Getting a weave next week and need HELP!


New Member
Next week I'm getting a weave. It will be the wavy kind sort of like the girl from the tv show Half and Half. I need you ladies to recommend a good product I can use to keep the curl definition. Everytime I get that particular weave(even though it is beautiful), I have to constantly spray it with leave-ins to keep it from drying out. I usually use Sebastian's Wet and several others but they never seem to do the trick. Can someone please Help!
When I get a curly weave(Beverly Johnson wet/wavy hair) I use a setting loiton(liquid-wrap & tap) and pink oil moistuzer/

Crystal told me about Sebastian's Wet that she used on hers. I don't like it on my natural hair, but it may work well on your weave (I intend on trying it when I do a wet-n-wavy weave). Crystal's hair looked really nice.
I've got a straight weave on now and I need more suggestions for maintaining it. I flat iron it in the morning, but the time I get to work its not looking smooth anymore, what can I do?
I use the Wet on my wet an wavy weave and it comes out real nice. Somehow though I think the best thing for that hair type would be the old school gel with alcohol for 99cents. But even dollar store gels are alcohol free now and days.