New Member
Maybe im just really really late. But Honey is the s:grin: :grin: :grin: ! I was just surfing the web and i went through so many articles that promoted using honey in your hair--especially for damaged hair. Not to mention the countless ladies on LHCF who use it also. When someone mentions honey to me i usually think about tea, biscuits or damn bees!! Now i think about hair. So after reading the articles, i jumped in my car:driver:to go buy some HONEY!!!! And my daughter is fussing because she wants the little bear that the honey came in.:lachen: Now im about to go make me a nice little mixture for my co-wash.. MO HAIR ladies MO HAIR
Honey is pretty popular on the board. Maybe not alone, but may ladies mix it in with conditioners and concoctions. I am trying it in a henna treatment tonight.
Saida said:
What are you going to mix your honey with??

I want to try:D

and whats a conoction?:confused:

a concoction is your own special mixture. and in my case i mixed a teaspoon of honey,EVOO and one egg into some Suave milk and honey conditioner. there are different concoctions you can make-all depends on what you like. also research the products that you would like to put in your concoction to determine what they can and cannot do for your hair. eg. honey(great for damaged hair and makes hair soft), egg(protein) and EVOO(good moisture)
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caribeandiva said:
hmm... i read the ingredients and my Humectress conditioner already has honey in it so i don't have to add any more.

not true-its nothing wrong with adding more honey-my conditioner has honey extract but i still add pure honey--sometimes its actually better to add the pure stuff because eventhough your humectress list honey on the bottle, its only a small amount. that honey has been broken down by all the other ingredients. hope you understand what im babbling about.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! I LOVE me some honey. LOVE it!! It's done more for my hair than almost anything except the henna!!
Funnily enough, I tried the knock-off Humectress as a deep conditioner - HATED it!! Honey in some cheapie V05 actually worked MUCH MUCH better (or in some cheapie White Rain).

One small warning about honey - some people say that frequent use makes the hair lighter, and may interfere in dye uptake from henna. I've been using it on the regular - I don't see any additional lightness in my hair, and I mix it in with my henna along with conditioner to make it easier to rinse out and less drying to my hair, and the henna is DEFINITELY taking each time, so - *shrugs* I don't pay it any mind. Besides, I think most of the women who were talking about it making hair lighter may have been natural redheads or mousy brown - I can't remember ever seeing anyone who had DARK brown/black hair complain.

Another benefit of honey? If you get the kind that smells good, your HAIR smells good for at least a week - I smell like honey anytime my hair is wet, but the bees pay me no mind.
nomoweavesfome said:

not at all. when i did mine i only used a teaspoon of honey and mixed it into my little mixture. i applied to my hair then put on a plastic cap and my heating cap for 30min. the heat breaks it down some. then i washed it out with only suave milk and honey con. my hair felt so soft afterwards.
Mahalialee4 said:
I always use Honey in my LeKair Cholesterol. If I don't have it on hand I use Black strap Molasses. bonjour
I like molasses too, although it does not smell as nice.
nappywomyn said:
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! I LOVE me some honey. LOVE it!! It's done more for my hair than almost anything except the henna!!
Funnily enough, I tried the knock-off Humectress as a deep conditioner - HATED it!! Honey in some cheapie V05 actually worked MUCH MUCH better (or in some cheapie White Rain).

One small warning about honey - some people say that frequent use makes the hair lighter, and may interfere in dye uptake from henna. I've been using it on the regular - I don't see any additional lightness in my hair, and I mix it in with my henna along with conditioner to make it easier to rinse out and less drying to my hair, and the henna is DEFINITELY taking each time, so - *shrugs* I don't pay it any mind. Besides, I think most of the women who were talking about it making hair lighter may have been natural redheads or mousy brown - I can't remember ever seeing anyone who had DARK brown/black hair complain.

Another benefit of honey? If you get the kind that smells good, your HAIR smells good for at least a week - I smell like honey anytime my hair is wet, but the bees pay me no mind.

This is true. I use honey a lot and I started noticing my hair getting lighter:mad: . I'm switching over to molasses which will not lighten and you should still get the same effects. I love my honey though.
Pokahontas said:
This is true. I use honey a lot and I started noticing my hair getting lighter:mad: . I'm switching over to molasses which will not lighten and you should still get the same effects. I love my honey though.

Maybe I should start using the honey, I want my hair to be lighter so it can bring out the color of my eyes, or I can just color it blonde:lachen:

Seriously, I want to use the honey this weekend in my deep conditioner and see what happens, I'm so glad it's a 3 day weekend for me, great time to do an overnight condish.......yippee
Been adding honey and wheat germ oil to boist the moisture content of my condish for years with excellent results. Every now and then when I need a protein treat, I add an egg along with the honey and wheat germ oil -- awesome results every time. . .