For those who deep condition first...


New Member
I've noticed a couple of people who say they apply their deep conditioner to dry hair and sit under heat or sit around, then shampoo and condition. Is this better for the hair than deep conditioning last? What's the difference :confused: TIA!
hi ChunHyang,

yesterday was my first time deep conditioning this way......I didn't notice a difference though. I plan on deep conditioning like this for the next month or so and I will let you know my results.
I did this yesterday for the first time on my daughters hair
I used the ORS hair mayo and I put a few tbls in a sep container and heated it in the microwave for a few seconds so it could be warm(thanks LHCF)
I used my fingers to part her hair and applied it in sections similar to a relaxer application
I sat her under a warm dryer for 15 minutes with a plastic cap
When I rinsed it out I could see the difference in her hair it was very soft and moisturized
I shampooed and cond and did acv rinse(Elucence poo and cond) there wasn't any hair at all in the comb and only a few in the denman brush when I detangleld and plait her hair to airdry:)
When I use the ORS or cholesterol cond after shampooing it's harder to rinse out and lot of it looks like it just sits on her hair and doesn't penetrate even though I use the hooded dryer for cond
Heating the cond first and applying it to her hair dry made a big difference today her hair is still very soft:D I am going to use this method from now on for myself and my kids with all of my cholesterol and mayo conditioners(one of the old posts say the heated preepoo method doesn't work as well with water based cond I don't know cause I haven't tried but I have a lot of heavy cond's to use up so I'll stick to that)
I've been doing this for the past month or so. I don't consider mine a deep conditioner. I look at it as a pre-shampoo or pre-CW treatment. I use a cheapie conditioner mixed with EVOO on dry hair for at least an hour, sometimes overnight. No dryer. Main benefit for me is increased softness and moisture. I heard that conditioners absorb better on dry hair than wet. Makes sense when you think about it. Wet hair is already "filled" with water. Dry hair will soak up the conditioner better. HTH!
I can only comment on how my boyfriend does it.:lol: Its all my fault but he's my partner in crime...:D

He has fine hair type 1-2 something like that, so it works best for him to deep condition wash his hair, then was then use nexxus ensure or PC to close the cuticle. he only washes once instead of twice, and it makes his hair very shiny, bouncy, and not limp. He hasn't graduated to keraphix and may never do so.

My hair is 4 something (nappy? curly? kinda depends on the I wash, then deep condition. I add all stuff together; keraphix, ensure, ors pak) because thats what works for me So I get my protien, deep conditioner, and detangler all in one go.

I think it can work either way depending on how heavy the DC is.

Usually, If I am going to do this, it's over night but I have found my hair to must softer and more moisturized as a results. I've been doing this off and on for the past year, more consistently for the past 3 months.
i tried this on my daughter for the first time a few days ago. she hate's getting her hair washed/conditioned, so this way i cut a step and save time. i put the con on first and washed it off with creme nature shampoo and that's it! saves time and tear drops :)
not sure of all the logistics---but my hair just comes out softer and more managable when I but my lekairs Alove conditioner on first--on dry hair b/f the rest of my regimine.
-Saves time.
-Moisturizers effectively.
-No scalp residue.
-I can do other things while conditioning.
I do it all the time for the past year. I started my quest 2 months before I found LHCF and learned that black women can wash more than once a week. I started to wash with shampoo and coditioner 3 times a week. It left my hair dry. Then I cut it down to 2 times a week, but my hair was still dry. The shampoo left my ends dry, but my scalp really clean. My hair grew fast within the 1st 2 months, but my ends suffered with major breakage. When I came to LHCF, I found out that I can just do a conditioned wash. I tried it at first 2 times a week and my ends were moisted and my scalp was clean. So it's the best of both worlds. You wash all products off your scalp so it won't clogg, which allows your hair to grow faster and you protect your ends. So now I shampoo and deep condition on sundays and condition wash, with cheap protein coditioner and olive oil at least once maybe twice during the week.
scorpian said:
I did this yesterday for the first time on my daughters hair
I used the ORS hair mayo and I put a few tbls in a sep container and heated it in the microwave for a few seconds so it could be warm(thanks LHCF)
I used my fingers to part her hair and applied it in sections similar to a relaxer application
I sat her under a warm dryer for 15 minutes with a plastic cap
When I rinsed it out I could see the difference in her hair it was very soft and moisturized
I shampooed and cond and did acv rinse(Elucence poo and cond) there wasn't any hair at all in the comb and only a few in the denman brush when I detangleld and plait her hair to airdry:)
When I use the ORS or cholesterol cond after shampooing it's harder to rinse out and lot of it looks like it just sits on her hair and doesn't penetrate even though I use the hooded dryer for cond
Heating the cond first and applying it to her hair dry made a big difference today her hair is still very soft:D I am going to use this method from now on for myself and my kids with all of my cholesterol and mayo conditioners(one of the old posts say the heated preepoo method doesn't work as well with water based cond I don't know cause I haven't tried but I have a lot of heavy cond's to use up so I'll stick to that)

Are you experimenting on your baby's hair? Just kidding! It sounds like you have a GREAT routine going for your daughter. Is she natural?
I deep condition first because I read that if your hair if dry it gets conditioned better than if it's wet. I guess if your hair is wet the conditioner is really just sitting on top of the water :confused: Not quite sure. I know this way is better for my hair because when I'm finished washing my coils pop out more than they did when I deep conditioned with wet hair.
Thanks for all your replies, ladies. I'm clarifying once I take my braids out so it'll be no point in trying this then, but the wash after that I will try and deep condition first and let you know my results.