For the first time ever I....


The Credit Countess
trimmed my own ends. I hadn't had a trim since May and when I got my last relaxer my stylist said that my hair was ok, to wait to the next time whichwon't be until February.

Anyways I ends started looking ragged and feeling horrible. I also started to get breakage from my ends being so bad and I couldn't take it anymore. So has I was rollering my hair (dry) last night I just took the section that I was rolling and I clipped the ends. It wasn't as hard as I thought. I prolly could had taken off more but I have noticed today that my ends are not coming out like there were.

If feels so librating to tried and be successful in doing something that you have never done before.
I am so glad you were able to do it yourself. That would be a good feeling for me. Congrats!
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If feels so librating to tried and be successful in doing something that you have never done before.[/quote]

I just did the same thing! (I thought I was crazy for doing so).

It was liberating! I trimmed just enuff that it evened it out. As I parted my hair to curl a section, I clipped the very tip ends.

**See, Ma, I did it all by myself!!!":yay: