From MBL back to APL my story;-)


Well-Known Member
From MBL back to APL my story;-)Pictures Added!

Well at least my longest layer was MBL. My goal was to keep my texturized length and gradually cut it, but I wanted to embrace my natural hair more especially this summer (wash and go, etc), so I got it all cut off on last Friday.

Also, my post partum shedding started back up (a second time). I thought it was done, but for some reason it returned. So my textured ends started to look less healthy to me and had to GO! To my surprise I don't miss the length. (I will post before and after pics when I leave the JOB today). I've been here before, July 2008 I cut my relaxed ends off and was APL, so I figure I can bounce back in no goals this time is to do it in a year instead of a year and a half. Wish me luck:-)


  • Hair before big chop April 3.jpg
    Hair before big chop April 3.jpg
    92.4 KB · Views: 64
  • All Natural April 2010 B.jpg
    All Natural April 2010 B.jpg
    84.4 KB · Views: 58
  • All Natural April 2010.jpg
    All Natural April 2010.jpg
    87.3 KB · Views: 53
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You know you can't start a thread about cutting your hair and not have any pics! :lachen: I'm sure it looks great! Congrats on your mini chop!
You know you can't start a thread about cutting your hair and not have any pics! :lachen: I'm sure it looks great! Congrats on your mini chop!

LOL. I knew I would get one of these (smile) post, but I just had to post...was taking pics and everything on my lunch break w/my camera phone:grin: I promise to be back in the PM with pictures girl:-)
WTF is the pictures, you have been a member for a while now to know that, the hair police is gonna kill your thread if you don't hurry up and put some pictures up. II can't wait to see your BC
Sorry guys. What can i say, i have a two year old and 8 month old...heck I'm tried. See first post for added pictures. I will add more once I wash my hair this is flatironed for progress pictures.
congrats! how long have you been transitioning? i'm sure it looks great!

Well, I first tried to go natural in 2007 while preggie with first ds...after the pregnancy i did a texturizer, then summer 2008 cut off relaxed ends and wore texturizer hair for awhile, last texturizer was in Dec. 2008, then cut off texturized hair April 2010.