forever damaged???


Well-Known Member
My new growth is growing in very soft and has a definate curl pattern. But i notice that in my hairline, where i had actually LOST hair, the hair is growing in VERY dry,coarse and hardly has any curl pattern. The hair is not long yet at all. Its only 1/4-1/2 an inch long.

Will it always be this way or is it just that my scalp is still recovering? Its annoying me! I been putting products to bring more moisture to those areas but it stays the same.

Anything extra that i should do to those areas? or just let it run it's "coarse"?

I will begin taking msm soon. Might that help?

Try keeping that area extra moisturized with moisturizer in the morning and at night. You can also using a product that has some essential oils in it on those areas.
see i dont know exactly what the texture of that hair normally is because i've been relaxing my hair frequently for the past 16 yrs! Im currently transitioning now so it's all new too me. But since thats the only portion of my hair that is so dry im not sure.
It's possible to have more than one hair texture type. You may have some sections that have a curl pattern and another section may not. I know I have at least two different texures of hair.

You can recover this area with moisture like the ladies stated, and you should baby this area in general. Don't put too much stress on this area. Don't pull your hair too tight around the edges.
thanks! ill keep up with the moisture & see wut happens and DEFINATELY no pulling of my hairline. Ive become skeptical of that since i think that contributed to loosing my hairline to begin with!