at those times I wasn't caring for my properly
. I hate to have only one option, and that the way she put it. I can honestly say that, I have noticed major changes in my hair for the better since I have started to really care for my hair. I've noticed a difference in the texture, added lenght in ALL areas and a better scalp condition. I don't have a particular regimen that I follow, because that has caused me to become a bonafied PJ, and I'm don't have alot of patience when it comes to how products are working. If, it does something for me the first time, I'm hooked if not I'm on to the next thing. When I look at my hair and think back to about 6mos ago, my hair is in much better shape now then it was then, and about 3inches longer in some areas. The sides are about 3/4 an inch from meeting up w/ the back and the front is about 2inches from meeting even w/ the sides. Do that make sense?
All in all, I do think this stylist is more "hair health concious" than any I've seen in awhile besides Mr. John's and that's when I natural. But, all the pressing was too much and got to expensive to keep with. She will refuse to do certain styles if she don't think it's healthy for the hair. And the ladies speak highly of her.
The problem is the longer I wait trying to find someone, the nappier my hair is getting and breaking at the same rate. I'm at 9weeks since my last relaxer w/ Motion Oil(mild) must I say more. I want her to just trim, but some stylist confuse trim w/ cut then I'll be on the news for
, I'm just playing but, I would feel like it
I will keep in mind the comments on this post and will make my decision in a few days. I'm supposed to go back next Friday for this appt

Thanx for letting me get this off my chest.
in my opinion, if YOU believe your hair is healthy, don't change what you're doing!! i believe that if the hair is growing uneven, trimming it will only result in the hair growing uneven. ya know?

how close are you to your goal? if you're not close, i'd say save the "correcting" for when you are!! as long as your ends are healthy and you aren't experiencing breakage from your hair's current condition, keep doing what you've been doing!

these stylists have to deal with your hair for the length of your salon visit. you have to deal with it for the rest of the time. if it ain't broke, don't fix it!! if it is broke, fix it... but not drastically!

i think the reason i've made so much progress is not because my hair grows the fastest—it doesn't! it's because i rarely cut healthy ends. i've been fortunate to go to stylists who aren't scissor happy, but even if they were, i'm not cutting my hair to please someone that i see every few months. it's MY hair!!

i'm sure we all have things that we don't like about our hair, but cutting every time you change stylists is counterproductive if your goal is to grow your hair.

Thanx Adrienne
. The fact that I'm not close to my goal is the reason I don't want a drastic cut. I'm not having much of a problem w/ breakage, it's more of a shedding problem for me
. My roots look very kinky and spongy and the ends look a little "fuzzy straight" if ya know what I mean. I think she mistaken my ends as being overprocessed because of the dramatic change in the appearance of my roots from the ends. Plus, I had used some RightOn spray to lay my hair into a ponytail for that visit and the ends looked abit shiny.
The problem I have had w/ most stylist is that they think that because they're the "professional" they don't have to listen to your opinion of your hair and it's condition. And, they hate for you to give them precise instructions on what you want. It's like they listen to you when your explaining your wants then, once your sitting back in the chair they do what they think they feel like you need. I asked for an corrective relaxer w/ Mizani and a trim. That's not too much ask is it?
If it's one thing that I've learned, the hard way, is to listen to any doubts that you may have concerning a hair stylist. They are there to make a profit, and very few of them actually care about the condition of your hair away from their chair, as long as you keep coming back to them. If your hair's condition keeps on improving I would hold off on ANY cutting. Not while you have doubts.
Unfortunately, there are those stylists out there who will treat you as if you don't know jack about hair care. I agree with Adrienne--what do you think of your hair??????????

What do you think of your ends? Are they split, or just look thin?

My left side does better than my right side. I once had a stylist to tell me that my right side had broken off and that's why the left side was longer. So, she trimmed it even, and way more if you ask me. And then of course, it grew back out UNEVEN, with the left side longer. And it wasn't due to breakage because I wasn't using heat and I don't have color and I was into a good hair care regimen (as I am now).

She's only met you once--she doesn't know what JACK about YOUR hair. Only you do. Always remember Supergirl's #1 hair care tip...