Flaxseed oil


New Member
Are most of you taking the pills or straight flaxseed oil? How does the straight flaxseed oil taste? And since that kind should be refrigerated in the store, what part of the store do you find it in? I've never seen refrigerated liquid flaxseed oil.
I use both.
The liquid flax seed oil must be kept refrigerated.
You can purchase it from a health food store, GNC or Walmart.
I purchase mine from GNC. The liquid has a strong Grassy taste. So it is best to use the capsules.
I use the liquid on my hair for overnight treatments. It leaves my tightly 4a hair more like a 3c.
I take flaxseed oil in liquid form b/c one would need to take about 14 1,000 mg capsules to get the equivalent of 1 tablespoon of the oil. I first used Barlean's Lignan Flax Oil:


It actually has a pleasant nutty taste. But then I switched to Barlean's regular Flax Oil b/c it was a little cheaper:


The nutty flavor is not as evident. I assume this is b/c it does not contain any flax particulate. It has a much "oilier" taste (sorry, that description probably doesn't help much). If I were to buy Barlean's again, I'd go back to the first one.

But alas, I've decided to simplify my life altogether and go with Spectrum Essentials Ultra EFA for my oils:


It contains a mixture of flaxseed, evening primrose and borage oils and flax particulate w/excellent amounts of essential fatty acids (e.g., ALA, GLA). I had taken the flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil separately, but here I will get it all over with one spoonful. By the way, I've yet to open it b/c I'm trying to finish my Barlean's, so I can't give you a review of its taste.

I found all of my oils at my local Whole Foods market. If you do not have a Whole Foods in your area, you should be able to find them in the refrigerated section of a health food store. Vitamin Shoppe also sells refrigerated oils.

Helpful info on flaxseed oil here:

cary said:
But alas, I've decided to simplify my life altogether and go with Spectrum Essentials Ultra EFA for my oils:


It contains a mixture of flaxseed, evening primrose and borage oils and flax particulate w/excellent amounts of essential fatty acids (e.g., ALA, GLA). I had taken the flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil separately, but here I will get it all over with one spoonful. By the way, I've yet to open it b/c I'm trying to finish my Barlean's, so I can't give you a review of its taste.

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I have the Spectrum Essentials Ultra EFA. I do not know how to describe the taste, not exactly nutty. It took some getting used to, but I like the fact I am getting Omega 3-6-9 all at once.
I thought that you could use flaxseed and/or evening primrose in your hair but never tried it, now I will
I have been sprinkling(sp?) the flax seeds on my food,plus I have been taking the EVO for premenstrual problems.
Today, I bought the oil, I usually take capsules, but the oil is quite expensive, with either I get good results.
Valerie said:
Today, I bought the oil, I usually take capsules, but the oil is quite expensive, with either I get good results.

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The oil is more expensive than the capsules?
I'm currently taking liquid Flaxseed Oil from GNC. I originally started with the pills but when I found out how many I'd need to take that equal one tablespoon of the liquid, I switched. I've gotten used to the taste and I just take it straight. The kind from GNC contains Omega 3,6,9 fatty acids. It's costs about 9 bucks but once I caught it on sale for about 5 bucks. It is not in the refrigerated section of the store but does need to be refrigerated after it is open.
I used to not mind taking the liquid straight ... but now it makes me feel queasy.
Is there anyone who takes the liquid mixed with something? If mixed, has that altered the flax seed oil's effectiveness? TIA!
Nyambura, apple juice masks it best!!

The only type I've tried is Puritan Pride, is it supposed to taste this awful?! I think I'll try a different brand next time..
cary said:
I've recently started mixing it with my Atkins shake.

[/ QUOTE ] Are mixing it in with the 120z canned variety (premixed) or do you make your own from the powder and mix it and add the oil? Does the shake sufficiently mask the flavor and "oily" texture? After you take a sip, if you rubbed your tongue against the roof of your mouth would it feel slimy and oily? Girl I gotta know!
I'd like to try this but not if it's just a extending the "pleasurable" taste and experience of drinking oil.
It's hard to psyche myself up to drink oil sometimes. YUK) Sometimes I squeeze lemon or lime juice as a chaser just to get the oily feel and taste out of my mouth.
Brooke007 said:
cary said:
I've recently started mixing it with my Atkins shake.

[/ QUOTE ] Are mixing it in with the 120z canned variety (premixed) or do you make your own from the powder and mix it and add the oil? Does the shake sufficiently mask the flavor and "oily" texture? After you take a sip, if you rubbed your tongue against the roof of your mouth would it feel slimy and oily? Girl I gotta know!

[/ QUOTE ]

I just squeeze some of the flax oil out of the bottle into the canned shake (can't use the powder mix; it's so
) . The oil actually just sits on top of the shake b/c I'm too lazy to stir (lol) but when I sip the shake, I only taste the oil for a moment. The rest is just my yummy Chocolate Royale. No trace of the oil on the roof of my mouth.
Nyambura said:
I used to not mind taking the liquid straight ... but now it makes me feel queasy.
Is there anyone who takes the liquid mixed with something? If mixed, has that altered the flax seed oil's effectiveness? TIA!

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I know the feeling!!!!! I tried the oil over and over but couldn't tolerate it. I just kept getting nauseous. Now, I grind up flaxseeds in the coffee grinder (approximately 1/4 cup) and blend with OJ, frozen strawberries/blueberries/peaches. Great taste!!!!
I purchased my liquid flaxseed oil at Vitamin Shoppe it was about 10 dollars and lasts for 30 days. It does not have a pleasant taste but I immediately follow it with orange juice to lessen the bitter taste it would leave. You can find it in the back of the store, just ask for assistance.
cary said:
Brooke007 said:
cary said:
I've recently started mixing it with my Atkins shake.

[/ QUOTE ] Are mixing it in with the 120z canned variety (premixed) or do you make your own from the powder and mix it and add the oil? Does the shake sufficiently mask the flavor and "oily" texture? After you take a sip, if you rubbed your tongue against the roof of your mouth would it feel slimy and oily? Girl I gotta know!

[/ QUOTE ]

I just squeeze some of the flax oil out of the bottle into the canned shake (can't use the powder mix; it's so
) . The oil actually just sits on top of the shake b/c I'm too lazy to stir (lol) but when I sip the shake, I only taste the oil for a moment. The rest is just my yummy Chocolate Royale. No trace of the oil on the roof of my mouth.

[/ QUOTE ] Thanks Cary. I can only drink the Chocolate Royale. Strawbery and Vanilla are yuk!
Thank you, Soulchild, Hairlove, Cary and Nebula24! I think I'll start out with the apple juice!

Soulchild ~ I haven't tried Puritan's Pride Flaxseed Oil but I've tried other brands and it's just drinking oil straight makes me wanna ... well, you get the idea.
The brand I'm currently using is Spectrum Essentials.
I used to take my flaxseed oil with my protein shake. I just didn't taste right without it - funnny cause by itself it had that nutty flavor. But you know nutritionists say fat in general makes things taste good. Wonder if that's why? I should start taking it agian. We used to give it to our horses. They had gorgeous, glowing coats, long mane and tail. Guess if it's good for them, good for me!