For those who underprocessed their first time self-relaxing....


New Member
or anyone who has underprocesseed in general, did you wait a few weeks and then do a corrective relaxer or did you ride it out until your next scheduled relaxer?

I underprocessed my hair last night and I don't know if I should wait about 4 weeks and try a corrective or just wait the full 10 weeks until my next relaxer..........and for those doing a corrective after 4 weeks, are you still only leaving the relaxer in for 5 minutes? It takes me at least 10 minutes to get the relaxer in so I'm not sure what to do, should I just go to the salon? My mom's gonna say I told you so haha

Any help would be great, thanx!
Well, I underprocessed twice and finally I just went to a professional 4 weeks after. Although my hair underprocessed so bad that instead of a corrective relaxer, she just didn't leave it on the full time. It was on for a total of maybe 15 minutes and it's perfect now! Before it was like I didn't even relax it at all. If you're used to all that new growth then wait. If you just can't take it (like me) then get a corrective. I just couldn't take all those tangles and I was underprocessed for 12 weeks total.
I would try to wait at least 4 weeks and re-strengthen my hair in between with reconstructive conditioners and protein treatments. ;)
If I were you, i would wait til your next relaxer. Just be extra gentle with the underprocessed hair, Ishould know, I've lived with it for 2 years! Next time you should try the half half method, relax the front first, wash it out, then relax the back, thus both sections get about 20 mins each. Pm me if you need more info.