Fotki Update: Boundless Tresses Challenge


Active Member
I just updated my fotki with new pics for the Boundless Tresses Challenge. Overall I am pleased with my growth but I still have a long way to go with my goal. The next pics I post will be when I have my relaxer touch up in July. I hope to reach my lst goal of shoulder length or longer by October or November.
Your hair is beautiful and I love the style!!! I see some good growth as well! Keep up the good work! You're going to reach your goals very soon!
What is Boundless Tresses? I've done all kinds of searches for it and I can't find any info. Forgive my ignorance, I am new to LHCF :)
hey shoe girl I love BT when you say you did searches do you mean google or did you use our search feature on the top right hand corner of the thread you will see alot of ladies positive post of its effectiveness.:grin: Welcome Newbie:) :)