Foot Massage On The First Date?


Well-Known Member
There's this guy online that's been trying to get me to go out with him for over a year. I've never met him though. I think he originally found me on HBCUconnect but now he's everywhere! Facebook, Myspace, even found my Twitter. I've never met him because he comes on waay too strong. I'll go months without talking to him and he'll send me a message on some social network asking about my feet. That's like his lead off question...."hey, do you have pretty feet. I'd like to suck on them". He asked why I won't meet him and I TOLD him he comes on waaaaaaaay too strong. He's all like, "I just wanna give you a foot massage and suck your toes.":nono: I said that's too much for someone I've never met before. He insists though. Not to mention dude is like 5'3.:blush: Waay too short for me...I'm 5'7 and I don't wanna date a mini-man.:nono:
But yeah, am I the only one that thinks that's too much for a first date?
leave that freak alone. i guess he is used to women getting turned on and finding that mess cute, but you are a lady and should be treated as such. tell that pervert to ride out.
That is one creepy guy! Maybe you shouldn't respond to him anymore. Even if you decide to go out with this strange perve-like guy, if you find that you don't like him after the first date, this guy may not go away easily. You might have a stalker on your hands.
First Date??!?! Make sure he doesn't have to much information on you and block him on all your networking sites. Best case scenario he's a complete wierdo, worst case he's a true pervert or a criminal.
scaryyyyyyyy... i have an online "slave" with a major foot fetish... he called himself my slave... he's into femdom mess... I had to cut him off after I got a 50 dollar Sephora Gift card and a $100 MAC ecard... ha, but I would never meet him...Online guys need to remain online... even though I've talked to him for many years. I would never trust him enough to meet me in person!!!! Keep that mess as role playing online... don't meet him please... that is scary!
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He has gone way beyond coming on too strong and has entered the realm of stalker...I agree with the other posters, treat him more than like a long handled spoon...
Yes, he has come on too strong. I bet the foot play leads to sex. A sports fisher in my book. Did you tell him you have kids? If not say you have a lot of them. If all he's looking for is a little wbtym he might back off.
I moved to as new city and had planned to stay with a former schoolmate until he kept asking to rub my feet. I packed my things one morning, went to work and never returned to his house. It was too much.

That's very forward. Shut this dude down. Imagine how many other people he's making the same suggestion to if you have never even met.
Nah, that's just weird. I would just stop responding to that.

A first date for me doesn't include physical contact beyond holding hands and maybe a kiss on the cheek. :lol:
There's this guy online that's been trying to get me to go out with him for over a year. I've never met him though. I think he originally found me on HBCUconnect but now he's everywhere! Facebook, Myspace, even found my Twitter.

You might want to change up your online usernames so he can't find you everywhere.
Oh haylz naw! Not only does he have the nerve to be 5'3", but he wanna suck on some toes on the first encounter! You need to change your online info, he sounds like a real case.
Back away from ole dude change up your name online if you have to and keep it moving young lady.

Shut this down with a quickness!!!
Awwww.... y'all are so mean! :rolleyes: He just wants some lovin'! I mean, if she doesn't agree to meet him in an isolated warehouse somewhere on the outskirts of town so he can suck her toes, he might get his feelings hurt! :violin: And then he might have to go and shoot up the shoe store to get revenge on all those man ladies who wouldn't let him slurp thier toes! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Don't you know it's your job to go around risking your comfort, safety, and very life, so that no man gets his wittle feewings hurted? :violin: