Give it to me RAW Daddy!

Do you add items to your products?

  • I add oils.

    Votes: 49 35.5%
  • I add butters.

    Votes: 8 5.8%
  • I add other. (please explain)

    Votes: 11 8.0%
  • I add to all my products.

    Votes: 5 3.6%
  • I add to some of my products.

    Votes: 52 37.7%
  • I haven’t used a product without adding something first.

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • I do not add anything to my products.

    Votes: 66 47.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Crackers Phinn

Either A Blessing Or A Lesson.
Now that I have your attention! :grin:

Who uses hair products without adding oils, butters,honey,sulfur,etc?

It seems like everytime I read product reviews from grease to relaxers, somebody's added "a lil bit of this" and "a pinch of that".

Now being real, I only add stuff to watery conditioners that when used 'raw' don't work in my hair. But for the most part, my staple products are those that I can put undiluted on my hair and keep it moving. I kind of feel like, if I have to become a Master Mixtress to get a product to work on my hair then it's a worthless product.

Also, do you try using your products on their own first before adding an oil/butter or is it a given that 'all products need a lil something'?

Just bein nosey! :wink2:

Good poll!
I don't like having to add anything to my products. I think they should work they way they're supposed to, as is.
If they don't, I move on the next product, which is why I've tried soooo many products.
I feel the same way, if it doesn't work by itself and I have to add extras then it's not worth me keeping.

Whenever I try something new, I try it by itself with nothing extra added. I also make sure that my hair is clarified and that I follow my usual routine, only changing that one new thing. That way I'll know for sure if it is actually having an effect on my hair.

I'm also a firm believer that my hair can only take so much "stuff" at one time, so I like to do one thing at a time. If I buy something and then add all kinds of other stuff I think it hurts my hair, rather than helping it.
I almost spit my coffee out when I read the title.:lachen: I dont add anything. But maybe I should to my VO5 cause its not working on my NG at 17 weeks like it did at 3 weeks.
I've added evoo to my con once and that was just to try it out.
Other than that, I like my products straight up.
Sometimes I do mix, but I mix from scratch, not adding to.
I don't add anything to ANY of my products, whether it be a cheapie conditioner or a relaxer. I keep my regimen as simple as possible so "mixing stuff" is just not something I'm interested in doing.:nono:
I add castor oil to conditioners ocassionally, because it is too thick and sticky to use alone.
I'm big on products working well on their own.If I have to doctor it up and add oliveoilhalfacupofsheabutter3.5dropsofsilkaminoacidscrushed upberriestwigsbuttermilkpumpkinseedsgoatmilkwhalespermetc. that done turned it into a whole new product.

I spend a pretty little chunk of change for quality so everything I use is fine on its on.:creatures
I almost spit my coffee out when I read the title.:lachen:
Then my work here is done!:lachen:

I'm big on products working well on their own.If I have to doctor it up and add oliveoilhalfacupofsheabutter3.5dropsofsilkaminoacidscrushed upberriestwigsbuttermilkpumpkinseedsgoatmilkwhalespermetc. that done turned it into a whole new product.

That's exactly what I was thinking. I'm always thinking that the PJ's amongst us should take it into consideration when they are reading reviews as to what's being added.
i add honey to my conditioner for a DC. and i dilute my shampoo with water and add a little baking soda. i also dilute conditioner in a bottle for a quick moisturizing spritz
also, I don't typically add anything to my conditioners or poo's. I sometimes mix my vatika oil into my conditioner for a prepoo though but generally I just use em straight.
Sometimes I do mix, but I mix from scratch, not adding to.

Me too. But I voted that I add sometimes. I don't try to improve my products, but I mix to make new products all the time:

-I add oil/conditioner to my relaxer to slow down the processing to give me time to do what I do
-I add vinegar to my shampoos to neutralize
-I add baking soda to my conditioner to clarify

I also mix a lot of my own products (sometimes I use commercial products in the mix). I make my own gels & curly puddings, turn my conditioners into moisturizers, make natural dc's, and I layer stuff like I might put some straight honey on my hair after gel and oil to lay down edges and add shine.

But I never add anything to my conditioners or shampoos when I wash/cowash and I never add anything to my store bought gels. Should I have chose "I never add anything to my products"? :ohwell::perplexed:spinning:
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*sees the title and says WTF!!!!!*

No, I don't add to products. Also, on the flip side, if I'm looking for one thing I don't get something that has that one thing in it PLUS a whole bunch of other stuff.
I don't usually add things to my products. I've added coconut oil to my DC before but .. I was bored and trying to stretch it a bit ..
i usually don't add anything either. i really just don't feel like it. but sometimes i'll use 2 things, like a conditioner and another oil. does that count? anyway, yeah, usually i just use as-is.
The products I add things to work well for me without the extras. I guess it's the chemist in me that likes to make my own "formulations." If something needs an additive to be effective it will not be repurchased.
I don't add anything to my products...It is way too messy and time consuming and If the products are good, there's no need
i use my ORS replenishing paks by itself but i do like to mix coconut oil and honey in some conditioners. its makes it ammmmaaaazzzing.