For those who relax with Phyto...


New Member
Okay, just got my hair relaxed with phyto, i must say it does feel different and it is providing volume that i usually dont get when i relax. But anyway just wanted to know what other phyto products you ladies are using with the relaxer. Although i will be hopping on the aveda bandwagon, just wanted to know if there were any GREAT products by phyto that i could use for daily maintenence. Thanks in advance!!!
Hey!! Welcome aboard the phyto wagon! I personally dont use any other phyto product i had a few samples and liked them but wont buy them becuase of the price im tryna cut down on how much i spend on hair products esp since it costs so much to get relaxed with phyto, ive been using cheapie conditioners and my hair loves it! i had got rid of (almost) everything!! and man was it a lot of stuff! Im not sure what other stuff the ladies here use.

Welcome to the family of Phytorelaxer users :wave:
Glad you had a successful experience:)

Other than the Phytorelaxer, I use the PhytoSpecfic Intense Nutrition Mask.

I've used up all my samples of the Intense Nutrition Shampoo and Moisturizing Balm for styling...but I do plan to make an investment in them soon because I like them:grin:

I've also used a couple of the oil treatments. The essential oil ones with the vials/spray, I like as well.

If it helps any, you can call Phytospecific and request a booklet...and it gives a nice overview of the products or you can visit the site.

ichephren said:
For blowouts, I use phytodefrisant and it really helps to smooth the hair and keeps it moist.

I have a whole bunch of samples and a tube of Phytodefrisant that I don't use. If you want, let me know. Might as well pass along to a fellow Phyto user;)
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