For those who alternate weekly with a moisturizing DC and a protein DC...


New Member
What protein conditioner do you use?

I thought that when you do a protein DC, you have to follow up with a moisturizing DC. But I also know of one or two brands of protein conditioners that you can DC with and call it a day. Hydratherma's Amino Plus Protein Deep Conditioning Treatment is one that comes to mind. But does it also depend on if the conditioner is a light, medium or hard protein treatment as to whether you have to follow up with a moisturizing conditioner?

I'm eight weeks post and I saw someone that said alternating their protein and moisturizing conditioners helped them make sure to keep their relaxed hair strong and new growth soft. I'd been interested in alternating conditioners already, but seeing that gave me even more incentive to.

Would Aubrey Organic's GPB be a good one to alternate with weekly without going into protein overload?

Also... And I swear this is my last question....:lol:.... Could co-washing frequently also help keep your hair moisturized and from going into protein overload?
Yes AOGPB would be good their other BGA conditioner is what I love for a quick dose of protein. I just make sure to use a moisturizing leave in afterward to detangle. I never detangle with it in my hair. Those two are what I use for light BGA medium GPB.
To me Gpb is one I never have to use a moisturizing conditioner afterward and it never leaves my hair feeling hard or proteiny.
I think it's moreso the amount of protein in the product that tells whether you need to do a moisturizing treatment. I just go by how my hair feels.
Hth somehow
I do mine during the same DC Session. I'll do 30 minutes with Protein and 30 w/Moisture usually with Heat i.e. Heat Cap, Dryer or Steamer.

Sawwry. I wish I could help.
I alternate my conditioners. One of my favorite conditioners to use is aubrey organics gpb. my hair always feels so strong and smooth after usage. I really don't need to use another conditioner besides that one-- but I do like to switch it up with conditioners such as honeysuckle rose or alter ego garlic.
Like another psoter stated you have to go by how your hair feels.

I know the protein treatments require a DC after ie: Aphogee 2 step and Nexxus aloxxi

I dont do protein treatments ever and I probably never will. The protein conditioners I use are

millcreek keratin conditioner I use this 1x a month along with the shampoo. I apply a liquid leave-in Aphogee provitamin when I rinse and I never had a problem

I use Ion intensive hair treatment for 20 min with or without heat. This gives my hair a perfect balance of moisture and protein. Yet again no DC after.

I only DC 1x a month with Kenra MC

I apply Millcreek Biotin conditioner to my dry hair as a leavein 1x a week.

The only times I had to DC after using a protein condtioner was with a Palmers conditioner. It always left me with breakage for the reas of the week.

I also had super hard hair after putting an egg in my protein conditioner. I no longer do use any of these.

Too much moisture breaks my hair I realized 6 months after a year of being on my HHG.
Around the front, sides, and crown area, I have very coarse, wiry hair but in the nape, it's much finer. Because of this, I find that most of my hair loves moisture and can really do without protein, but my nape is so mushy from constant moisture. So I think I'm going to start alternating between protein and moisturizing DCs. One of HairCrush's videos feature her using AO GPB conditioner and she says her hair feels incredibly soft afterward, despite it being protein-based.
I don't alternate weekly, instead I use a protein DC as a prepoo, shampoo and then use a moisturizing DC. I use AO GPB for protein. I don't do this every week but I don't think it would be a problem if I did. I alternate Protein prepoo with oil prepoo.
I use dominican DCs with protein. They leave my hair feeling moisturized enough that I don't need to follow up with anything.
If I really need protein, I'll use aphogee 2 minute reconstructor. If I really need moisture, I'll do a moisturizing DC. But mostly I am happy with my protein DCs. I use baba de caracol and boe cerocaida.
I don't alternate weekly, instead I use a protein DC as a prepoo, shampoo and then use a moisturizing DC. I use AO GPB for protein. I don't do this every week but I don't think it would be a problem if I did. I alternate Protein prepoo with oil prepoo.
The protein pre-poo concept has popped up in several posts lately. I'm probably just late on learning about this, as usual. How does pre-pooing help balance you better than say using protein after shampooing? Does the shampoo not strip the pre-poo affects?
I alternate ors replenishing pak which i believe is a light protein with silk elements megasilk olive weekly and have had no issues. I cowash alot so that might have something to do with it. I've never used a hard protein (i'm scared to try one lol). Try it...if it doesn't work i'm sure your hair will be sure to let you know quickly.
I alternate my conditioners. One of my favorite conditioners to use is aubrey organics gpb. my hair always feels so strong and smooth after usage. I really don't need to use another conditioner besides that one-- but I do like to switch it up with conditioners such as honeysuckle rose or alter ego garlic.

Okay, I'm DEFINITELY thinkin' I'm gonna have to check this out now!

Around the front, sides, and crown area, I have very coarse, wiry hair but in the nape, it's much finer. Because of this, I find that most of my hair loves moisture and can really do without protein, but my nape is so mushy from constant moisture. So I think I'm going to start alternating between protein and moisturizing DCs. One of HairCrush's videos feature her using AO GPB conditioner and she says her hair feels incredibly soft afterward, despite it being protein-based.

For some reason the hair on the top of my head STAYS dry and somewhat coarse. I try to slap extra conditioner and extra oil on it to soften it up, and it's helped somewhat but it has really taken some time.

I don't alternate weekly, instead I use a protein DC as a prepoo, shampoo and then use a moisturizing DC. I use AO GPB for protein. I don't do this every week but I don't think it would be a problem if I did. I alternate Protein prepoo with oil prepoo.

Hmm??? That's actually a great idea.

How do you do your oil pre-poos? I've heard about it, but it just seemed like one of those far-fetched/probably wouldn't do any good for me things. :lol:
The protein pre-poo concept has popped up in several posts lately. I'm probably just late on learning about this, as usual. How does pre-pooing help balance you better than say using protein after shampooing? Does the shampoo not strip the pre-poo affects?
The Whole idea of prepooing is that the conditioner will coat the hair and that the goodness in the conditioner will absorb into the hair to the point that when you shampoo, the hair won't be stripped by the shampoo. The shampoo will wash away the conditioner, but hopefully the hair will have absorbed the conditioner and won't be stripped. Does that make sense. I don't know if this is scientifically true, but thats what goes on in my mind when I do it.

Prepooing with a protein DC kills two birds with one stone, it helps prepare the hair for shampooing and it also strengthens the hair. I find this method to be convenient since I always follow my protein with moisture, I figured prepooing with protein, washing and then DCing with a moisturizing DC is the way to go.
The other thing is that when I apply conditioner, I apply to the hair and concentrate it mostly on the hair especially the ends. When I shampoo, I apply shampoo to the scalp and concentrate it on the scalp, so the amount of shampoo that actually goes on my strands is very minimal and may not be enough to strip the hair.


Hmm??? That's actually a great idea.

How do you do your oil pre-poos? I've heard about it, but it just seemed like one of those far-fetched/probably wouldn't do any good for me things. :lol:
I don't do anything special with the oil prepoo, I just apply oil to dry hair (helps get rid of shed hair before shampooing too), put hair in sections as I apply, cover with DCing cap, wrap with towel, walk around for 30min to 1hr and then shampoo. Thats it. I never go under the dryer with oil prepoo, I am afraid of :burning:, somehow I think that this would happen if I went under my pibbs with oil on my head. lol

If I am doing a protein prepoo, I may or may not sit under the dryer, depends on how much time I have.
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depends on what I have at the time...Usually I have one Nexxus Keraphix, Paul Mitchell Super strong treatment, or Jocio K-pak reconstructor on deck. ... If i'm low on cash.. a good ol fashion Egg added to some Helmans Mayo does the trick :look:... I stopped doing my protein weekly i'm thinking about adding it back.....
I love love love my ORS replenishing conditioner, it gives strength and moisture especially after sitting under the dryer with a plastic cap for about 15 20 mins. I will try something else oneday lol.
My hair is the same way. Up top it seems to be very dry and coarse and not so much as I get further down. I'm just trying to condition it soft! I keep conditioner in my hair wether it's a leave-in, an overnight DC, or just an oil conditioner mix. Something has to give.

Tis All. Sorry nothing more constructive toward the topic of the post.
The Whole idea of prepooing is that the conditioner will coat the hair and that the goodness in the conditioner will absorb into the hair to the point that when you shampoo, the hair won't be stripped by the shampoo. The shampoo will wash away the conditioner, but hopefully the hair will have absorbed the conditioner and won't be stripped. Does that make sense. I don't know if this is scientifically true, but thats what goes on in my mind when I do it.

Prepooing with a protein DC kills two birds with one stone, it helps prepare the hair for shampooing and it also strengthens the hair. I find this method to be convenient since I always follow my protein with moisture, I figured prepooing with protein, washing and then DCing with a moisturizing DC is the way to go.
The other thing is that when I apply conditioner, I apply to the hair and concentrate it mostly on the hair especially the ends. When I shampoo, I apply shampoo to the scalp and concentrate it on the scalp, so the amount of shampoo that actually goes on my strands is very minimal and may not be enough to strip the hair.


I don't do anything special with the oil prepoo, I just apply oil to dry hair (helps get rid of shed hair before shampooing too), put hair in sections as I apply, cover with DCing cap, wrap with towel, walk around for 30min to 1hr and then shampoo. Thats it. I never go under the dryer with oil prepoo, I am afraid of :burning:, somehow I think that this would happen if I went under my pibbs with oil on my head. lol

If I am doing a protein prepoo, I may or may not sit under the dryer, depends on how much time I have.

From what I have read, the hydrlyzed proteins get washed off once shampoo is used so I still dont see how pre-pooing with protein helps.

I have also read that conditioners dont absorb into the hair because the molecules are too large, they just assist with keeping the strand soft. There are very few things that absorb into the strand.
From what I have read, the hydrlyzed proteins get washed off once shampoo is used so I still dont see how pre-pooing with protein helps.

I have also read that conditioners dont absorb into the hair because the molecules are too large, they just assist with keeping the strand soft. There are very few things that absorb into the strand.
This is good to know. Thanks. I will keep it in mind as I evaluate my regimen. I may need to do more research on the whole subject in general.
From what I have read, the hydrlyzed proteins get washed off once shampoo is used so I still dont see how pre-pooing with protein helps.

I have also read that conditioners dont absorb into the hair because the molecules are too large, they just assist with keeping the strand soft. There are very few things that absorb into the strand.
Myjourney2009, I thought the difference between hydrolyzed and regular proteins was that the 'hydrolizing' process makes the molecule small enough to get into the strand. :confused:
@Myjourney2009, I thought the difference between hydrolyzed and regular proteins was that the 'hydrolizing' process makes the molecule small enough to get into the strand. :confused:

Yes, get into the strand to fill in the cuticle but no further.

The only things that make it all the way into the cortex of the strand are water, and some oils; and these oils dont make it all the way in.

The process of hydrolyzing is so the protein is small enough to fit in where the cuticle has broken off. Hydrolyzing a protein turns them into amino acids which in an essence does nothing for the cortex of the strand but it does strengthen the cuticle of the strand (it all depends on the individuals hair, where silk strenghthens ones head it does nothing for someone else).

Once the hair is shampooed again this protein must be replenished because the shampoo washes it away.

This is what I have read and is by no means law. Everyone is going to have there own interpretation of how hydrolyzed proteins work.
I just purchased ORS mayo. I hope it is effective. Idk if I will use it weekly or when I see excessive breakage. I wanted to buy SE Mayo but I couldnt really tell if it was a protein conditioner or not.
I use the ORS Mayo every other week and then follow-up with a moisturizing DC. My hair really feels great after doing that.
I use the ORS Mayo every other week and then follow-up with a moisturizing DC. My hair really feels great after doing that.

Do you feel its necessary to follow up with the moisturizing DC or do you just prefer to do both in one week?
Got this from a Thread :)

Collagen Protein--known for increasing elasticity in the hair

Silk Protein--known for softening the hair

Wheat Protein--a moisturizing and strengthening protein. known for increasing the hair's ability to maintain & receive moisture also.

Keratin Protein--responsible for keeping the hair strong and pliable. This is the strongest of the(hair product) proteins and is actually the one that hair is made from. This one re-structures hair that has been damaged or broken down by chemicals. It helps to replace the amino acid cysteine which is the main one lost during chemical processing. This is the heavy duty protein. If you see the following as an ingredient

*Vegetable protein -- Vegetable protein absorbs more easily into the hair shaft [than animal protein] and does not create build-up, leaves the hair very shiny, radiant, luxuriant, and healthy.

*Animal protein -- Animal protein breaks down into fatty acids, which coat the hair and create residual build-up.

Silk Amino Acids/Protein--Natural silk is the strongest, natural fiber known to mankind. Discovered in Japan and has been used for centuries in all kinds of products that require durability. Silk has a tiny molecule that can penetrate the entire hair shaft deeper than all other proteins without adding any weight leaving the hair feeling clean and non-greasy

Keratin Protein More Indept:

*a) Keratin protein--this will re-structure and strengthen the hair cuticle (the outer layer only & the most important layer)
The keratin in some reconstructors should not leave your hair hard like the Aphogee Treatment for damaged hair (which contains hydrolyzed animal protein). This treatment hardens on your hair for a reason and is used with mild heat. A moisturizing conditioner is a must with this in order to soften like Keracare's humecto.

Reconstructors that contain keratin and other proteins are supposed to have enough moisture to soften the hair therefore leaving your hair with a nice protein/moisture balance."

* Hydrolyzed Keratin Protein or Keratin Amino Acids--this means that the Keratin molecules have been broken down and are small enough to go beyond the cuticle and penetrate the hair shaft. It will strengthen all 3 layers of the hair. That is why the term "deep conditioning" technically only refers to this kind of treatment using penetrating proteins.

*c) Hydrolyzed Human Hair Keratin--This is an exact match for the keratin your hair has (or has lot due to chemical processing). This is the highest quality and most potent keratin that can be used in hair products.
I just purchased ORS mayo. I hope it is effective. Idk if I will use it weekly or when I see excessive breakage. I wanted to buy SE Mayo but I couldnt really tell if it was a protein conditioner or not.


OrS Mayo is a combo conditioner. It should leave your hair with a nice balance. You should not have to DC after
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Do you feel its necessary to follow up with the moisturizing DC or do you just prefer to do both in one week?

I think I could possibly get away without doing the moisturizing DC as long as I use a really good moisturizing leave-in but I prefer to do both just to be on the safe side.