flawless complexion


New Member
i'm sorry if this has already been posted:look: i know i have too much time on my hands but i found this site that looks pretty interesting. check it out ya'll


here's one of their dandruff topics...maybe some of you might find something interesting tps here:
Dandruff is the single most common problem that can occur to every body.
To have a few white-flaked cells is normal, as it is simply the sloughing off
matured skin cells and waste material through the pores of the scalp.
It is only when this becomes excessive that it has to be considered a problem.
Well-looked after, clean, healthy hair with the proper acid balance does not
have problems with dandruff.

There are two forms of dandruff: oily and dry.

The dry dandruff appears as loose white flakes, and the scalp itches.

The oily dandruff is sticky and yellow in colour, and the scalp with oily
dandruff smells bad. The oily form is found most among adolescents and
adults with an excessively oily skin and scalp.
Common practice is to treat dandruff with anti-dandruff shampoos.
But did you know that you can use simple effective home remedies?
Home remedies may offer complete solutions for controlling dandruff.

One of the best ways to control dandruff is to apply a mixture of vinegar
and water on the scalp. Here's how: Make a mixture of 2 teaspoons of vinegar
and 6 teaspoons of water and apply it on the scalp before you go to bed.
Keep it for the whole night, with a towel around your head.
Rinse your head with vinegar water again in the morning.
Treat your hair with it for 3-4 months.

You can also use a mixture of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 tsp of vinegar.
Massage the scalp with this solution. After the massage, treat your hair
with an egg shampoo.

You can rub a combination of 1 part sulfur powder, 1 part almond oil
and 4 parts rose water or distilled water on your scalp to keep dandruff at bay.

Boil a mixture of 4-5 dried thyme and two cups of water for 10 minutes.
When the mixture cools down, massage it on the scalp & leave it for half an hour.
Wash it afterwards and see the results.

You can also soak ground fenugreek seeds overnight in water and massage
the paste on the head, leaving it for a few minutes.
Wash it afterwards using a mild shampoo.

You can also prepare a homemade mixture of 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
with 100 grams witch hazel in 200ml of water and use it on washed hair.
Apply the mixture several times.

If you wash your hair with warm apple cider vinegar, leaving it for 30-40 minutes
and then rinsing it with plain water, you are sure to control dandruff positively.
You have to continue this process regularly.
And remember: the smell of the vinegar does evaporate!

Try a mixture of olive oil and almond oil. Massage your scalp with the mixture
and leave it for five minutes after you feel the burning sensation. Rinse properly.

The well-known pain killer aspirin, used for relieving aches can serve you
effectively to eliminate the problem of dandruff. Just crush and powder
two aspirin tablets and add it to your shampoo. Leave the mixture on your scalp
for two minutes. Rinse and wash properly to remove the aspirin particles
completely from the scalp.

You can directly use Aloe Vera gel to remove excess dandruff.
Apply the gel on your scalp 10-15 minutes before you plan to wash your hair.
Regular use of the gel before shampooing will keep down the growth of dandruff.

These remedies take time to show a visible change but are effective
for some people. The best point concerning a home remedy is that you have
many options and, if you think that a particular ingredient does not suit you,
you can try an alternative. You should give each remedy at least a week
before trying another.
Girl, I started not to come in this thread because I thought it was about the face not the scalp! Thanks for the info!
Thanks for the info. So are they saying that oily dandruff and dry dandruff are to be treated in the same way?