Get up stand up!


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

So I'm newish, but have been lurking for years. Thanks for all the great info!

So, after a recent experience, I thought it would be good to have a discussion about how to get up out of the chair right before a stylist butchers your hair. We hear so many stories about people who don't speak up for themselves, maybe it would help to hear how others have made their exit.

My story...

While traveling, I have started getting rollersets at salons in whatever city I'm in, that way I don't have to pack all my supplies. I figure how much damage can someone do with a rollerset? I would never let a stranger come at me with scissors or chemicals. This has so far worked well, I've even gone to beauty schools and ended up looking presentable.

Well, while on vacay a couple of weeks ago in Florida, I did the same thing, right before a function I had to attend, and it was nearly a disaster! The stylist used really small rollers and did a very random rolling pattern, but I thought, ok...she's the expert. Then she had no clue how long it would take my hair to dry, and I started thinking...hmm.

When it was finally dry I reached up to touch it, and it was rock hard! Like the Fisher Price people hair! Yikes! I mentioned that and she came at me with a double handful of oil...I'd be an oil slick in front of everybody! So I looked at her and said nonono...that will weigh my hair down. I started to panic.

When she reached for the paddle brush, all I could think of was her pulling my super hard hair out by the root! I looked like an 80 year old church lady, but I realized she couldn't fix it...I looked terrible, but at least my hair was still on my head. I called my hubby to come get me and told him not to laugh. He thought I was exaggerating, but the look of horror on his face when he saw me...

That stylist was a nice lady and I didn't want to make her feel any worse, so I just said thanks, I'll do it from here, and got out of the chair. I didn't know I could look so bad! Fortunately, I'm good at updos so I was presentable at my function, but I wish I had a graceful way of getting out of there! I paid, but did not leave a tip.

All stories and suggestions are welcome :)
Glad you stood up for yourself before it was too late! You're one of the lucky ones! Oh, and welcome. :yep:
I haven't ever walked out mid service, but if I am uncomfortable with the establishment I won't get my hair done there.

I've had to go back for a free do over once. My hair was stiff and had no swing so I demanded another wash and blowdry. I was in high school at the time, but I wasn't letting anyone take advantage of me.