for those that DO brush...


Well-Known Member
i'm having a hard time finding how people brush their hair if they do brush (for ponytails, bun, etc.) through the search. currently, i am only brushing my edges and back when i put my hair in a ponytail with a natural boar bristle brush. if my scarf stays on at night and my head catches my satin pillow case instead of the bed sheet, i can usually just smooth it back down in the morning. if not, i'm brushing.

could you ladies out there please tell me a) if you brush at all, b) what type of brush are you using, c) what product is in your hair before you brush and d) when and how often are you brushing?

i know from posts here and there that many think brushing is the devil! but, how do you get your hair to lie flat?! help a sista out. i'd greatly appreciate it.
A) I brush all of my hair almost daily sometimes twice a day
B) I use a vent brush and a nylon bristle brush
C)Using when I brush I just put gel in it before brushing through my hair or I'll put a moisturizer followed by gel
D) I guess I answered D at the end of A
If i didn't brush my hair itd be a curly mess all the time. Putting a scarf on to get it to lie flat has never worked with my hair as soon as I take off the scarf it curls right back up
i'm brushing too. i don't understand why it is so bad. (i hope to find out soon). i would love to know. I brush

a) Yes, i brush. Edges only because i'm trying to grow out the relaxer in the front of my hair.
b) i use a "100% boar bristle brush Phillips #440) Its the softest bristle brush i've ever owned.
c) I use a daily moisturizer and seal with oil first just to protect it in case anything happens.
d) i brush twice a day in evening and in morning

i'm no LHCF veteran, but that's what i do. HTH!
Whenever I use a brush my hair is always wet with water, conditioner, gel, or some combo of these.

I use my denman to detangle in the shower.

After I air dry partially and then put in gel, I let my hair dry some more and then use the denman to clear my roots all around the outer parts so that I can make my hair lay flat so that I can put my hair in a puff or banana clip. Some mornings I put water in my hair and run the denman through the outer parts to remake the puff.

I also use a bristle brush on my edges sometimes because I love slick and wavy puffs. I have never had any problems with my edges thinning so I don't really worry about this causing me any problems.
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I haven't brushed in years but if I choose to start back, it would be the edges only. Tying my hair down with a scarf every night does the trick for me.
Its been awhile since I used a brush. Dang all those times I been buying brushes I could have been using that money for something else. I really have no use for them at all. When I have caught myself using a brush, but just for my edges. Like the other ladies have mention, a scarf will do the trick.
a) if you brush at all,
I brush infrequently maybe once a week if that or if I wrap my hair I just use it to smooth it.

b) what type of brush are you using,
Boar bristle brush I bought years ago I'm thinking of getting a new one.

c) what product is in your hair before you brush
Usually some type of moisturizer or right after a touch up when it's silky.

d) when and how often are you brushing?
When I do brush it's only when I'm moisturizing my hair to help distribute the moisturizer
a) if you brush at all- yep :yep:

b) what type of brush are you using- boar bristle from Walgreens :)

c) what product is in your hair before you brush- HS 14 in 1 and Elasta Glaze on my edges

d) when and how often are you brushing- I pretty much brush daily. Most of the time, I just brush the edges. I never brush the length of my hair, just the top to smooth it out. First I comb and detangle, then I gently go over with the brush to smooth all the lumps and bumps out
d) when and how often are you brushing- I pretty much brush daily. Most of the time, I just brush the edges. I never brush the length of my hair, just the top to smooth it out. First I comb and detangle, then I gently go over with the brush to smooth all the lumps and bumps out

i'm basically doing the same thing. are you noticing any breakage on your edges where you brush? i'm not really noticing any breakage as of yet, i just know that this is the reason people shy from brushing.