Getting very worried!


Hey everyone, really need help right now. I'm not sure quite what to do but it looks like my hairline is receeding :nono:. I tie my hair back every day while at work and let it down for a few hours at home before putting it back up with a scarf at night.

My stylist relaxed my hair three weeks ago and I think the relaxer was left on too long - she had it on for nearly an hour (I was busy reading and didn't even realise how long it had been on there for :wallbash:

So anyway, yesterday my sis said to me that she thought I was tying my hair back too much and that I was receeding. Didn't really notice it but now I see it, I'm really worried.

Do any of you girls know of anything I can put on my hair line to help it grow back a bit, or at least make it stronger? Also, what's the longest time a relaxer should be left on the hairline for? I want to make sure so next time I have one done I can be in charge and tell them when to wash it out.

Before this relaxer I'd managed to stretch for 17 weeks and felt I was really starting to make progress. Now I feel hopeless again. I'm planning on buying a hooded dryer soon and finding a way to take care of my own hair as I'm getting more and more disheartened with my stylist. :sad: Until I can afford to buy all the bits though, I'll still have to vist her once a week.

Have you tried any growth aids (boundless tresses, mn, sulfur 8, etc)? also, just try pampering your edges and keeping them properly moisturized.
I am sorry to hear this. I would say that you should make sure that your hair is not pulled back tight when you wear it up, and you might want to wear a satin bonnet, instead of your scarf. The scarf could be causing tension. I would also recommend using MTG or BT to help re-grow your edges. You might also want to cut back how often you go to your staylist. You may want to switch it from once a week to bi-weekly. I would not leave a rexlar on longer than 30 min. Hopes this helps.
Do you brush or comb your hairline? You might want to stop this. Also a lot of ladies relax the edges at the end of the process or don't relax them at all.


Also, I noticed a couple of months ago that my widow peak disappeared :blush: I threw my brush away and I'm very gentle on my hairline. If I want a sleek look everyday then I will cowash everyday.

You might also want to switch up your hairstyle too. Pulling hair back constantly might be too much for your hairline.
i'm a server so pulling my hair back is mandatory - nobody wants hair in their food. :lol: i still use a brush, but don't force my hair to be perfectly smooth anymore. i'd rather have a fuzzy hairline than a non-existant one... :look:

the right products help it lay smoothly for the most part. :yep: a lot of people like castor oil for regrowing their edges, and it works well to help keep the hair smoothed back.

she left that mess on your hair for an HOUR? i'd slap her... :look:
Wanna try Mega-tek or ovation? Check out the progress photos. One lady's (so sorry can't remember the name) sides were thinning and they're growing back thick rather quick. I'm going to try this to thicken my temples which I lost b/c I left my braids in too long. HTH
Wow, thanks for all the advice :) Guess I need to find out where I can source boundless tresses, megatek or ovation from.

Ladylibra - yep, she left it in that long :nono: Next time I will make sure it's not in for any longer than 15 mins.

She used to blow dry and flat iron my hair all the time but since I found LHCF in February I've been getting her to rollerset my hair instead so that's a step in the right direction at least.
