For all those relaxed, 2-3x week co-washers...


New Member
Ok so you washed your hair with conditoner, rinsed, now what? Do you rollerset, airdry, or flat iron or a combination of the three?
After I co wash ...I use a leave-in and a little coconut oil and airdry in braids...Then after it drys I wear a braid out or I bun.....I just started to letting it dry loose and throwing on a soft headband..too

I know some people here wet bun it or clip their hair up wet.....I've never done this ....B/c some women get breakage from this and some don't...Just my luck I'll be one that hair starts breaking
Ok so you washed your hair with conditoner, rinsed, now what? Do you rollerset, airdry, or flat iron or a combination of the three?

I usually bun with either a sock bun or a sponge bun soaked in olive oil, tie down with a silk scarf and go to bed. I add either NTM or ORS Moisturizer to my wet hair before I bun. I also smooth my edges with a little (very little) bee's wax and Castor oil. And/or African Essence LITE HOLD spritz. I use about three squirts because my hair does not like any type of gel. It's very light and does not flake or become hard. This is what I always do after cowashing and I am relaxed and several months post and my hair lays down and is very soft and has major slip!
I halfway kind of detangle in the shower with the water and my fingers. I leave a little conditioner in as I rinse it. When I get out I smooth it down the best I can with my palms and some vaseline and put it in a bun.
No real combing required and as a result, no breakage either. I'm able to smooth it down more with a soft brush after it dries completely, and if I want to feel especially pretty I'll put on a phony pony. If not I'll just rock the bun and a headband.
What I have been doing lately is poo'ing my hair, then once out of the shower, I use my profectiv anti breakage moisturizer. Then I seal with a mixture of virgin coconut oil and castor oil over my whole head, but concentrating most of the oil mixture on my ends. Then I bun it and tye it down with my scarf and let it air dry.

For those who do braid outs, do you cornrow your hair or just individual braids. Everytime I try to cornrow, it seems my hair gets really tangled. I know part of it is because I am not good at corning rowing, but can you all help me with this braid out thing.:ohwell:
What I have been doing lately is poo'ing my hair, then once out of the shower, I use my profectiv anti breakage moisturizer. Then I seal with a mixture of virgin coconut oil and castor oil over my whole head, but concentrating most of the oil mixture on my ends. Then I bun it and tye it down with my scarf and let it air dry.

For those who do braid outs, do you cornrow your hair or just individual braids. Everytime I try to cornrow, it seems my hair gets really tangled. I know part of it is because I am not good at corning rowing, but can you all help me with this braid out thing.:ohwell:

I don't know how to I do individual braids comes out good everytime