Ms. Martina
Well-Known Member
Okay ladies! I'm in need of help again. I have been transitioning for nearly 6 months now. I'm trying to figure out what my hair needs so I can determine what is best for helping it grow/retain length.. I have always cut the front of my hair in a layered bang look, and I now want to try growing it out into longer layers. The front of my hair is a little longer than my chin...maybe NL? I would like to grow the front to at least APL. And the back is BSL or MBL at this point, but I would like it to get to WL. I have always been able to retain at least MBL or BSL without really doing anything to my hair. But now that I am on a mission...I need to get I've always gone in for trimmings every retouch, and I even kept trimming during my transition. It's been a hard habit to So I think the 1st step is to step away from the scissors and stop trimming. I think I have been a bit too critical of my hair and have been doing unnecessary trims. Now I am trying to understand my hair type and etc, but this is where I need help.I've tried googling, searching and etc, but I'm still confused. Plus everyone's situation is different. I figured I would start a post specifically addressing my own issues. I've broken down my questions below, please chime in with any helpful tips...thanks
1.) Porosity:
I did a little porosity test on clean hair strands. I left the strands in the sink for a couple hours and they never sank. From what I gathered online, this is a good thing, but I'm still confused. What does this mean?
2.) Coarse VS. Normal VS. Fine:
I have just started learning what these terms I always thought coarse meant kinky...until I was starting to wonder why so many straight haired Asians referred to their hair as coarse, but then I learned that coarse just meant large strands. So..I wanted to see what my type was. I looked online for examples, but came up empty handed. I decided to compare my strands to my hubby's(who is white). My strands were bigger than his. So I'm guessing his hair is fine. Still, I'm not sure if my strands are normal or if they are coarse. Does anyone have any graphs or actual images of hair strands that fall into any of the three categories???
3.) Hair type:
My head has several types of hair. I have some type 3, type 4, and some of what I believe to be type 2 in the crown. The crown is more of a wave, the nape and edges are curls.
4.) Hair density:
I have a lot of hair! I've cut several "test patches" to watch my new growth come in, and people would never even know I'm missing big chunks of hair right now. Also, every beautician always says I have a lot of hair. Even made me feel self conscious as a child. I had WL (maybe HL)hair, and I was soooo embarrassed of the comments beauticians would make bc I had so much hair. That's partially why I decided to get a relaxer in middle school...what was I thinking???? ugh!
5.) Moisture VS. Protein:
This is something I just learned about too! I really need help with this. I don't want to weigh my hair down with moisturizers when it is flat ironed. I never used moisturizers bc of that very reason. I just stuck to oil sheen only for all of these years, and my hair was fine. I quite using the oil sheen this month though since I have discovered Argon Oil. It is my new staple. That and CHI sillk infusion. I would like to incorporate moisturizers when I do braidouts and etc though. So what do you all recommend? Also what type of protein should I get, and how often should I use it?
6.) Shedding:
I tend to shed a lot. It has been this way for the past 14 years that I have had a relaxer(since around age 12 or 13). I always thought this was normal bc my hair still looks to be in good shape and everything. I have always had a serious case of "hand in head" syndrome, and I am constantly tossing it. So that could be why...idk. Either way, I figured I was fine since my hair still looks thick. Since joining this site I have learned to examine my shed hair to see if it is breakage or coming out from the root. Most of it has the white bulb on it, so it has come from the root. Although, I have been getting some shorter shed hair in the mix while combing lately. I'm guessing this is due to the transition??? It's not bad..but I would like to nip it in the bud before it becomes an issue. What should I do...should I be worried?

1.) Porosity:
I did a little porosity test on clean hair strands. I left the strands in the sink for a couple hours and they never sank. From what I gathered online, this is a good thing, but I'm still confused. What does this mean?
2.) Coarse VS. Normal VS. Fine:
I have just started learning what these terms I always thought coarse meant kinky...until I was starting to wonder why so many straight haired Asians referred to their hair as coarse, but then I learned that coarse just meant large strands. So..I wanted to see what my type was. I looked online for examples, but came up empty handed. I decided to compare my strands to my hubby's(who is white). My strands were bigger than his. So I'm guessing his hair is fine. Still, I'm not sure if my strands are normal or if they are coarse. Does anyone have any graphs or actual images of hair strands that fall into any of the three categories???
3.) Hair type:
My head has several types of hair. I have some type 3, type 4, and some of what I believe to be type 2 in the crown. The crown is more of a wave, the nape and edges are curls.
4.) Hair density:
I have a lot of hair! I've cut several "test patches" to watch my new growth come in, and people would never even know I'm missing big chunks of hair right now. Also, every beautician always says I have a lot of hair. Even made me feel self conscious as a child. I had WL (maybe HL)hair, and I was soooo embarrassed of the comments beauticians would make bc I had so much hair. That's partially why I decided to get a relaxer in middle school...what was I thinking???? ugh!
5.) Moisture VS. Protein:
This is something I just learned about too! I really need help with this. I don't want to weigh my hair down with moisturizers when it is flat ironed. I never used moisturizers bc of that very reason. I just stuck to oil sheen only for all of these years, and my hair was fine. I quite using the oil sheen this month though since I have discovered Argon Oil. It is my new staple. That and CHI sillk infusion. I would like to incorporate moisturizers when I do braidouts and etc though. So what do you all recommend? Also what type of protein should I get, and how often should I use it?
6.) Shedding:
I tend to shed a lot. It has been this way for the past 14 years that I have had a relaxer(since around age 12 or 13). I always thought this was normal bc my hair still looks to be in good shape and everything. I have always had a serious case of "hand in head" syndrome, and I am constantly tossing it. So that could be why...idk. Either way, I figured I was fine since my hair still looks thick. Since joining this site I have learned to examine my shed hair to see if it is breakage or coming out from the root. Most of it has the white bulb on it, so it has come from the root. Although, I have been getting some shorter shed hair in the mix while combing lately. I'm guessing this is due to the transition??? It's not bad..but I would like to nip it in the bud before it becomes an issue. What should I do...should I be worried?