Getting rid of that part!!


Well-Known Member
For those who do braidouts and twistouts, how do you get rid of the obvious part(s) so that it falls right. I always end up with a big part down the back of my head because I can't braid/twist down the middle and then it won't blend in when I take it down.

Any suggestions, techniques? TIA
I never use a comb to part my hair when I intend to wear a braidout or a twistout. I part my hair with my fingers, so that the parts look kinda crazy. This creates a nice end result of not having perfect parts when I take apart my twists.

I also do the same thing that Love718 does. I use a pick to fluff up the roots when I'm finished.
I don't part my hair for twist outs; however, to close up any gaps at the roots I use a wide tooth comb at the roots only.
Massage your scalp/roots with your fingertips to get rid of the parts that you do not want showing.
yep, what everyone else has said. I've even gone so far as to make the parting look crazy on purpose if my fingers still managed to make a somewhat straight part, just to ensure there is no line or weird spacing after the takedown.
I agree with all of the above. Also staggering your twists so that the are arranged like this (especially if doing small twists):

...means each twist will be in front of a part and thus hiding it.
I agree with all of the above. Also staggering your twists so that the are arranged like this (especially if doing small twists):

...means each twist will be in front of a part and thus hiding it.

I see what ur saying, when i take them down all the parts will be underneath other hair :grin:

Thanks for all ur help ladies!