Get in here and see my two month progress thanks to you all!


New Member
Please don't quote pics in case my SO makes me take them down ;).

This is really about "health" and not about "length" even though WE have grown some more length. :)

Ok so my SO (who is the reason I joined (and Energist)) has been wanting me to grow my hair out. My hair actually used to be BSL but after my divorce (2.5 years ago) I chopped it in a type of waiting to exhale fit. But last night and believe me my SO never talks about hair (except the one time he mentioned - am I gonna let it grow out) so I was surprised when he said - your hair is growing really fast these days. :grin:


I hadn't even told him that I joined this forum - he thinks I'm just on some chitty chatty talk about nothing all day long forum. He doesn't know my purpose here is to chitty chat AND get some good hair advice.

But I just wanted to show you even though it's only been about 2 months, my progress so far.

I had cut my hair (again) really short after our cruise (you can see cruise pictures on my myspace) but here's one below and he was mad mad mad about it :look:.

Can't really tell length here because it's curly but you'll get the idea when you see the next photo.


Here's one with it a bit straighter:


That was back in march. When the humidity hit and it started to get really hot in May I cut my hair again right before the Nascar Coca Cola 600 cause I didn't wanna be at that event sweatin up a storm.

So this first picture was takin before we were set to go to the 600...the last weekend in May (before Memorial Day)


See how dry and horrible my hair is? :grin: I had no idea what to do with this mop because I was still adjusting to NC climate coming from Monterey, Cali where we have the ocean midst to keep our skin and hair soft and supple. I was so sick of it being dry and brittle I cut if off.


In steps LHCF and by the third week in June...I was on my way to healthier shinier hair. Thanks for the moisture/protein lessons!

I already knew how to take care of it (but I didn't really know the difference between moisture and a sealer) cause I had grown it out before but you reminded me that I needed to start doing that again and WE (my fiance, me and my hair) love you all for it!


Then this is from mid-July. :yep:

So I love you all and I thank you all for reminding me that even as a single mom my hair is still important and I need to take care of it!

Thanks for the pointers and thank you for the wonderful support!
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You are so pretty and your hair appears to be in a very healthy stage on these photos to me! Keep up the good work.

My hubby has "no idea" about LHCF either! He thinks its like a female Myspace or something. lol
your hair so healthy, i'm laughing at the 4th pic cause you got the comb in the lap and the scrunchie on the arm. True lhcfer indeed!:yep:
Good job ,looking good. It also sound like congratulations are in order"fiancée":grin:

All the best
God bless
WOW !!!!!

You and your hair look great. You are making some great progress, keep up the good work.

P.S. Your fiancee is fine :blush: You make a great couple. I wish you the best in your engagement and marraige.
Thank you so much for the support. My hair IS a lot healthier now! I actually am WORSE that I can't keep my fingers out of it cause it's so soft. :grin: That's one of my last vices to get rid of. Now i just have to stay consistent with my routine.

I just wanted to show you all what you have done. :)
Your hair has made progressed nicely in such a small amount of time. Keep doing what you're doing.

He's a cutie Ahem, You two look great together :yep: And congrats on the engagement

You've done a great job with y our hair. Congrats! Girl you know we will be looking for that wedding invitation, so don't be playing!:grin: