Giovanni Direct Leave In


New Member

So I'm on a "use what you have" kick regarding my leave-ins and other post-shower hair stuff.

I had a bottle of Giovanni Direct that I decided to use up. After three uses, I noticed increased flaking and scratching- even on my temples! It got so bad that I had raw spots. I strongly suspect that it was the Direct.

So I threw the bottle away yesterday and I'm hoping that it WAS the leave in, and not some freaky fungus!

I will continue to weed out stuff if I keep seeing the same. Anyone else have this problem with (or without a product)?

Wow... that's unfortunate... this was one of the products that has worked very well for me. I use it on wet to damp hair after shower.... I hope things work out for you.
I use this product every wash. Haven't noticed anything like the symptoms you're having. Hope that clears up soon!
I use to use this all the time and never had problems. Hopefully you won't have anymore problems.
hope I dont have that problem with it :( Maybe it was something in that products just didnt work with your skin...since it seems to be good for others...hope your problem is solved
I've just recently started using it, with no problems.....It's a keeper for me :)

Sorry to hear it didn't work for ya :(
When I bought this last month I has so hoped it would work Ibought 3 bottles! My 4a/4b hair got hard and crunchy. I clarified and got the same results. I then tried to rub some between my fingers and they got gummy:eek: I had to clarify my fingers! The Vitamin Shoppe gave me a full refund so this ended better than most experiments:)